My husband with My parents Part 42

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Arthit was looking at his husband and his mother who were at the moment sitting in the kitchen chatting with each other. he smiled thinking about how seamlessly his husband and parents seemed to fit with each other. from the moment the two had arrived back from their honeymoon, Kong and his parents took to teasing him but he also could see how happy his parents were. Arthit had always been worried about disappointing them,he remembers when he was first told about his upcoming engagement his stomach had dropped, at that moment he knew he was definitely going to disappoint them, but the powers that be had other plans, and here he was happier than he ever thought possible, with a husband he loved and who his parents not only approved of but had chosen for him.the few days they had spent here also showed him another side of his husband, he was respectful to his parents treating Arthit parents like his own, he was attentive to both of them, and his parents also took to Kong like the other son they never had.

Kong glanced back at his husband and noticed the look on his face, with a fond smile he turned to his mother-in-law and excused himself. he went over to Arthit who surprising was still in deep though and had not noticed him approaching.

"P' what are you dreaming about?"

Arthit was startled by the hand on his cheek, he had not even realized Kong was right there with him,

"Ohh sorry i did see you, how did you manage to sneak up on me?"

"Babe you were the one who was miles away i did not sneak up, i was even touching you and you did not notice, what has your mind so far should i be jealous?"

Kong teased him, Arthit grumbled under his breath something about jealous husband who have no reason to be,but Kong heard what he said and just laughed it off.

"So what are you dreaming about?"

"i was not dreaming, i was just thinking about how in such a short time our lives have changed so much."

"in a good way though right because i will seriously hurt you if you tell me the happiness i feel right now is not good"

Kong joked, Arthit just shook his head at his giant baby.

"Yes in a good way, and i am so happy as well,but on another note, where did you and my dad disappear to this morning, you were gone when i woke up."

"Ohh.... did my baby miss me, sorry i did not want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful, so i went to get coffee and dad asked me to go with him to his office, he just needed to get some files, since he has a meeting with my parents, he told me they will be leaving later after you and i head out."

"i cant believe we have been home a week already i feel like we just got here, but i also am looking forward to heading to school i feel like this whole month has been a dream, a good dream though, but am ready for some time away from home."

"i know what you mean even though this would be my first time living away from my parents, it okay because i have you, i might miss my parents sometime, but it okay because now i have you babe, my husband, nothing beats that."

"Honestly love, were you not even a little bit terrified of the idea of living away from home,being on your own for the first time?"

"i was i admit, but that was before we were married, before i met you,i knew it would have been a challenge,i was not sure how i would fit in, am just so glad i have you now and always,everything else seems so mundane now,i know it wont be so easy but at the end of the day if i get to come home to you and wake up next to you every-morning, that's more than i can ask for love,i will be able to handle anything and everything that comes my way."

"So cheesy but i agree i feel like now am complete, like i was going through life with half of me,i love you Kong"

Arthit looked up while Kong lifted his face and kissed him deeply, it was a kiss to tell him how deeply he was in love with him, and Artit returned it with the same passion.

they pulled apart after a few beats and just stared into each others eyes for a moment

"Babe ,now come on, i think everything is ready, lets go have lunch am sure mom will come looking for us any minute, and then we can head out we have a long way to go."

"okay Love lead the way,and i love you more" Kong kissed him one more time before following him to the dinning area.

like Arthit said his dad had already set the table while his mother was serving the meal, they all sat down and just talked while eating, with Arthit mother making the two promise they will come back frequently and also call her.

Arthits father hugged each one of them,and before letting Kong go he told him

" son remember to take care of each other always and if you need anything we are only a phone call away,now go before your mother starts crying"

"We will dad , thank you both for everything"

"no need to thank us,your our son too now,be good to each other."

it was now time for the two to leave and you would think they were going to war how Arthit's mother was clinging to them, his father just laughed and pulled his wife into a hug to let the boys leave.

They were finally in the car Arthit's father had insisted his driver take them back, so they did not need to take a train,and if they were honest this was more comfortable and better.Arthit's mother had told them not to worry about his dorm room, that her and Kong's mother and sister already moved his stuff to their new place and had taken care of the landlord.even though Arthit was happy he did not have to deal with the moving this presented a problem of how he would explain to his friends why he moved and why he did no call them for help. he had talked to Kong about it when he found out and the younger had reassured him he did not need to worry and they would come up with something to say.

They were cuddling and after a while both were drifting off to sleep, safe in each others arms.

What the two did not know they had a big surprise awaiting them at their new condo.

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