A love letter from beyond Part 37

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(Hi everyone,to make up for the long wait this chapter is the longest one so far,i hope you all enjoy it.and sorry for the long wait.thank you all who comment, they inspire me and motivate me.thank you for the votes too.enjoy.)

Everyone at the reception hall was in good spirits, the dj that was playing music that had everyone pumped, he knew what he was doing.when it was finally time for the grooms to join the party, P'leo and P'mark come in first announcing their arrival, everyone stood up to welcome them and cheer for them. Kong and Arthit come in followed by their sisters, since tina and Anne had made it clear to Arthit that now that he was married to their baby brother, he was their brother not just brother-in-law. to them they claimed it did not feel right for them to call him brother-in-law.

once the two come into the hall they were met by their mothers who walked them to the seats at the front of the room facing everyone, their dinner was served and the guests started toasting to them.

first one was kongs father, raising his glass the room followed suite

"Lets raise a toast to my sons, like the saying goes i did not loose a son, but gain another son, nothing could make me more proud than this two young men here, today they have made not just their parent but two families proud. lets all bless their union, i know this is the time to tell you about my son's short comings but honestly, Arthit son you have nothing to worry about, maybe Kong might be over bearing and you might find him caring too much and overthinking, but i guarantee you he will love you to the moon and back that you can be assured of.congratulations my sons"

everyone clapped and cheered then Arthit father took over.

"l completely agree, i do not have much to add to what was said, i just want to let my new son know, My Arthit might be shy and not very vocal but his actions will tell you everything he feel, he will love you dearly because the love his love is not only his but also his grandfathers,may you both have a long and fulfilling life and may your children be nothing but the blessing you two have been to us.lets all raise our cups to eternal love."

everyone cheered them again.Kong was holding Arthits hand the whole time,he couldn't contain his happiness and his radiant smile showed it to all. Arthit was no better he was basically glowing he did not realize one could be this happy.he leaned over to whisper to Kong

"Isn't that the uncle coming with P'leo?"

"yes P' that's him and it looks like P'leo and P'mark are caring something, i guess its time we find out what he says"

"is it weird that am dreading it even though i have been waiting this whole time?"

"no P' i feel the same, i have been nervous all day for this moment but now am a bit scared."

"its okay , whatever it is we are together."

the uncle made it to the front, while P'leo and P'mark placed the items they had on the table next to him.

he looked around the room then turned to the grooms and held his hands out for them, they both got up and were engulfed in a tight hug before they got a chance to wai him.

"my children may you be blessed,"

he let them go and looked back to the rest of the room at this point everyone was confused including their parents, they had seen the uncle earlier and were wondering who he was since they knew the family members present for the wedding, but did not recognize him, P'Leo told them he was the grooms special guest and that's all he knew, he told them how the rooms had asked him to pick him up and make sure he was well taken care of.and that had be enough for the parents whatever connection he had to their sons they would find out now it seemed.

"I know everyone here is wondering who i am and how i know these young men, honestly i met them a little while ago, but i have been waiting for them for a very long time,years ago i met them in a different lifetime one might say, and believe me no one was us shocked us i was when they walked into my store recently like they did all those years ago,now i understand that was their grandfathers but if one had seen them you would know these two young men are them, or their reincarnation,or how do we explain not just the uncanny resemblance or the fact that their hearts recognized each other? when i met your grandfathers it was not a happy moment, they walked into my store heartbroken and asked a favor,"

he turned to the items sitting on the table and P'Leo immediately helped him open the bag he pulled out two boxes that Kong and Arthit recognized as what they had picked in his store,

"you see these are not ordinary jewellery boxes although they seem like it,your grandfathers caved them with their hands, they gave me this and told me to hold on to them until you come to claim them, i wondered what and how that was possible i thought they meant they were going to come for them at a latter time, but then they told me no, their love was not to be in their lifetime, but their hearts and souls would not rest until they were together, they asked for me to hold onto this and when they come back they would be the ones to pick them out, i honestly was just humoring them because i felt sorry for them, but my wife rest her soul believed them,so i agreed to wait until they come back to claim them,the day you two walked into my store i thought i had finally lost my mind how could it be, you both were supposed to have passed,then i remembered their words and knew i was witnessing a miracle, but still a little unsure so i waited to see if you would find this boxes, and my heart nearly stopped when young Kongpob here picked up the one his grandfather had made for his love, your heart knew and your words proved it, you told me it felt like it belonged to your husband at the moment you did not know how right you were, and when your husband picked the other box and said it was yours i finally believed, you two were finally their to claim what was yours, and i was overjoyed to find out that you were getting married to each other, finally your hearts and souls had found each other."

he paused and looked around everyone was shell choked and most were crying the grooms were no better,Arthits face was buried in kongs chest, hiding his tears but Kong also had tears  running down his face too.

the uncle continued,

"your grandfathers also left something else with me, separately they had each come unknown to the other and left a parcel" he handed each one of them a parcel that had something inside but it was sealed

"your grandfather Kongpob had come in to my store and gave me the parcel your holding he asked that i give it to young Kongpob so he would give it to his love, and a few days latter your grandfather Arthit come in and did the same at this point i was passed being surprised, my wife and i prayed to see the day the two would reunite, and here today i am fortunate to pass this to you and blessed to be a witness to this miracle, my boys for your grandfathers i ask that you cherish each other,please love each other and live your life us best us you can, your grandfathers did not get their happiness but today their hearts have found each other in you two.have a blessed life and make them proud. thank you for allowing me to witness this miracle, when i join my wife i will be happy to tell her she was right and i fulfilled her wish to make sure you received this."

the grooms parents come up to meet him, they were very grateful to him for what he had done for their fathers.Kong and Arthit were still staring at the sealed parcel,looking at each other they exchanged them like they were supposed to, they broke the seal together and opened them, inside were letters.Kong pulled one out and opened it,he leaned over to Arthit and they read it together,everyone was staring at them since they were now both crying openly again,Arthit took the letter and closed it putting it back in Kongs parcel, he wiped Kongs tears he kissed each of kongs eyes forgetting everyone around them.

"Kong how about we read the rest in private later ,what do you say, i don't want to see you cry anymore today,i love seeing your cocky smile instead." he kissed Kong on the lips and the two were getting into it until they heard the room erupt in cheers. Arthit blushed remembering where he was, kong just laughed at him and wiped his tears for him.

(If you want to know what was in the letter leave a comment and i will add it in the next chapter, thanks)

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