I will never be able to sleep alone again Part 31

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All through the villa the wedding party had started food and drinks were flowing around and everyone was in high spirits.even though the ceremony itself was the next morning the families had started early.laughter was flowing as they shared tales of their lives.two families had finally come together after such a long time.the only ones who remembered the olden days when the two families lived next to each other and things were good told the stories to the younger members.other than Kong and Arthits parents the only other family members who knew of this were a few older aunts and uncles.which made the younger ones curious and thus the night went on with inquiries and tales passing around.

Kong and Arthit's mother went to the kitchen to check on the progress and have a minute to talk.

"dear have you seen our boys this evening?" asked Kong's mother

"Now that you mentioned it last i saw them they had been heading outside to meet the family,i wonder how they are feeling."

"Am sure they are nervous and maybe a bit scared even though we both know they will hold up a brave front."

"exactly, i told them every couple get scared on their wedding day,but you know what they told me, that they were not,huh i cant wait to see how that turns out tomorrow."

"Oh dear i cant believe my baby is going to be married,it feels so surreal."

"tell me about it,but i am so grateful my Arthit will be with Kong,those two are really meant to be.lets both take consultation in this because we would have been devastated if the two did not like each other."

"Do you sometimes get the feeling that there grandparents knew this is how it was going to be."

"i think they knew about it,and i also feel like they are here with them guiding them somewhat,i cant wait for tomorrow though i feel like finally we will have fulfilled their promise and they can rest now."

"am with you on that one,well lets head out and attend the guests,and see if we can find our sons we need to make sure they get some rest tonight,they will have a long and busy day tomorrow,and from the looks of it this party will go on for most of the night."

the moms went to check on the guest and finally spotted their sons with a group of there cousins.Kong's mother called out to him and he come with Arthit who after the two had come down from their room,had lopped his hand on Kong's arm and never left his side.

they greeted their mothers and were asked to sit down and join them

"Have you two eaten anything yet,i haven't seen the both of you most day" Arthits mother asked them

"Yes Mae we did, we joined P'Leo and p'Mark earlier."

"that's good,we know you want to join you cousins and have fun but can you two get some rest early,we have a long day ahead tomorrow and you will meet everyone again at the ceremony so don't worry if their are relatives you haven't seen yet."

"that fine Ma,we were going to leave shortly,we just got caught up talking."

"Exactly why we wanted you to get some rest,tomorrow more of our families will have arrived and you both need to be up early,so go get some rest while you have the chance." Arthits mother told them.

"Kong on your way back i left something for you two in the fridge,take it with you and enjoy yourselves."

"Thanks Ma."

they bid their mothers good night and headed back inside the house Kong saw his father in the living room and the two stopped to greet him.

"Son's how has your day been,have you enjoyed spending time with you relatives?"

"Yes dad,some better than others,but its really nice of every one to come celebrate with us."

"Am glad you both see it that way,i take it both of you are not starting your wedding early? i see our relatives have started the party already."

Kong laughed at his dad,he knew he was teasing them

"No dad i think we will wait till tomorrow."

"well then you two go get some rest,am sure your mothers will have you two up very early,go enjoy the few hours of sleep while you can."

the two left not forgetting to stop in the kitchen, Kong checked the fridge and saw a container he looked his mom had put a sticky note on it,telling them to enjoy their evening.he took it and also grabbed a bottle of wine,Arthit just shook his head but went ahead and got two wine glasses for them, they went to their room.

"P' do you want to stay inside or you want to go out to the patio?"

"Lets stay inside,remember your mom told us not to peak at the back yard,and we would be cheating if we seat there,since we can see the whole place."

"oh yeah i actually forgot about that,she said she wants it to be a surprise when we see it tomorrow."

"exactly lets not spoil it for them,come sit by me why are you so far away?"

"Oh your getting lonely already P'? don't worry i will never be far from you,"

kong teased him,while Arthits just grumbled under his breath but still pulled the other down so he could cuddle on what was becoming his favorite place.sitting on the couch between kong's legs leaning on his chest.lately he found himself whether on the sofa or on the bed that was the place he liked being and Kong seemed to enjoy it us much.

"Mom made mango custard for us its my favorite desert,i hope you like it P' if not i will go get you something else"

"you don't need to i love mango custard,its one of my favorite deserts too."

they enjoyed their desert while talking and a couple of wine glasses

"Kong are we ready for tomorrow?"

"P' why are you nervous?"

"No,actually i was but i think whenever i felt a bit scared or nervous i remember it's you am marrying that calms me down"

"P' i don't really know whats in store for us tomorrow but we will be there together,and when all is said and done, it will be us together forever from that moment,when i feel nervous i look at you and i have no reason to be,because tomorrow i will officially marry my soulmate."

they finished their desert and got up to get ready for bed,it had only been a week since they met but if one was to see them now they would think they had been together for years,they were so in-sync with each other.they got in bed and automatically moving to cuddle with each other.

"Kong am so glad we get to live together at the university,i think i will never be able to sleep alone again."

"P' you never will have to,and i feel the same way i don't think i want to ever have to sleep without you next to me, i don't think i will even be able to fall asleep."

Kong moved down and initiated the kiss,for this night it was a kiss full of promises,and comfort for each other.they had no rush it was all just love.and the morning sun would bring a new day and a new chapter of their life was about to start,they drifted to sleep with smiles waiting foe dawn to break.

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