butterflies in my stomach whenever you walk in Part 30

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by the time they had greeted and met most of the people lunch had already been eaten and the families were just enjoying the afternoon,and everyone had moved inside or to the front of the villa which had seats and benches set around for them to sit and talk.the back yard was being prepared for the ceremony already and the team that was hired to decorate had arrives and was setting up.Kong who at the time was talking to his sisters decided he had spend a while without his P'arthit so he took a drink for him and went looking ,he found him talking to some of their aunts and uncles who were together. greeting them he handed Arthit the drink who thanked him by just giving him a look.

Kong joined the conversation and answered the questions asked he was currently talking to one of Arthits uncles when he felt Arthit tug on his arm,he looked at him and immediately understood the gesture,he immediately made an excuse and took Arthit with him.

they left but could not find a quite place so they went back into the house and went to their room.

"Thanks Kong,i just needed a few minutes to get away from everyone,"

kong pulled him down and they sat on the sofa hugging each other,

"I know P' i was feeling it too,all the questions and stuff was getting to me,don't get me wrong i appreciate our families and am glad i got to meet your family too,but P' i can only handle so many questions,and some of our family members have no boundaries and the things they ask."

Arthit laughed at that because it was true,some of the questions they were asked were out right invasive.

"even though some of them were funny,but you right i could not believe the things they asked."

"P' lets just hide in here for a bit,i really need a break,so how are you honestly feeling, have my family scared you away from me yet?"

"Kong you know that's not going to happen,as outrageous as some of them were,no one can change how i feel about you,plus you also have to put up with my crazy family,or have they scared you?"

"No P' you are stuck with me for forever and a day,in this life time and any other life time i want to always be with you,i will not ever leave you, so get used to it."

"your crazy,but i like it,and you are stuck with me too,so we might as well go ahead and get used to each others crazy family because starting tomorrow,you and i will become us and they all will be our family."

"P' i cant wait for tomorrow,i am nervous but more than anything i am very excited too,i cant wait to be married to you i know it doesn't make a big difference to most people but for me it does,"

"Kong i feel the same way, and i understand what you mean,being married compared to just be dating is different,i know you heard what my aunt said earlier but Kong i want you to remember this is our marriage what we make out of it is up to us,so when she said that all the love and excitement would die after the honeymoon,maybe that was how it was for her but that's not how we will be,i will not ever get tired of you and i doubt i will get to a day where i wont feel butterflies in my stomach whenever you walk in."

"P' i am not worried about that, and i know what we have between us is magical,and even though your aunts words hit me by surprise i also know that is not true.and your right our marriage is what we make of it,i also don't think i will ever not desire you,i can honestly say P' if it is not you then it is no one,because for me your it.your my other half so how can i be complete without you?"

"i hope we never have to find out" he snuggled into Kong's chest just relaxing and enjoying their few minutes of stolen time.they moved together adjusting and started kissing pouring all the unsaid words into the kiss,the love each felt for the other but was not ready to voice it out yet,at the moment they were content with just that.they each could feel the others love in the kiss,drawing strength from each other to get them through the rest of the evening with the families.

finally Arthit broke the silence

"Kong so do you know any of tomorrows plans?"

"No P' my mom hasn't told me anything yet i think they want it all to be a surprise to us,but we can go look for my sisters and ask."

"its okay they will tell us when they are ready,i know we have to go down soon and meet everyone else that has arrived,but can we stay like this for a while longer?"

"Of course we can,am sure they wont look for us yet,since every one is busy talking."

they stayed cuddled up on the sofa,on the other hand their mothers were in the kitchen gossiping with the rest of the older women.Kong's sister were with two of Arthits older cousins talking to them,they were laughing about each others stories of their wedding days.

Tina told them how at the last minute she wanted to run away because she got scared and decided she was not ready for it,and how her Dad had talked her out of it,calming her down and reminding her when she had introduced her husband to them and how strong she had been to stand her ground.

Arthits cousin told them she was so nervous that her brides maid slipped her some wine before she had to walk down the isle,and instead of the wine coming her down she got terrified of being drunk on her own wedding forgetting that one glass could not make her drunk. they all laughed about it.

"N'Tina do you think between N'Kongpob or N'Arthit which one will be more nervous tomorrow?" Arthits cousin asked

"i also am not sure,but i think it will be N'Arthit he is very shy and doesn't like to be the center of attention while Kong doesn't seem to mind it much."

"true well i can't wait to see the wedding tomorrow."

the girls continued talking while having drinks dinner was being set out by the caterers at the front of the house buffet style so people could eat and enjoy the conversation they were having.

Kong moved to adjust their position but was still not ready to move so he asked

"P' do you want to head back outside,we can go join the rest for dinner"

"i know we need to go but am too comfortable right now"

"how about after dinner we can come back and i will bring you desert here."

"if you put it that way then okay lets go." but before he got up Kong pulled him into a kiss.they got up and went out to join the rest for dinner.

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