wedding day(part 2) Part 34

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their uncle continued,"i think that made it clear,this bond is made with love now i ask you Kongpob Suthiluck do you take ArthitRojnapat to be your life partner to fulfilling all his wishes to love him through time and forsaking all others for him?"

"i do"

"Do you Arthit Rojnapat take Kongpob to be your life partner fulfilling all his wishes to love him through time and forsaking all others for him?"

"i do"

"i then join you to in the sacred bond of marriage,your rings are special and with them you will wear the proof of your bond,may i have the rings please?" he looked at their respective fathers who stood up and each brought out a red velvet box,Kong's dad opened the box he held and passed it to the uncle but turned to his son

"Son that ring has been in this box waiting fr a very long time,your grandfather passed it to me and asked that you give it to Arthit on this day,i am so happy to be able to finally pass it along,by doing this i have fulfilled one of the promises i made to my father,your grandfather,thank you son,you have made me proud,please cherish each other and do your grandparents proud."

the uncle took the ring prayed on it and passed it back to Kong,he took it and held it out to Arthit waiting for him to hold out his hand,taking his left hand he slid the ring and to everyone surprise it fit perfectly like it was made for him.while putting the ring on Arthit kong said,

"with this ring,i bind myself to you and just like this ring is a circle symbolize an endless infinite so is my love for you."

Arthit dad then opened his box and turned to his son.

"Son i have also waited a long time to pass this along,your grandfather knew this day would come,he wanted you to give this Ring to Kongpob,he had faith that it will happen,son you have made me proud and today you have brought peace and love back to our families,i am very proud to have raised such a beautiful soul like your husband said, please love and cherish each other."

he the handed the ring to the uncle who repeated the prayer and passed it back to Arthit,he looked at it and something caught his eyes on the inside was an engraving he could not see it clearly through his tears but was able to make out the sun,he proceeded to take Kongs hand and place it on his ring finger whispering that he loves him.

"with this ring i bind myself to you,and i promise to love you to infinity and beyond,my love for you will be as endless as the circle of this ring."

once they exchanged the rings the uncle the proceeded,

"Now that you have exchanged the rings and tied your bond,as the tradition of our families,we will now proceed to the next part,your families will come forward and tie the symbol of this bond to your wrist blessing this union,i ask that you both move forward sit and face your families.

Kong stood up from his kneeling position and held his hand out to help his P'Arthit up as well,when they stood up they faced each other and Kong who could not wait any longer pulled the other into a bone crushing hug,they held each other for a few minutes and then kong pulled back he held Arthits face wiping the tears and leaned down o kiss him.

"P' i love you very much,so no more tears i don't ever want to see you cry"

"Kong they are tears of joy am very happy right now, and i love you too"

their cousins started cat calling and telling them to wait till later and get a room,but most of them were over joyed.the two moved forward and sat down they were asked to hold hands,Kong took arthits left hand intertwining their fingers ,Kongs parents were the first ones to come forward.

they had with them golden strings Kong's father took their joined hands and looped the golden string around them

"Sons this Golden string symbolizes,prosperity and wealth not in a material sense but in a spiritual sense may your marriage be the most blessed union may you prosper in every aspect of your lives,have patience and treat each other with kindness,love each other harder when life throws curves at you,when you feel low or are in pain emotionally or physically remember it is not yours alone but both of you share it equally,and you are blessed with a family that loves you very much,my sons today you have not only gained the love of each other but as your parents too. we will till our last day be your biggest supporters,i tie this string on your wrist blessing the union of my sons, i love you both."

then it was Kongs mothers turn, for a person who was so strong today her tears could not stop, her baby was no longer her baby but someones husband,but she was over joyed for him too

"Sons this golden string symbolizes generosity and fertility,may your bond be blessed with the joy that comes with ones children,may you be granted with the patience to bear all the hardships you shall face,face them together,when you cry remember to laugh just as hard,when you are in pain share it with each other,love each other with every breath,your union was blessed even before you had been born,and remember every hardship that you face will pass,your grandfathers already fought the war for your love now all you two have left is make them proud and love just as hard as they had cried for this love,today i did not lose a son but gained another and for that i am blessed i tie this string blessing the union of my sons,i love you both very much"

Then Arthits parent come next,starting with Arthits dad

"My sons this golden string symbolizes strength and perseverance,your love story was born before you did, i never believed in destiny but today proves otherwise,may your bond be blessed with the strength to overcome any and all hardship that comes your way,may your love be one of a legends that your grandchildren will be telling tales about,may your love be an inspiration to generations to come,your journey started long ago the seed of your love was planted a lifetime before,it was not given the chance to grow,it was turned to pain and was destroyed,but your hearts never gave up and today finally two hearts that have been searching for each other through a lifetime have finally been joined,your love was destined to be,you are soulmates in every sense of the word,today i am honored to witness this two hearts finally find their peace,i tie this golden string blessing this union of the soulmates who i am lucky to call my sons.i love you both very much,"

when he was done their was no dry eye left in the room,even the photographers and the caterers were crying,then Arthits mother come forward

"My beautiful sons this golden string symbolizes peace and harmony,may you find a love that is peaceful may you find harmony in each other,be able to balance each other,find strength in what others might see as a weakness,build a life that will grant you peace in all aspects of your life,your love already endured all the fight and war,your grandfathers shed their tears and blood for it,your hearts roamed looking for this peace,and today with this union those two hearts have found each other, you have already united the two families and have brought forgiveness to all,may you always find it easy to forgive not only each other but all that cross your path,always remember to forgive all that wrong you, in that you will find your peace,above all love each other with every fiber of your being,be each others shoulder to lean on,take care of each other,may your union be full of nothing but love and blessing,i tie this golden string blessing this union of the two hearts that finally found their peace,i am honored to call you my sons i love you both very much,thank you for bringing peace to our families."

she kissed them both on the cheek and then moved over to go sit while the rest of the family started coming up starting with the older one.

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