Even when we are grey and wrinkly Part 18

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Arthit and Kong went back to home after there adventure at the open market,they were both tired and decided to have a quite evening at home and lucky for them when they got home,the house keeper told them their parents had gone out and Kong's sisters went to a friends baby shower.she asked them what they wanted for dinner,Kong told her to just leave them a light dinner and snacks then take off for the evening.she happily agreed.

"p' are you okay with a light dinner or is there anything specific you would prefer?"

"No am alright with it,am still full from the lunch we had,but i need to go change into something light,it's  warm today."

"Go ahead P' i will be up shortly"

Arthit left to go upstairs to change while Kong went into the kitchen,he prepared some fruits and taking an ice bucket with two wine glasses he went to their wine cellar and pulled a bottle,even though he wasn't much of a wine drinker but ever once in a while it was okay.After he had the tray prepared he took it out back to the garden setting it up,he smiled remembering this is the place he first talked to his P'Arthit .it was one of his favorite places at the villa but now it held a special place for them both.he stopped day dreaming and went back in to look for his P' and also change into something light too.

After they had left the old man was still reeling from the encounter,for the life of him he could not believe he finally met them again.when the boxes and the parcel were left with him,he thought the two young men who left them were just dreamers,telling him it will be collected when the time comes,he did not believe it but his wife rest her soul,wholeheartedly believe in them,she held stead fast to that belief but unfortunately had passed before she could witness this miracle.he was sure she was smiling down now and would be telling him, "i told you it will happen".

he went to the safe to make sure the rest of the parcel was still intact, and it was. getting it and the rest together he put them in a leather bag ready to be given to the two. now all he had do do was wait.

Kong found Arthit wearing a pink T-shirt and tan shorts he looked adorable,he did not hesitate to tell him so,

"P' you look so adorable,i just want to pinch your cheeks."

"get away from me am not adorable, and stop pinching my cheeks."

moving away Kong pulled him back into an embrace he just wanted to hold him,feel his heart beat for a moment.Arthit after trying to escape just gave in and wrapped his arms on Kongs shoulders running his hands on the back of his head,Kong leaned down and the kiss was so gentle,just a slow exploration they was no rush at all, a few heart beats later,kong let go and went to go change.

"P' lets go to the garden out back,the breeze their is nice,we can just sit back and relax."

"that sounds great,lets"

when Arthit saw the tray and the wine he looked at Kong ,

"you are really spoiling me,i am setting my standards high now" he laughed

"P' i want to always spoil you and for the rest of our days i will try my best to make each day special ."

"but you already do that Kong, just being here with you,that's special enough"

"P' i know everyone says the beginning of a relationship is the best part,but i would like to say,even when it gets hard or i irritate you,make you angry,at the end of the day i will also make sure we never go to sleep even for a single night angry at each other."

"Kong that's true,and we will disagree,we will argue and fight,we both have strong personalities,would you please make a promise to me that no matter what,we will talk to each other and solve the problem, i will admit i am hot headed and get irritated easily,but i also promise to always talk to you before making any conclusions."

"I promise P',same goes for me,don't ever feel like you can't talk to me whether you think i will like that conversation or not lets give each other the chance to decide that together,and no jumping to conclusions alone."

they sat back enjoying their evening and teasing each other but also learning a bit more about the other.

Kong went back to the kitchen for their dinner he did not hear Arthit walking in behind him,he was reaching up to the cabinet to pull out some plates when he felt Arthit wrap his hands from behind him,he stopped and let him just rest his head on his back.

"Kong let me stay like this for a minute please"

Kong just put his hands over the ones around his stomach and stayed there for a while unit Arthit spoke again.

"You know how you were saying this does not feel real sometimes, when you walked  away i couldn't help it,i just wanted to feel you,just hold you for a moment."

Kong turned around then,cupping Arthit's face in his hands he looked him straight in the eyes

"P' i completely understand,but now that i have you just know that nothing will take me away from you,and even when we both are grey and wrinkly i will still see the beautiful man i met the first day i saw you."

At the baby shower Anne met one of her junior friends who had a crush on her brother forever,Anne felt a bit bad for her Kong had never been interested and now he would not even give her a second look.she could see her brother was for the first time in his life so taken by Arthit ,she saw how his face lights up when he looked at him.but she was glad his feelings were returned because Arthit seemed to be just as taken by Kong.she figured her friend knew all along she had no chance so she did not feel as bad,even though she always had hope now Anne had to some how tell her to just give up, she was not going to stand anyone trying to compete with Arthit,in the short time she had seen him with her brother she knew she would protect the two even from her friends.she needed to talk to her sister, Tina was always very insightful when it came to things like this.for now she would just go enjoy the party.

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