Candle lit dinner Part 7

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They walked out and Kong led Arthit to a black jeep wrangler,he figured he would take his favorite car and enjoy the breeze.he was thinking of where he wanted to take Arthit for dinner.

opening the door for Arthit. "P' come on get in." he closed the door gently behind him. going around he jumped into the drivers seat,he noticed Arthit had not tied his seat belt,bending over he pulled the sit belt and locked it, he saw Arthits shocked face and just smiled at him.

"P' the drive into town is about twenty minutes,i hope you enjoy it."

"the breeze is nice, am sure i will enjoy it,by the way i like your car, i would have pictured you in something different."

"P' what are you trying to imply mhh...?"

"Don't get me wrong am not implying anything, only that since your parents seem to dot on you, that you would be driving some expensive sports machine."

"P' my parents didn't buy me this car, i earned every cent for it,my dad says it builds character and to be honest i enjoy working with them at the factory. just don't tell them that or i would not hear the end of it."

"am sorry i was not trying to insult your character, i understand being an only child my parents are rarely around so i learned to be very independent earlier too."

"P' i told you earlier how i was aware of the engagement, even though i did not know to whom, i want to let you know that regardless of how this works i want us to be friends yes, but i also want you to know that, from the moment i saw you, i felt something and i would like the opportunity to court you, not because we have to but because i want to."

"Kong i appreciate your honesty, i cant say i did not feel something either because that would be a lie,so sure lets take this chance and see where it will lead,i might be shy and i dont easily express my feelings so i hope you bear with me and i promise to also open up to you."

"Thank you p', that's all i ask"

Arthit was blushing and his heart was doing cartwheels,he was looking out the car at the places kong was pointing out to him.and soon they had arrived at the mall.walking side by side they went from store to store just browsing and laughing at some of the items they saw.

when they passed by a store that did not look like much from outside, kong asked if they could check it out,Arthit agreed and they went in.the store was selling different items from clothes to jewellery.they kept looking around when Kong saw a case displaying a pair of bracelets, they looked different.

"Miss, may i see those bracelets please" he asked the sales girl."sure,let me get them out for you" she opened the case and gave him the bracelets,Arthit who was standing next to him just though kong only wanted a closer look.

"P' take a look at this, they are beautiful and have Celtic knots on them,what do you think?"

Arthit picked one up and was also impressed by the design.

"they are beautiful." the sales girl who was listening in on their conversation,told them the bracelets were sold as a pair and that one could add charms for different memories.that had Kong's full attention but he did not want Arthit to see him buy them, so he asked to see some of the charms that were on sale, some were quite beautiful.he noticed Arthit was busy looking at the charms,he motion at the sales girl and handed her his card,she went and rang the items he pointed at put them in a small case that he could easily hide in his pocket.when she come back Arthit was still looking at different charms and checking what they meant so she slipped Kong the box and his card.he thanked her by bowing, she just smiled happy to be of help.

they left and walked around some more looking at other stores.Kong finally decided they should go have dinner.

"P' lets go have dinner, i want to take you to one of my favorite places to eat."

"Okay then lead the way, is it in the mall?"

"No we actually have to drive away from the mall."

they walked back to the car port and while driving Arthit noticed they were leaving the down town area where all the restaurants seemed to be.

"Kong where are we going specifically?"

"it this place a little bit on the outskirts of town,i like it and have been their with my family a few times, but since my sisters tend to prefer the restaurants in down town we have not been there much"

"am sure it will be nice, so far every place I've seen has been beautiful and very different from where i live, even though we don't live in the city,but the town is much more crowded than here."

"growing up, i always had wanted to live in the big city,but once i was old enough to travel to meeting with my parents i was so grateful and appreciate my home town more.the cities are always over crowded."

"i know what you mean, i feel the same way,and once you start university,you'll start appreciating i even more."

"i was a bit nervous about school but now that i know you will be there too i feel at ease"

"am glad you feel that way,are none of your friends going to the same university?"

"i think a few classmates were talking about it and i know my closest friend mention applying, but we haven't had a chance to meet since.he went abroad with his parents and will be back in a few days."

they had arrived at an area that did not look as though people were around and the breeze was amazing,Kong parked the car and jumped out to open the door for Arthit before he could even take off his seat belt.he held his hand out and Arthit shyly accepted it.climbing down the car he tried to pull his hand away but kong smiled at him and held on.

"Kong are you sure there is any one here, it looks empty other than the few cars parked."

"yes P' come on this way"

they walked down a walk way and that's when the view opened up,Arthit could see the umbrellas spread around and the ocean calm waves.

"wow, i did not expect this" Kong just chuckled and led him away to one of the tables, each table was set apart from the others and created some privacy.he held the chair for Arthit to sit, then sat across from him.immediately a serve come and brought them drinks, Arthit was surprised they had not ordered yet,Kong told him that's how the place was.

"P' what would you like to drink?"

"this is fine for now,maybe in a bit."

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