A token of love Part 35

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(hello dear readers,i know its been a while,am sorry but sometimes life happens,and i was not able to update,but now i will be updating at least once if not twice a week,thank you for all the reads and comments,i appreciate them all.hope you enjoy the rest of the journey us its not yet over)

After the parents were done,the elders of the family started coming up,first it was Arthits great uncle

"my boys when my elder brother on his death bed asked me to give his love the one thing that he cherished,his double edged sword,i was confused i thought he meant his wife,but he corrected me and said it belonged to his one true love,and when he told me who that is,i was more confused,he wanted Kongpob to have this,but the only kongpob i knew had passed,and when i mentioned this,he smiled and told me,just hold on to it,and when my Kongpob comes for me give it to him.i figured he was hallucinating,but i saved it,maybe out of sentiment and also due to curiosity.my P' was different from the rest of us in so many ways,his faith and believe was astounding.his bond with P'kongpob was amazing,but the two were not awarded the happiness they deserved.and when he said his P'Kongpob would be back i honestly did not believe him,But again he proves me wrong even from beyond,i don't know how but am just glad i get the honor to witness this miracle,My children for all your grandparents sacrificed,for all the pain,blood and tears for the two broken hearts,today those hearts are joining together again in you two,it is not just a coincidence that you not only carry their names,but look just like them,you also are an extension of their hearts,and after so long those two are joining in love through you,please make them proud and love twice us much,to bring joy to their souls.my child please accept this gift and pass it to your husband us per our traditions,one gives their partner their most precious possession,and for you this would be this sword from your grandfather."

he handed the sword to Arthit who in turn passed it to kongpob,

"Kong please treasure this gift,us it has waited to be given back to its rightful owner,on behalf of my grandfather i give you this sword,to signify my families acceptance of our bond,and promise nothing but peace between our families from today hence forth."

Kong took the sword and placed it on his side

"P' i promise to take care of it,i will treasure it and pass it to our next generation."

then Kong's uncle who is his fathers older brother come up next.

"my sons i come bearing the token of love from your grandfather and he also wanted this to be given to his true love,it has always been a tradition in our family to give the one you marry,your weapon to signify peace,your grandfather was not a warrior he was gentle and loving,thus instead of a sword like the rest of his brothers he preferred a bow and arrow,this one he made with his hands and asked that it be given to his Arthit when they meet again,there spirit are present with us today,they are here to finally witness their hearts joining in a sacred bond,your marriage is bringing the peace they had longed for,for so long,my son take this and give it to your husband us a token of acceptance and a promise of peace from our family."

he passed the bow and arrow to Kong,if the sword was magnificent then this was a priceless pieces,it had intricate carvings all around it and the arrows had very delicate designs,and if one looked closely they could see the hidden words,Kong decided he was going to inspect them more later,so he passed it to his P'Arthit.

"P'Arthit please accept this as a token of love and peace from my grandfather,me and my family,it has finally come back to its rightful owner,i give this to you with the promise of nothing but peace and love from today hence forth."

Arthit accepted it and placed it to the side,now the rest of the families were also coming up and either giving them advice or presenting something that was passed to them.they were also slowly realizing the magnitude of their bond,how much it meant to their families,how the elders thanked them,it was becoming a bit over whelming.the two had not realize how important their marriage was to this two families,and as the day progressed it was becoming clear to them.

but what the two were now waiting for was the uncle from the store they had gone to.Arthit whispered to Kong asking if the uncle had come.Kong told him he was not sure since he had not looked around for most of the morning his eyes had been focused on his P'Arthit.he still could not believe they were married.the uncle who had officiated the wedding took over and getting everyone's attention told them.

"we will now proceed to the reception hall,where food will be served and the grooms will be presented with the reason for their marriage,our children do not understand the significance of this marriage,and as the elders of the families we all have the duty to tell them the reasons,we were lucky that our young grooms are very filial sons and did not question or refuse their parents request,for that we are grateful,and so it is our duty us their elders to explain to our children what all this means,their are also items that were left for you two by your grandparents and today we will have the honor to finally pass them over,so i ask that everyone moves into the reception hall where we will proceed,the grooms will join us shortly."

Arthit and Kong looked at each other and were both happy but also dreading all they would find out,P'Leo and P'Mark come to them and escorted them inside the house.

"you two can rest for an hour and we will come back to get you once everyone is settled at the reception hall okay,now just change to the clothes we laid out for you earlier and relax." P'Leo told them.

"just relax and rest am sure the rest of the day is going to be long for the two of you,you wont get a moment alone again till later tonight when you both leave the hall." P'mark said

the two agreed,when P'Leo and P'Mark left they turned to each other and us if their was a magnet pulling them together,they hugged,holding each other and breathing each others scent in.then Arthit who had buried his face in Kong's chest looked up with a smile

"Kong,i cant believe we are really married."

"P' me either but i am also so happy,you are finally my husband and just so you know am never letting you go,I love you P'arthit."

"I love you too"

Kong held Arthit face in his hands and the two met in a kiss,it was different in that it was not hurried or hesitant it felt like they just melted into each other and drank ease other in,they moved slowly to the couch without breaking the kiss,Kong sat down and brought Arthit to sit on his lap,Arthit just straddled him and they kept kissing until they needed to breath,Arthit went back to snuggle into Kong's chest,and they just sat like that enjoying their few minutes of peace,they had the rest of their life to talk,but at this moment they just needed to hold each other and gain strength from being together.

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