Cake's and suits Part 19

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Arthit woke up wrapped around Kong again this morning,he did not want to move but realize the other was awake. stretching himself he looked up at a smiling Kong who leaned down and kissed him.

"Good-morning,how long have you been awake?"

"good-morning, P' i woke up hours ago,i had coffee with my mom then come back up to wake you but you were so adorable so i let you sleep."

"thank you,aren't the rest up for breakfast,did you let me oversleep?"

"no P' no one was up yet,i guess they all had a late night, even my mom looked a bit tired this morning so you are okay don't worry,here sit up i have your tea"

Arthit saw the tray with the tea pot some fruits and a rose,his morning was starting right,he blushed ,sitting up Kong place the tray on his lap and poured him a cup of tea handing it over to him but he kept the tray and started feeding him the fruit.

"P' my mom asked if we can go with them today,she said we need to go decide on a cake because they can't,also we need to go try our suits."

"That's perfect,it works out since we also wanted to talk to them,but why are they making us choose the cake, i thought they had told us everything was ready."

"Mom says they changed their mind and want us to pick the flavor because it will be more special that way,and for the suits they are ready we only need to try them on in case they need adjusting."

"alright let me go shower and get ready then" Arthit made a move to get up but was held back,he turned to ask the other why and was met with Kong's lips,he forgot what he was about to do and just melted into the others was like Kong was trying to drink him in or something, he explored every inch of his mouth,and even when he let go he kept raining kisses all over his face and neck.when Arthit was finally able to form a coherent thought he pushed up

"Kong as much as i don't want to move, we need to get going or our moms will be coming here to pull us out."

"Okay P' but i needed that to start my day right ,now go get your clothes i will get a bath ready for you."

they moved off the bed together Arthit heading to the closet while Kong went to the bathroom to prepare him a  bath.Arthit decided on  jeans and a T-shirt without realizing it he was making sure his out fit and Kong's would look good together.Kong come out to let him know his bath was ready.

"P' your bath is ready, go on unless you want me to come wash your back and hair"

he winked and enjoyed seeing the blush spread from Arthits cheeks and disappear down his neck.Arthit passed by him to run to the bathroom but Kong stopped him kissing him again, he let him go and walked out the room laughing.

when they finally came down for breakfast everyone was already at the table,which made Arthit blush knowing why they were the last ones again,they greeted their family and like before Kong filled his plate with food for him,while Kong was doing that Arthit poured him a cup of coffee and stirred in some cream and sugar the way he realized Kong one commented on how the two acted but every one was paying attention.without knowing it Arthit had won over Kong's entire family,every single one of them was so touched by his actions,he did not talk much but how he acted around Kong told them all he was a man in love,their Kong had found his one true love.

in the mid's of all the chattering Arthit's mother spoke up,

"Son's i hope you don't have other plan's this morning,we would like you to go with us to try your suits and cake tasting today."

"No Mae we don't have other plan's,we will go with you." even though him and Kong had already talked about it earlier he still looked at him for confirmation.

"wow you two already communicate through just looks!" Anne who was watching them chipped inn.

"Kong when you two are done with mom,me and Tina would like to take you to dinner tonight,how about sparing some time for your lovely sisters?"

again before he answered his sister he looked at Arthit who just smiled at him,meaning he was okay with it,he had actually expected it.

"sounds good,we will be back once we are done then and go from here unless you want us to meet you somewhere?"

"we are going shopping mom gave us a long list,so it will be okay to leave from here together."

they finished up breakfast and everyone was off to their assigned destinations for the time being.

the first place the mothers took them was to try their suits but they insisted they do it separately since apparently it was bad luck to see each other in them before the ceremony,they both tried to argue but you can't win over two women who happened to be your they just shut up and did us they were told.once this was done come the hard part trying the cake.

"P' please pick whatever you like,i don't mind at all."

"No Kong this is for both of us so lets pick one we both like okay,its not just about me its about us."

"but P' i don't have a preference really."

"And that's why we have to taste them until we find the one we both like."

at this point their mothers were just rolling their eyes,and the sales guy was enjoying himself,he was looking forward to serving the two it would be a fun experience for him,though he knew it would be a long one.he decided to help out

"How about you two fine gentlemen have a sit and i will bring you different flavors and we start from their?"

"thank you that sounds okay."

when the cakes arrived the mothers were already arguing about the style and size and the two were glad all they had to do was taste.

"Kong open up,try this one"

and this started them feeding each other and trying to wipe the other face with it,their laughter made the moms look at them.

"boys your supposed to be tasting them not play with them" kong's mother said

"but where is the fun in that?"

"oh for heavens sake continue." arthits mother interjected,then she leaned closer to Kong's mother whispering

"We did good,i was worried for nothing i can see the happiness in their eyes."

"Of course dear,it was clear from the first time that the two took to each other,its funny,when you look at them do you see something familiar.?"

"Oh God yes,i thought i was the only one seeing it and at times i feel like i am imagining it."

"i have been observing them and they is no denying  it."

"we have to pray for them dear, i don't want them to loose this happiness,i don't ever want to see them heartbroken,"

"I think once they know everything,they will understand better there connection,and will fight hard to never be separated."

"from what their fathers told us,i think we don't have to worry,they are building a bond that will be legendary."

"Do you think once they go back to school it will be the same for them,i mean they don't want to go public yet,how is that going to affect them,might there be others trying to get them?"

"I don't think we need to worry,they are both very loyal and strong,let them work it out on there own,since this is the first relationship for them,they will need to learn to trust each other."

the mothers looked fondly at their sons,happy for them and praying for their happiness.that was all every mother wanted for the child and in each other their son's had found it.

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