Getting ready for an evening out Part 6

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Arthit was the first one to wake up, when he opened his eyes he was a bit disoriented.he looked around wondering where the hell he was, then slowly the memories started coming back,

"right this is Kongpob's room,my supposed fiance, i wonder where he is,might as well go find him before i fall back asleep and come off as a lazy person, but then again i love to sleep, and since he wants to know my true self he should know that"

after his mental conversation he pulled himself off the bed to go look for his elusive fiance, he walked into the living room and saw him sleeping on the couch.walking closer he decided this was an opportunity to get a closer look at Kong, without the other knowing.he sat on the coffee table by his head, he was staring at his face and unconsciously he found himself leaning closer, his hand was reaching out to trace Kong's face, without realizing it he touched Kong's cheek, slowly tracing his hand on his face ,unknown to him, Kong had woken up the minute he had walked into the room but pretended to be asleep, Kong wanted to know what he would do. but now it was hard to keep pretending, when Arthit traces his lips,his nose then his eyes he couldn't keep them closed anymore and blinked his eyes open which made Arthit jump.he was fumbling and embarrassed for getting caught, Kong just smiled up at him and sat up,he took Arthit hands.

"you don't have to be embarrassed for touching me, i would have done more than that"

he laughed, Arthit tried to pull his hands away and denies the statement'

"I don't know what you are talking about, and what do you mean you would do more?"

"well that is for me to know and you to never find out, then again you will eventually know ha-ha"

"Oh God what did i get myself into, i better run while i still have a chance, your innocent face is a facade, for the perv you really are huh?"

"No am not a perv, why do you keep saying that, am not the one who was sneaking a feel while he thought i was a sleep, maybe you were going to steal a kiss if i didn't wake up, who know,so that makes you the perv."

Arthit yanked his hands away, he could see the mischief in Kong's eyes, if he was not embarrassed at the moment, he would have found it endearing.

"i am pure don't be making up nonsense mm h."

Kong just laughed at him, not denying it either.he got up and stretched, while Arthit was still pouting at him.

"okay am sorry stop pouting or i will definitely make that statement you want to have dinner here with the oldies or do you want to go out explore a bit and i will take you to dinner?"

this sounded like a date and Kong was nervous the other would turn him down.

"i need to shower first i feel stick, and then we can go out, i would like to see your town,plus i don't want to be interrogated by our parents at the dinner table."

"okay let me run you a bath, i will go take a shower in the other bathroom,then we can leave"

Arthit was about to protest and say he can run his own bath but he was not given a chance because Kong had already disappeared into the bathroom, he went back to the bedroom to pick out an outfit,a few minutes later he smacked his head when he realized how much effort he was putting into his outfit, like he was going on a date, that kicked off the butterflies in his stomach.

"Oh my God, it is a date, since we will be going out alone"

that realization did not help calm him down, it just made him more nervous, he ended up settling for a simple skinny jeans and a casual shirt.Kong walked back into the room.

"P' your bath is ready, go ahead and no rush take you time we will leave in about an hour or so."

"thank you"

Arthit went to the bathroom and was surprised, Kong had put on scented candles, and had also put some aromatic oil, and bubble soap in the bath.he blushed but also made a note to thank him, because once his body sank into the tub,he realized how tense and tired his body felt.he lied back and relaxed.Kong on the other hand,went to one of the guest bathrooms he took a shower, he came back to his bedroom grabbed an out fit, he realized he was putting an effort into the out fit, he chuckled to himself,well he was going on his first date ever,but surprisingly he was not nervous, he was excited to show Arthit around and was thinking of where to take him for dinner.but before that he had to go inform the parents.he dressed up did his hair, he also sprayed his cologne.after he was done he left to go find his parents.his mother and arthits mother were sitting out in the front yard having tea.he went to them,he greeted Arthits mother then his mom.

"Ma, i want to take P'Arthit to see some sights if that's okay."

"Sure, go ahead, your sisters called earlier they are also going with some friends, we will just have a quite evening here, catching up.make sure you take care of your fiance."

"Ma of course am going to take care of him, stop embarrassing me."

the mothers laughed at him while he hurried away from the mean time Arthit was done with the bath and had gotten dressed, he was in the living room playing one of kong's games that was paused on the TV.Kong walked in the room and saw him.

"wow you look amazing P'... are you ready?"

"Thank you, and yes am ready, so where are we going?"

"i was thinking we can go walk around,the mall area , and just go from there.unless of course there is a place you would like to go."

"no that sounds fine. and by the way you look good too."

"thank you P', i am trying to impress you" he chuckled, even though there was some truth in his statement.he realized he in fact wanted to impress Arthit.

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