Arriving at kongpobs villa 2

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the drive had been very easy, okay granted Arthit slept through most of it, which unfortunately made him feel tired when they arrived. his parents told him the place was off the main road, so when they got off the main road to a smaller road, it was as if the scenery changed completely, the short drive was very scenic, trees lined the road and all you could see was the greenery, then from there he started seeing the top of the villa , by the time they arrived at the gate he knew that whoever his in-laws were they were very wealth .just by the size of the place, they pulled in and were met by two of the workers who come to take their luggage, and were led inside.

kongbops mother come to meet them at the door and welcomed them in with hugs.

"oh my dear it has been such a long time, i miss you both so much. welcome to my home"

Arthits mother, hugging back"it really has been a long time , oh dear here is my son ,"Arthit was hiding behind them,she pulled him forward"Arthit meet your future in-laws"

Arthit moved forward and bowed to them in respect, kongpob mother moved forward to hug him, "oh dear he is so beautiful, come lets go have a seat " they all went to the living room and the parents were busy catching up and gossiping with each other,kongpobs sisters were home because they were honestly just being nosy and wanted to see who their younger brother was going to marry. they had joined the rest in the living area and were trying to talk to Arthit , who was wondering if one of them was his fiancee, but then he clearly could tell they were older than him, they actually told him that.everybody was excited and chatting away, which suited Arthit just fine since at the moment he was very nervous and didn't think he could even form a sentence.he saw the door open and a tall young man come through, for some reason their eyes connected and it was like ,something went through his entire body, he was still looking when the young man moved into the room,

"oh kongpob dear come, come meet your in-laws," she pulled him into the room and introduced him,saying Arthit was shocked would be an understatement.but so was kongpob.

"mom you mean P'Arthit is my spouse?'

"yes dear didn't we tell you this yesterday, isn't he just adorable, oh your so lucky."

"mom you didn't say i was marrying a boy"

his mother looked at him like that was just a dumb question to ask.she pulled him over to sit by Arthit.

'go talk to your spouse"

'Arthit this is kongpob, your spouse, you two talk and get to know each other"

Arthit looked at kongpob, he was kind of nervous,but at the same time he couldn't keep his eyes from staring at him, kongpob come in sat next to him.Arthit parents talked to him asking him about his school and just basic questions.even though the whole time he was talking to them he kept sneaking glaces at Arthit.he want sure how he was able to answer all the questions since his mind was still trying to process the information he just received.he could see Arthit was also nervous, from the fidgeting and biting his lips. but he could also see him sneaking looks at him.

finally ,he started a conversation with Arthit.

"P'Arthit its nice to meet you, i guess my parents already told you all about me?"

"Actually they did not tell me much,and the main thing they did not tell me you are a guy too"

"well neither did my parents, i think to them it was not important, does it bother you P?"

"uhh mmm no i think its fine."

'P do you wanna get out of here, we can go walk outside, we have a nice garden and a small lake it would be better than sitting here with the oldies,' kongpob chuckled. Arthit realized he really wanted to go out too.he was kind of feeling like every one was staring at them.

"sure lets go"

Kongpob stood up and excused them, the parents barely glanced at them waving them away.he lead Arthit to the side door that was open to the garden, his heart was thumping like crazy, but he maintained a cool composure, while Arthit was also in the same predicament.they walked in mostly silence except when Arthit would ask about the plants or flowers they were passing by, they got to the lake and sat on one of the benches.

both were nervous but Kongpob finally decided to start a conversation.

"P'Arthit, i don't really know what to say but i guess if you want to ask me anything you can, i will promise to answer "

"Kongpob, actually i do not know how to begin, i mean this is just weird i did not think i will have to be in this situation any time soon if not ever, but i think the first thing i would like to know is , How do you feel about this whole idea, you just graduated high school from what your mom told me earlier, are you ready for marriage?"

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