Forever and a day Part 29

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before they walked out of the door Arthit pulled Kong to the side,Kong looked at him confused but followed him regardless,

"Kong i know how it will be all day,please bear with it,just remember am here and all this is for us,don't let them get under your skin okay"

"I know that P' and am sorry some how Julie always rubs me the wrong way."

"hey no one is supposed to be rubbing you in any kind of way,that's my job." arthit said this while laughing and pulled him in for a hug,Kong buried his face in Arthits hair inhaling his unique scent,they slowly looked at each other and Arthit raised up to pull him into a kiss,it was gentle,full of love and passionate but was only met to give each other strength.

"Thank you P' i will keep my cool i promise."

"well lets not be hasty you are yet to meet some of my crazy cousins"

"i don't think anyone can beat Julie,but you are right we are yet to meet my aunt and her crazy brood,trust me i could do without that"

"okay then lets go meet more of them,but before that can i have another kiss?"

Kong dived down and kissed him savoring the moment.

"P' you never have to ask for a kiss or anything for that matter,i am all yours and whatever you want i will always give,"

Arthit did not answer but just kissed him again. they interlocked their hands and walked out to meet the chaos going on in the back yard.

they walked to a group of women sitting together,when they saw the two approaching all the conversations stopped and the two greeted and wai their aunts and some of their older cousins,introductions were made Arthit was introduced to Kong's aunts and cousins and vise verse. the women congratulated them asking about how they were getting along,eventually they let them leave to go meet others.

the two walked from group to group and greeted every one this took some time since some of their family members would talk a lot and eventually the two had to excuse themselves to go meet someone else when Arthit spotted one of his cousins that he had not seen in a few years

"Kong lets go over there i think that's my cousins Leo i have not seen him in years."

"Okay P' lets meet him"

they were walking towards Leo when another cousin spotted them and shouted

"finally N'Arthit i haven't seen you in a while and here you are about to be married."

"Hi P'Aiden its been a while,P'leo how are you?'

Leo turned to him grabbing him and hugging him while jumping Around

"P put me down am not a kid anymore" Arthit yelled but Leo was too excited and laughing at him

"Of course your not a kid anymore,But you will always be my tiny little chubby cousin"

"Don't call me chubby P' am not" he was blushing

"Well aren't you gonna introduce us?" Leo asked pointing at Kong who was also greeting the rest and getting introduced.Arthit went over and took Kong's hand

"P'Leo this is Kongpob the one am getting married to "

"nice to finally meet you N'Kongpob please take care of this little one for me"

"Nice to meet you P'Leo, i will take care of him."

"P'Leo why haven't you come to visit in so long,i really missed you since you moved abroad. did you just forget about us ?"

"Sorry N'Arthit i did not its just i had been really busy with work so it was hard to visit."

arthit just pouted at him, and was not looking convinced, but accepted it for now

"So P' did you come alone?"

"is that your way of asking if am still single? well for your information i brought my husband lets go find him i will introduce you two."

"P'Leo you got married and did not even tell me? i am hurt"

"Am sorry N'Arthit it was not like i was hiding it or anything but at the time it was just that the both of us were so busy and we really just wanted to be married so we had a very small ceremony"

"okay i will let it slide but introduce me to your husband,i want to meet the person who finally won your heart,i remember how you were before"

"you never change N'Arthit cheeky us always,but your right,since i met him i have changed he made me to be a better person, i like how i have changed,i am finally happy and content with life,he makes it all worth it,and i know that is what the both of you will find in each other,once you marry each other don't be afraid of the change in yourselves,believe me i was scared but it was the best decision i ever made."

"Thank you P'Leo,we both know we still have a lot to learn and we are lucky we are surrounded by our families that will guide us."

while they were talking Kong was puled into a conversation with another of his aunts and Leo took that chance to ask his little cousin.

"N' how are you really doing,i know this marriage was not of your choosing,and i know how you are to your parents, did you just agree because they told you to?"

"honestly at first yes, i had agreed to it be ecause mom and dad told said it was already arranged,but after i met Kong it all changed i can honestly say now that i want to marry him because he is the one for me,it was just lucky that we met the way we did."

"Am glad because i was ready to rescue you,but mark told me to ask you and not to just make assumptions."

"i take it P'mark is your husband?"

"yes, and talking of him their he is,i was wondering when he would come back."

he waved his husband over and Mark come to them smiling

"Mark this here is my cousin N'Arthit that is getting married tomorrow."

Arthit greeted him and the two exchanged pleasantries,Kong come over to join the and introduction were made again.they talked for a bit promising to make some time to meet up and get to know each other better,since Arthit had told Kong that Leo was one of his favorite cousins.the two excused themselves to go meet and greet more people.

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