You will come home to me Part 43

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(hello everyone, its been a while, Thank you for all the comments and messages. i appreciate them. sorry for the long wait. other than being busy i hit a block for a while. but thanks to a friend who pushed me to write something,this one is for him.Thank you for the encouragement. Enjoy)

The two had arrived at their condo, looking at the place they will call their home for the next few years. they both stood outside taking in the view. Of course there moms would not disappoint in the choice they made. the place was one of the upscale condos and true to their word it was a short distance from their university. Arthit remembers passing by the building and admiring it. he wondered how their moms were able to get a unit , he knew how expensive the place was, and also how hard it was to get in.

"Babe i give it to our mothers, i don't know how they did it and am pretty sure they had to pull some strings to get us this place."

Kong looked at him and smiled, he had his hand around his husbands waist which he squeezed

"Love you know our mothers, and i assure you i honestly do not want to know how they did it, because i believe whatever they set their minds to they get."

Arthit chuckled at that, he knew how true those words were, their mothers were a force to be reckoned with, not that one could tell by looking at them, you only found out after they had gotten whatever it is they were looking for in the first place.and getting this upscale high priced condo was nothing to them.

the two finally walked in and took the elevator to their top floor, it was funny in a sense how they were dreading but also anticipating what would meet them once their opened the door. Arthit's mother had told him they had moved his furniture and such, but he could bet his money the place would be newly furnished and most of his items put in a storage they had got them in the garage.

"Love are you ready to start our next chapter?" Kong asked

"us ready us i would ever be, open the door."

Kong opened the door then turned around taking the bag Arthit was holding and putting it just inside but he did not let Arthit come in, and the later was a bit confused, until Kong turned back to him and scoped him up with no warning.

"What are you doing?" Arthit half yelled

"Carrying you over the thresh hold."

"Why do you need to do that?"

"Because for now this is our home and i am carrying my husband over the thresh hold, isn't that like a western tradition? but i like it." and without giving Arthit a chance to complain any more he walked in, their was a hallway leading from the front door into the living room, once their made it in, they both froze.

"What are you two doing here?" Kong asked

"Well we figured we needed to surprise you two. i mean your mothers and sister are not the only one's who can do it." Kong's father answered casually siting in the living room were their fathers. Kong put Arthit down who was hiding his embarrassed face in his husbands chest.

"Well dad we are surprised, we didn't expect to see you here."

"oh us being here is not your surprise, we have something else for you two, so come lets go down to the garage ."

they followed their fathers, they were both still wondering what the dad's were up to. once they reached the garage it looked like it was empty. but then the saw two cars next to each other and two motor cycles. their dads turned to them.

"well your mothers bought you a house, so we did not want to be outdone, plus this is our way of giving you some freedom while your still in university, that way when you take over from us you will have had some fun too." Kongs fathers told them then pulled out the keys handing them over to the boys,

"They are a couple car so you can each pick yours." they were Audi's R8 one was red with black trimmings while the other was black with red trimmings.the boys were still staring damn founded, when Arthit father interjected

"well we figured since you both like riding why not get you motorcycles, so here are your keys, you each get to pick one,even though am sure you will be riding together most of the time.we both want you to have adventures, live to the fullest before you take over from us, and we want to help you achieve that."

the boys were still just standing there frozen, when finally Arthit jumped up to hug his father, Kong did the same to his dad and then each others.

"thank you so much,this is amazing, but dad i thought you always disliked when i went riding with my friends?" Arthit asked

"i did but then we realizing how much responsibility has been put on both your shoulders plus we wanted to outdo your mothers." he laughed

"you definitely did pa, thank you both so much."

"well now that we have delivered your surprised we will be heading out, so you boys can explore your new home, we know your very eager to."

Arthit dad said and winked at his son-in-law. Kong smiled knowing what he was impliying while Arthit blushed.

their dad said their good byes, telling them to enjoy themselves and not to worry about a thing because all their financial needs had been taken care of. their fathers had told them all they wanted was for them to study and have fun, they will take care of the rest, the boys tried to refuse saying they could get part time jobs but their fathers would not hear of it.and gave them no room for discussion.

After they left the boys went back to their condo.

"welcome home love" Kong said, then took Arthit's hand and they walked around exploring their place for the first time. and like they expected their mothers did really go out for them.their furniture was slick and the place accommodated both their tasted and marrying them so well together, their mothers made sure both their son's taste and presence was all over the place.

"I give it to our mom's they really came through,it beautiful, it feels like our home, from what i've seen of your room babe, i see it here ."

"I agree Love,they have matched everything better than we could ever do, am glad"

they walked into their bedroom and immediately Arthit went flying on the bed stretching himself on it. Kong was just looking at him amused.

"Love i know you are tired, you can take a rest and i will go get us some food."

"No its okay i will go with you, i know you don't know the area very well, and am not that hungry yet, lets check the kitchen, i bet our mothers have stocked it up."

"Your right they must have."

but instead of getting up Arthit buried his face on the pillow, getting more comfortable, kong shook his head and decided to join him, he got on the bed and pulled His husband into his chest hugging him.

"Love you said you have a few things to take care in school for the next few days?"

"yes i do, and i will also be meeting my friends we have a few things to go over before the new school year starts, am sorry i will be gone most of the days before you start your classes."

"Love nothing to be sorry about, at the end of the day you will be coming home to me, and i already knew about this. don't worry i will explore around a bit and i think my friend Aim should also be arriving soon,so i will have some company,"

they talked some more getting more comfortable and eventually drifted off, without planing to take a nap. But that was Arthit, any chance he got to take a nap he would, while Kong on the other hand was getting comfortable anytime he had his husband in his arms,he has also been able to take naps when ever Arthit did just because he did not want to leave him alone.

(this book is coming to an end, maybe one more chapter left. but that is not the end of the story, i have started on the second part already.lets see how they will manage a secret marriage around their friends.)

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