Giving back what was already your's Part 20

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the boys had finally decided on the flavor of the cake,they went to the restroom to clean up their faces.

"P' i would like to go with your mom so i can talk to her,and you can have that time with my mom,what do you think?"

"that's alright,but how do we tell them? am a bit nervous"

"don't worry P' am sure my mom already told her because i asked her this morning"

"great once we are done I'll call you to meet up,but before that i need some courage"

he pulled kong by his collar closer while looking into his eyes he initiated the kiss which Kong just melted into,before they realized it they had forgotten they were in a public bathroom and had an audience,someone cleared their throat to bring them back down which in turn Just made Arthit blush and bury his face in kong's chest,Kong wasn't fazed he chuckled and led him out to go find their moms.

their mothers were waiting for them, the two joined them and kong was about to ask Athit's mother but his mom beat him to it.

"Arthit son come with me i would like to get some party favors while Kong and your mother go look around"

"Okay mom" Arthit let go of Kong and followed her,Kong and Arthit mother went the opposite direction.

They went into one of the cafe's getting drinks and found chair outside, it was quite and not many people around.

"Son,i just wanted to talk to you and hear how you feel,where you stand in this whole matter,Don't get me wrong i was worried initially but not anymore."

"Mae,i understand actually i wanted to tell you please don't worry about P'Arthit, i promise to be good to him,i will love and cherish him always,i will always take care of him.he will never lack anything if its in my power to give it to him."

"i don't doubt that for a moment son.i know you will and you already are,my son is a lot like me but he is an introvert am sure like his father when it comes to his feelings, he feels deeply,he doesn't voice this, but you will learn to read his actions,i hope he will learn to open up to you too,i want both of you to always be happy,you have my blessing son and my son could never get a better Husband than you,you are meant for each other."

"Thank you Mae, i am grateful to you, meeting P'Arthit is the best thing that ever happened to me,i will protect him with my life.and about him opening up,we both have to learn together,he has opened up to me and we are slowly getting to figure things out."

Kong did not realize what an impact his words had on a mothers heart,now all her worries were gone,she knew her son had found his other half and nothing could make her happier than this.

"i am glad to hear that,i would like to tell you and him both,this relationship is not easy,and as a mother i want both my sons to be happy,so my advice to you is learn from each other and when one stumble's lean on the other,lift each other up,most importantly never let anyone else tell you how to make your marriage work,marriage is a sacred bond between you two,we us your parents will guide you any way we can,but also the two of you will build your home together,learn to be each other's peace and comfort,be each others pillar of strength,be each others safe heaven.that my son will strengthen your marriage more than anything else,i also want you to know i entrust my son to you,he has always been yours long before you knew,now am just giving him back to the one he always belonged to.your marriage has more blessing than you comprehend at the moment,just know that we,your parents will always be there for you."

"Thank you Mae,i will remember this,i am glad to have parents like you,and i promise to keep your advice,you have all taught us by example, P'Arthit and i are very lucky.we will not disappoint you.Mae i know you are worried about us not going public with our relationship at school,i just want to assure you that,we have talked about it and agreed it is best for now and when both of us are ready we will tell our friends,and if at anytime, anything happens i promise i will call you and let you know,i will never let anything bad come in between us.And thank you for giving P'Arthit to me,i will always treasure him."

"i am glad,and son call me not just when you have a problem but always, your my son too,Arthit tends to be too immersed with his school work that i rarely hear from him,so i will count on you to call me okay."

"Of course Mae i will call you"

on the other hand Arthit and kong's mom were also sitting in one of the outdoors cafe having their talk.

"Son,i know Kong already told you we talked, but how are you feeling about this whole thing,now that you have met?"

"Mom,i will be honest,when my parents told me about it i was surprised and worried a bit,but i trust them and i know they always want the best for me,that's why i did not argue and agreed to come,now am glad the moment i saw Kong i knew he was the one,i am glad to be married to him."

"Am sorry you had not known earlier, that's why i made sure to tell my son about the arrangement because it gave him time to come to terms with did not get that,for that we are all sorry."

"Mom please don't say that,it really is okay,because once we met Kong has been nothing but honest with me,and i have learned a lot in the few days we have had,i want you to know i will cherish him,and i will take care of him,he is the most important person to me,he is the one i want to grow old with,i will not say i wont ever hurt him,because we will unintentionally do it, but i can promise to never intentionally hurt him in any way or form."

"Son you both have a long way to go but its clear you have started on the right route,i love you both as my sons,and i want nothing but the best for you two,my advice to you is patience,you will need a lot of it with Kong,he is very strong willed,but also at the same time he feels deeply,he will drive you crazy but that's is because he loves you,i know he might have not said it in so many words,but us a mother i can see it miles away,you took his heart the moment he laid eyes on you,now you will be his priority,and trust me at times that will seem irritating learn to see each others intentions before you get angry,you will worry about each other more than you realize,and if you ever feel like you don't understand him call me,i am his mother and i will help you.i am giving you what was already yours, so am not going to ask you to take care of him because i know i don't need to,Kong has always belong to you,and now we are just giving him back,so love each other,and take care of each other.

"Thank you,i am sure i will take you up on that,i also want to say thank you for giving him to me, i will treasure him,i will do my best by him,make sure he never lacks in anyway,i will be his pillar of support just like he is mine,i know you were a bit worried that we don't want to go public with our relationship,so i want to assure you it is not because we are ashamed or want to hide it,we both feel like it has been a whirlwind of emotions and when the time comes we will tell our friends."

"i understand, we all do,take your time and enjoy your school days,i know its different having to be married this early ,all i ask is make the best of it,you have parents who love you,and two sisters who you will come to love because whether you know it or not those two girls are very overprotective of their brother,and you too because now you are their brother too."

they joked some more and arthit was seeing the similarities between mother and son,Kong had some of her mannerism,now he could understand part of the strong bond the two had.

"Lets go find your mother and my son,am sure you two are eager to leave"

"No Mom,i am glad we had this chance,thank you."

Arthit called Kong to tell him where they were so they could meet up.

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