Lets start living Part 41

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(thank you to all the readers who have been waiting for an update, thank you for the messages, i appreciate them.am back now hopefully i wont take such a long break again.please enjoy and let me know how you like it. lots of love and hugs)

Kong was looking around the hotel room making sure everything was all parked ad they were not forgetting anything.he kept smiling at his husband who looked like a chicken with his head cut off, by how he kept moving from place to place picking up their stuff making sure everything was parked.to Kong it was a hilarious scene but he could not laugh, he had seen his P'Arthit irritated but not angry but he knew it would not be pretty, so for his own good he avoided it.

the week they had in Paris was spent not only exploring the city but also each other, in both sense of the word it was not only physical but also emotionally, they both had opened up much more to each other. Kong felt like he had a better understanding of the person his husband was and vise versa.he knew there was still so much more to discover,which was okay they had a lifetime for that.

Arthit turned to look at his husband who seemed to be in deep thought with a smile on his face he wondered what could be bringing that smile, well no better way to find out than ask right?

"Babe why are you staring into space smiling?"

Kong looked at him now with a full blown smile the one that reaches your eyes,

"Oh.. i was not smiling into space, you were just too cute ,while running around, that's what i was smiling at."

"hey! are you making fun of me now?"

"no love i would not dare,so are we all parked up,i think our ride will be ready in about half an hour."

"yes everything is parked i checked,i will miss this place, this week was fun, and don't you dare say what you are about to say, i meant the sites we explored, the food and basically the city in general."

"first of all i was not going to say it but now that you brought it up, i did thoroughly enjoy the time we spent in this room, i got to see all your beautiful sides, and i also learned a lot about you, and i don't mean only the sexual aspect but P' i honestly learned a lot more about the person you are and your personality too, well and the sexual part too"

Kong knew he was asking for it when arthit walked up to smack him upside the head, he was teasing and loved to see how flustered his husband got, it was funny to him how Arthit was so shy talking about their sexual activities, but when he was in the heat of the moment he completely let loose.he grabbed arthit's hand and pulled him to his chest, and like instinct, Arthit put his hand on Kong's shoulders, they stared into each others eyes, and like a slow motion movie leaned down and they lips connected, the kiss started off just as a brush of lips but the Kong sucked on Arthits lower lip which prompted him to gasp, allowing Kong to deepen the kiss, they leisurely kissed for a few heart beats till the need for air had them pull apart, they rested there foreheads together,and just stared into each others eyes.

"P' if i haven't said it today, i want you to know that i love you, and am very glad you are my husband"

Arthit flashed at his corny husband but responded in kind

"I love you too,and i know we will be busy the minute we land back home and with school starting, but i want you to always keep in mind that no matter how busy i get, i will come home to you at the end of the day,"

"same goes for you Love, and i know you said their are a few things i will find out about you once we go back to school, just know that nothing will change how i feel about you, whatever it is you feel that you can't tell me yet, its okay and i will understand when the time comes."

"Just remember its not anything bad at all, but i feel like its better this way, and since i haven't yet told my friends about us, i would rather you see it for yourself."

"Okay love, now lets go downstairs and meet our ride"

they kissed one more time and then gathered their luggage, their was a knock on the door, Kong answered and it was one of the bell boys who come to collect their luggage for them. Kong let him take them and the two did a once over in the room to make sure they didn't leave anything and walked out hand in had to head to the airport. their honeymoon was over, but their journey was just beginning and they both were looking forward to it.

They made it to the airport and checked in, they went into the lounge to wait for their boarding time, getting some snack they sat together, and were finding it funny how the other passengers kept looking at them and smiling.

"Babe why are people smiling at us? do we look funny or something?"

"No love they can see our love and are probably assuming we are a couple maybe they think you are my boyfriend ."

Arthit pushed him on the arm but still leaned on his arm even though he kept denying that he looked like he was in love, at this moment he did not care, he was savoring all of Kong, knowing that the moment they land back home they will again be surrounded by family and would probably not have much alone time. this time they were going to Arthits home town, for a few days, they would head to school from their. Kong's parents promised to come visit them in the city whenever they had to attend any meeting around there, which Kong had told Arthit that it happened more often and to expect his parent popping up on them every so often.

once they were seated on the plane,they got comfortable with Arthit pretty much curling himself to Kong side, which he fit into perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle.

"P' am gonna miss our honeymoon, you were very affectionate, even in public, i know its because we were in the city of love,like you kept reminding me,but how am i going to get used to not holding your hand or kissing you anywhere whenever i want to."

Grumbling under his breath all flashed again, Arthit wondered if he will eventually get used to his husbands bluntness.

"I know i will miss it too, but babe that's why its called a honeymoon, but anyways who says we cant have more honeymoons, we can always come back whenever we want right?"

"Yes love, we can,but all am saying is, it will be hard to keep my hands off of you since we will be keeping our relationship a secret to your friends."

"i promise it wont be for long, i honestly am also wondering how that will be, they know me too well, and am sure they will know something is up the minute they see me."

"Love how about your wedding ring won't that be a dead give away?"

" probably but i don't ever plan on taking it off, after everything i have learned from our grandfathers, i am honored to wear this ring, and you put it on me on our wedding day, there is nothing worth more to me than that, so am okay with the questions, i might avoid telling them the truth and hope they don't see right through me."

"Love i understand and, i will too if you take it off, i will always be there to put it back, if it will make it easier for you, i wont mind much."

"No, i will keep it on, and thanks babe, am actually excited to see those morons again, don't tell them i called them that."

Kong laughed, they chatted more about what to expect once they started living in reality with a big secret around a close group of friends.eventually giving up Arthit dosed off wrapped around his husband who followed him shortly after into dream land.

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