candle lit dinner(part 2) 8

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They looked at the menu and finally decided on their dinner, the server took their order and left them.

"P' tell me more about yourself."

"they really isn't much, i mean since i started University it has kept me plenty busy, and the rest of the time i spend at home or go with my friends for a getaway when we can all get together."

"so your friends you guys are close?"

"You could say that we met our first day at school and some how we clicked,we form an odd group but we tend to balance each other out."

"i would like to meet them soon"

"you will meet them when school starts of course.they are gone on a trip we had planned to go together, but then my parents told me i had to come meet your family,so i asked them to go without me."

"Am sorry, you missed going with about i make it up to you?"

"its not your fault, and what do you mean make it up to me."

the waiter come back with their appetizer set them on the table and left quietly.

"well you missed your trip to come meet me,so how about i will take you any place you choose next week after the engagement ceremony this weekend?"

"You don't have to, and it was not your fault, lets blame the parents"

"P' i really want to so how about it, we get away from the oldies for a week, because i know for a fact this week will be very embarrassing for both of us"

"what do you mean?"

"have you met my sisters, trust me they are busy bodies and will be drilling you and embarrassing me at the same time."

"ya but they mean well, they are just looking out for their baby brother."

they talked about their families some more, their dinner arrived ,they ate and every once in a while they would feed each other a taste of the others food.once their table was cleared the server refilled their wineglasses.kong stood up and held his hand out for Arthit.they walked closer to the water and one could see couples sitting in different areas of the beach.they found a spot and sat down.

"P' i hope you enjoyed the meal."

"i did it was delicious, and thank you for bringing me here its very beautiful."

"Am glad you liked it.i aim to impress you know"

"well am impressed, a candle lit dinner at the beach is a fast one for me so thank you."

"your welcome P'"

kong parted himself on the shoulder for giving Arthit a memorable experience.he had been feeling the presence in his pocket and even though a bit nervous he took a breath and pulled the small box out.

"P' i have something for you, well technically for both of us."

Arthit looked at the outstretched had and saw the box,he was surprised and was a bit nervous to see what was inside.Kong opened it.

"At the store i saw how you looked at them .you liked them and so did i, and i wanted us to have something to remember our first date,because if you didn't realize it yet,this is our first date.and i hope we will have more in the future,i also got a charm for today.this are love birds.what do you say P' will you accept them?"

Arthit nodded and held his hand out, Kong tied the bracelet and put the charm on it, Arthit took the other bracelet and did the same for Kong.

"Thank you again, and our first date is memorable, i enjoyed every part of it,including sitting here with you, its peaceful and calming.and we will have a lot more dates with each other."

"P' earlier i was serious about taking you somewhere away for a week, so please say yes."

"okay we can go,lets check out the places together later we can decide then"

"thank you P'."

they sat by the beach chit chatting about random things, and Arthit was very impressed with Kong's knowledge, he kept surprising himself too of how comfortable and relaxed he was with him.when it started getting chilly, he rubbed his arms unconsciously when kong turned to look at him.

"P' are you feeling cold? come on move over."

he moved Arthit to sit in front of him between his legs, and enveloped him in his arms creating a nice cocoon for him.

"there much better you wont be cold any more"

Arthit was blushing but he also enjoyed the feel of being hugged,not that he would admit it to Kong, or the other would tease him relentlessly.

they just sat there enjoying each others company, talking about there hobbies and things they generally liked and disliked.Arthit learned Kong was a neat freak,which now that he thinks back explained how neat his room was.

Kong was thinking about his grandfather and decide to ask.

"P' do you know why our grandparents made the promise to have as married?"

"i had asked my parents on our way to your place,they told me they would tell me later after i meet you,so your parents have not told you either?"

"no they have not, but for as long as i can remember they always told me i was promised to someone,and the older i got my mom mostly reminded me constantly that someone was waiting for me and that i should save my heart for didn't help that my sisters would always try to see which girls liked me. and tease me about being so young and not having a choice in my love life."

"you sisters are funny, i guess we can ask our parents about it together then, i really would like to know.and am sorry you did have a choice in your love life"

"P' i might have not had a choice but i think its because fate had already decided, am glad its you, and my heart is happy too,maybe that's why i have never liked anyone,i mean even though i knew about the promise. if it was meant to be i would have liked some one at least, but my heart did not open up to anyone until you."

kong leaned down and kissed Arthit's cheek.Arthit just blushed but his heart was doing a happy dance.the evening was turning to be a perfect one.

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