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Kongpop woke up early, he was a bit disoriented for a few seconds being in a new place it took him a few seconds to remember. his husband was lying on his chest his breathing was one of his favorite sounds, its soothing to him.he was happy he thought about how his life has changed, he was very glad for his grandparents, his husband was nothing but a miracle to him, it was like his life was incomplete before. now he was happy it was like a light in his heart, his P'Arthit had taken his heart from the first meeting. he knew it would be a bit difficult now with classes starting and both of them getting busy and trying to keep their marriage a secret, he wondered how he would be able to keep his emotions at check, every time his husband was any where close to him he wanted nothing more than touch him. but he would try and reign himself in. he notice his husband starting to wake up, he looked at the clock and decided he wanted Arthit to sleep some more, he moved a bit from under neath him and put his pillow where he was, Arthit just snuggled on it inhaling his scent and went right back to sleep. Kong woke up then and went to take a shower. he got dressed and decided to go get them some breakfast.when he come back his husband was still in the same position, so he went to the bed and started caressing his face when that did not work he decided to rain kisses all over his face and neck, unfortunately this backfired on him, instead of waking him up it was only getting himself worked up. but Arthit finally swatted him away and opened his eyes,

"babe its too early, let me sleep some more"

"its not early,you told me you needed to be at the campus by eight its seven you need to get up and shower, i also brought our breakfast and its getting cold, or you can just stay in bed with me i am not complaining."

"Wouldn't you like that, its too early for your cheesiness,OK fine let me up, how do you expect me to get up if your lying on top of me?"

kongpop laughed at that he kissed him one more time before getting off the bed.

"okay love now go shower, i will set up our breakfast in the mean time.

Arthit grabbed the towel kong had hanged by the chair and went off to the bathroom, he realized it was the same towel Kong had used,while in the shower he started thinking of how he has changed, he was still shy around his husband but at the same time, he was very comfortable and had no problem initiating intimacy, he realized also he tended to share his husbands cloths mostly his hoodies and t shirt.he smiled to himself wondering why he was doing that. since they had met they haven't been separated yet.today would be the first day they would spend time away from each other.he hoped it would not be obvious to his friends that something had changed in him. but he doubted it would go unnoticed by them, they might be thick upstairs most of the time, but they knew him well enough to guess it. he just hoped they would not nag him about it.he was not ready to share with them yet, and thinking about it, he realized how odd that was. he had always been transparent with his friends, but he wanted to keep his husband to himself a bit longer, it was going to be tough for the next few months. he finished showering and come out to find his clothes ironed and ready, also his breakfast was on the table and his husband was in the kitchen doing something, he felt an overwhelming love for his husband and without realizing what he was doing he found himself back hugging him. kong grabbed his hands and turned around completely embraced him, with Arthit burring his face on his chest.

"not that am complaining, but whats wrong love?"

"Nothing, cant i just hug my husband without a reason" he mumbled but kong heard him.

"Love, its never nothing ,whats really going on in that pretty head of yours?"

" okay fine, i just realized it will be the first time i will be away from you since the day we met, and i will be meeting my gang of friends am a little nervous,"

"Love their is nothing to be nervous about, just be yourself around them and am only a phone call away, at anytime if you feel overwhelmed all you have to do is call me,"

"i know am just overreacting,but thanks babe, now let me get dressed or i wont have time for breakfast."

Kong kissed him before letting him go and swatted his but when he turned to walk away.

they finally had finished eating and were both ready to leave as they were about to walk out kong asked,

"Love will you ride to campus or do you want me to drop you off?"

"i would love for you to drop me off but there is the possibility of my friends being there, i will take the bike"

"OK Love be safe , and call me if you need anything."

"i will , you too, call me or text me anytime, please make sure to eat your lunch, and if am finished early i will let you know."

"okay love"

they hugged and kissed goodbye then Arthit run out the door to a chuckling Kong who made sure his lips would be red and swollen, he just hopped it would be gone by the time he met up with his friends.he rode his brand new Dukati and the feeling was exhilarating.lucky for him none of his friends saw him coming in and he was glad he wont have to explain his ride at least for the moment. taking a deep breath he started walking to the meeting area.

(Sneak peak to I married my soul mate 2)

Knot was wondering what was bothering his friend all morning, he had been fidgety and kept checking his phone, but when they asked even oblivious Bright had asked, Arthit just brushed them off or changed the subject.

now they were in their third class of the day and again Arthit was still holding his phone like he was expecting a call.

Arthit was berating himself for allowing his husband to attend class this morning, he had been sick all night and even had a fever, but had insisted he was better this morning and had promised to let him know if he felt sick at any time.he felt a vibration from his phone and did not even realize he was holding his breath while he checked the message,

"Love, don't panic am fine am at the infirmary, the fever spiked and i was light headed for a bit"

"i will be right there do not move"

Arthit had not realized Knot had been looking at him, he got up grabbing his stuff in a rush and running out of the class, not minding the professor calling him or his friends baffled looks, all he wanted was to get to his husbands side and make sure he was okay.

what he did not see is when he was busy staring at his phone Knot and leaned over and saw the caller Id.

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