Wedding Day(part 1) Part 33

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The whole back yard had been transformed,their were flower's everywhere sunflowers were the centerpiece,this was one of kongs request to his mother.relatives had arrived everyone who walked in was amazed by the transformation that put it simply it was breath taking,the mothers had outdone themselves even the smallest detail was perfect.mother nature was smiling on them too,the sun was shinning but their was a calming breeze it seemed the day was a blessed one.people started taking their seats anticipating the big moment.

finally everything was ready everyone was in place and it was time to start.Kong was ready and getting last minute jitters his sisters and a couple of his male cousins were with him,trying to make sure he keeps breathing,it didn't help that they were finding him amusing and kept laughing at him.

Arthit was with His P'Leo and P'Mark and a few other cousins surprisingly he was calm,Leo even questioned his calmness

"Why are you so calm,i remember when i was getting married i was so nervous i was shaking"

"P'Leo am not nervous because their is nothing for me to be worried about,i am about to marry my soulmate and he i a great person i am actually anxious to hurry along and make sure i never give him a chance to back out"

"N'Arthit the way Kong looks at you its like you hang the moon and the stars on the sky,there is no freaking way he will back out."mark said

finally his dad come and told them it was time, and they should all head out,the plan was his cousin and Leo and mark who decided they were going to walk him out.he would come out of the right side and Kong was coming from the left they would meet up and walk forward together to the dais that was set at the front.Leo looked him over one more time to make sure he looked perfect,Arthit was wearing a light blue suit,white shirt his Tie was red Leo questioned that but was told it had a meaning ,it would match Kongs.Kong would be dressed in a gray suit Light blue shirt to match Arthits outfit and a red tie,they had decided they did not want to wear matching outfits,but would match something to the others outfit and they both would wear red ties.everyone was ready and it was time to head out.

Arthit's dad come forward and held out his hand for his son his mom took his other side and the cousins led the way,the music had change to indicated the two were coming and everyone stood up to see them,they walked slowly and the cousins kept going Arthit could not see Kong yet even though he knew he was walking towards him,his heart was beating frantically he couldn't wait to see him.Kong's parents were with him just like Arthit his sisters and cousin walked in front of him and he couldn't see Arthit yet finally his sisters turned to walk up the aisle and he saw his P'Arthit he was breath taking he had heard people say they heart skipped a bit and for the first time he felt it,he walked like he was in a trace and when he stopped in front of Arthit he honestly doesn't remember what was said,next thing he knew he was taking Arthit's hand and they were walking to the dais at the front.

they knelt at the dais and Kong's uncle started the ceremony.

he started with a prayer and then talking to the two

"Today marks a momentous moment in the life of two families that had been torn apart a long time ago,today you two are not only joining each others life a but are bringing together two families that have not been in the same room for more than seven decades.your marriage is bringing peace and understanding,its bringing a cleansing and an end to the pain that was brought to this two families by the hate that come from both sides, a misunderstanding that brought with it blood shed,tears and tore a part two young men who loved each other but were not allowed to for the differences that could have been overcome by simply putting aside the differences but that was not meant to you two are joining each other committing to each other,promising to love and cherish each other,your bond is blessed and has been prayed for,by so many before you and here today we fulfill a promise that was made by the two great men who sacrificed their own heart and put hate aside,you are finally giving peace to them,i am sure they are here in spirit to witness this miracle,they wanted nothing but love and peace with their descendants,your grandfathers are smiling upon you two today and with this i take the honor to join you two in a sacred bond, a marriage is made of love understanding and the ability to selflessly give your self to the other,now i ask you would you like to tell each other anything before i proceed?"

kongpob looked at his P' and decided it was time

"P'Arthit from the moment i was told i was going to be married to a person i did not know, i had hope and prayed i would find it in my heart to accept them,when i first met you, i thanked my grandfather for at least giving me a beautiful person,but us i got to know you i realized your beauty run deeper,you have a pure soul,and a loving heart,i have yet to tell you this so today i want you to know i fell in love with you the moment i met you and every second after i fell deeper,i will love you and take care of you, i promise to always be the one you will lean on, the one who will walk beside you i will forsake all others to be the man who will always put a smile on your face P'Arthit i love you and will forever love you."

everyone was wiping their tears all through Kongs vows,Kong himself had tears and Arthit too,Arthit reached up and wiped Kongs tear which made everyone laugh and cry since he was also shedding tears,kong leaned over and wiped Arthits tears too.

"Kong even though i did not know about this arrangement till recently and i was skeptical and terrified at first, when i first met you my heart bloomed and welcomed you without even my brain realizing, i fell so deeply in love and i keep falling, every moment i spend with you is so beautiful i sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure i am not dreaming and i would wake up to find you had been a figment of my imagination,but luckily you were still there to remind me that this was real,i am so grateful to our grandfathers because they gave me my soulmate,the one that completes me,you are my other half,what i lack you complete me,i promise to be the one who will always be there for you,i will love you and take care of you till my last breath i pray to God that in every life time he will grant me the wish to be with you,sorry Kong but now that i have found you i plan to keep you till the end of time,I love you very much and will till my last breath."

through his vows he had tried holding his tears but they would not stop,Kong kept wiping his eyes for him and at the end he whispered to him that he loved him just us much.

(i had to split this chapter in two it got too long, Don't worry my dear readers i will post the next part shortly)

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