A talk with my mother. Part 11

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Kongpob woke up at dawn like he always does, for a moment he wondered why his arm felt a bit numb and why there was a weight on his chest.he closed his eyes again and realized his other arm was holding said weight, then he remembered Arthit was sleeping with him.he looked down and buried his face in Arthit's hair, bringing up his other hand to caress his cheek,he didn't want to wake the other but nature was calling,he tried to gently move him without disturbing his sleep slowly he moved away and put his pillow where he was, Arthit stirred a bit and moved looking for him, he pushed his pillow under him which seemed to satisfy the other.Arthit hugged the pillow inhaling deeply and went right back to sleep.

Kong grabbed a towel and a change of clothes on his way to the bathroom.once he was done he come back to check on Arthit who was still in deep sleep,he pulled the covers up for him and quietly left the room.he knew the only other person who would be up is his mother.

She was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea watching the morning news,he walked in and greeted her taking a sit she poured him a cup of coffee which she had already prepared , this was a moment the two had shared for a long time, thus the bond he had with his mother, most of their talks happened at this time.he had shared a lot with his mother about his life during this time.it had become their thing.

"Kong, how is everything with Arthit going,i presume you two have talked?"

"yes Ma, we have and so far its great,he is a gentle person and we are hitting it off, i like him."

"Do you like him enough to spend the rest of your life with him.?"

"Ma i see myself with him yes, and i feel that with time i will love him,but to be honest the moment i laid my eyes on him, i knew he would be the one,"

"am glad that puts my heart at ease, what about him, how is he taking it?"

"i think he feels the same way, he has not said much but its only been a day, but his actions speak louder than his words, and so far i think we are on the same boat."

"i forgot to check yesterday,did your sisters prepare one of the guest rooms for him?"

"about that, they put his stuff in my room, and i asked him if he wanted a separate room, he said no, so he is staying with me." his mother looked at him smiling because he was blushing so hard.

"Ma stop what you are thinking nothing happened, we talked and slept that's it."

"i did not say anything nor did i imply it either, your face though says a lot, so did you get your first kiss?"

"Maaa... you are so embarrassing, no we did not kiss,sheess...we just met."

"yeah but you slept on the same bed and you were both giving each other googly eyes."

Kong buried his face in his hands from the embarrassment.his mom just laughed at her son,but she was happy more than anything she wanted him happy and in love,and Arthit seemed to have shot straight into her sons heart without either of them knowing.

"Ma i need to ask you first, we talked about the ceremony and we both want it quite and private,later when we decide on a wedding day,maybe then we can invite people but for now can we have just a small ceremony?"

"Of course,but don't you both want your friends to at least attend?"

"No for now we want to keep it to ourselves,in time we will tell our friends,we both would like to first get to know each other and spend sometime together before letting anyone else know,i hope that's okay."

"That's fine,i like that you both are making the decisions together, always remember from now on any decision you make affects Arthit too,be open regardless of what you think the out come is, sometimes you might think he won't like something so you hide it from him or that it would hurt him,don't do it always talk to him,because son that is how you two will build a life long bond."

"Thanks Ma, and the other thing,about school would it be okay if we live together,we both want to but we will have to talk to dad and his parents too,i just want you to know and let me know what you think first."

"Son we are way ahead of you guys, remember when i sent your sisters to get a dorm room for you,well that was a white lie me and Arthit's mother already bought you two a condo, its close to the school maybe ten minutes away,am sorry we didn't tell you because we were still discussing the engagement and didn't know how you two will take it."

"oh wow so that's fine it works out, thanks mom you always know what i want before i even ask."

"of course i gave birth to you,but it also helps that you are not one of those kids who don't talk to your mother,i cherish this moment that we always share, and i know you will do the same for your husband and my future grandchildren."

"Ma .. grandchildren! can i at least finish school first and get married before all that? i also love our mornings mom and i will miss them once i move away, but don't be disheartened maybe we call still have them just over the phone."

they sat there enjoying their morning when their cook showed up, she greeted the two fondly she had been with them since before he was born and was used to seeing the two every morning.

"i will go wake your dad up, i think everyone else is getting up,go ahead and check on Arthit make sure you both come down for breakfast."

"Okay Ma i will"

kong stood up to put the dishes in the sink, then grabbed a tray placing another tea cup and pot on it.he also took one of the red roses sitting on the table and put it in a small jar,his mother and the cook just smiled at him but didn't say anything.he walked away with a smile to wake up the person he realized will be his most important one in his life.

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