Grumpy in the morning Part 12

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Kong walked back into his bedroom and found Arthit snuggled into his pillow, he was so adorable he couldn't help himself.he placed the tray on the side table then took the rose and decided to tease his fiance,he run the rose on his cheek slowly,then placed it under his nose tickling him,Arthit stirred and rubbed on his nose scrunching his face but went right back to sleep, so Kong did it again slowly from lips to under his nose,Arthit squinted his eyes open to peek at what was bothering his sleep.Kong who was leaning close to his face smiled showing him the rose,being still asleep it took him a minute to comprehend what was going on.

"good-morning P' hope you slept well." Kong said while slowly caressing his face.

"morning,yes i slept well and am still sleeping what do you want?"

"someone's grumpy in the morning huh?" Kong just laughed at him while Arthit moved closer to bury his head under Kong's arm on his chest to get a few more minutes of sleep.

"i think i like it when your sleepy, you are cuddly"

Arthit just mumbled under his breath not moving,even though he was denying that he was cuddly.

"P' you need to wake up,we have to go down for breakfast ,but then again i like how you are so maybe am gonna let you get a few more minutes of sleep" saying that Kong was still caressing arthits face and running his hand on his hair.this finally registered in Arthits mind and he moved sitting up.

"why are you up this early?"

"P' its not early its past seven and i have been up since five,i am used to waking up early."

"well am sorry but we have a problem."

"what do you mean P' what problem?"

"i am not a morning person."

Kong moved getting a cup of tea for Arthit, then sat back next to him,he handed it to him but didn't put the rose away.

"then that means i have to make it worth your while for waking you up,how about a rose and a cup of tea for today?"

Arthit just smiled taking the tea. "thank you for both"

kong kept caressing his face with the rose,even though every once in a while Arthit moved his face but the blush on his cheeks and the smile was evident that he was enjoying it.

"Kong, what have you been doing since you woke up then?"

"After i freshened up, i went downstairs to have coffee with my mom."

"your mom was up?why didn't you wake me, oh God she is going to think am lazy,that's so embarrassing." he moved to hide his face, but kong just leaned down and cupped his face.

"P' it is not embarrassing, and no one else is up at that time,and don't worry about my mom she doesn't think your lazy,i don't think your lazy either,i understand your not a morning person,that's perfectly fine, because then i am looking forward to the different ways i will wake you up."

"okay i guess,but why was your mom up early then?"

"she always wakes up that early and i have also gotten into the habit over the years,my sister and dad always tease us saying that's our mother and son time."

"so you do this all the time?"

"yes basically everyday,unless my parents are out of town for business,it has become the time my mom and i talk about our day to day life and everything else."

"so i presume your very close to her."

"yes,but am close to my dad too, we have our times not on a daily basis but he has always made a point to plan things just for me to spend time with him,they also do the same with my sisters."

"What about your sisters how is your relationship with them?"

"seeing that they are a bit older than me,they have still always been looking out for me and also spend time with me,whether we do something we all enjoy or just talk .what about you and your parents?"

"i am close with both of them, i can talk to them about anything, and even though they are always busy with their business they make a point to also spend time with me,my mom always drags me to go shopping with her and says since she doesn't have a daughter i get to go with her to salons and stuff."

"That's nice, no wonder your hair is so soft,she taught you how to take care of it,"

"i guess,she is always insisting on buying me all this products ,i got into the habit now."

Kong took the tea cup and put it back on the tray,but didn't make a move to leave.

"P' i talked to my mom about us leaving together when school starts."

"what did she say?"

"you wont believe this,remember i told you my sisters went to get my dorm room?"

"yeah,didn't they get one?"

"that's the thing,that was a lie apparently my mom and your mom had already bought us a condo close to the school."

"what! my mom never said anything to me."

"neither did mine until this morning when i asked,she said they were going to tell us after the engagement."

"wow.. okay i guess it works out then,we don't have to worry about finding a place.then i have to move my things from my dorm room."

"if you want i can go with you,we could go a few days early and I'll help you."

"that would be nice,lets do that,anything else your mom said?"

"i also asked her about the promise,she said they will tell us together,and she asked me how i feel now that i have met you, and where we both stand."


"P' i told her i am happy,and that i want to get engaged to you,i see a future with you."

Arthit even though kong had told him this before hearing him say that he told his mother this,made him realize he felt the same way, he couldn't put it in words and looked up at Kong, he lifted his hand cupping Kongs face he lifted up a little bit and kissed him gently on the lips.Kong was surprised he didn't expect that.

"Kong,i just want you to know i see a future with you,the road ahead might be bumpy at times,but we will make it."

"yes P' because we both want it,it will be fine,now how about you freshen up and we go have breakfast."


Arthit made a move to get up but was pulled down ,Kong hugged him,Arthit paused for a second but his arms wrapped around the other returning the hug, after a few minutes Kong kissed his head then his forehead and let him go.

"P' i could help it,i've wanted to hug you since the moment i walked through the door."

"its okay and you do know that you can hug me,i liked it too." he said while his cheeks turned red.

"P' do you want a shower or a bath? i can run you a bath."

"a shower will be fine."

"okay go ahead, i will wait for you in the living room."

they both got off the bed Arthit headed into the bathroom while Kong went to the living room.he sat down and started playing a game while he waited.

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