Safe haven Part 38

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(thank you all for the comments, i read them all,sorry i did not have a chance to answer them, still thank you.and as promised here is the letter. enjoy)

Kong opened the letter ,he leaned over to Arthit and they read it together

My Love,

Remember when you told me i was not a lover but a fighter? and i laughed it off, you had been sprouting some cheesy poetry about everlasting love,you said i was the only one for you. At that moment we both were young and naive, i believed every word you said.and i still do. my heart beats for you and no one else, but unfortunately it looks like fate has other plans for sorry my love, i had to sacrifice my heart and soul to save your life, i know you would do the same.

when our parents found out about us, you were the strength that made me go on, but love how do you expect me to live without you? i have no desire to go on, why did you make me promise to go on? but i will do it for you. when i could not understand why a parent would deny their own child's happiness and questioned God, you of course had an answer.

now i know why you asked me to go up to our place up the mountain, you always said it was our temple and our sacred place because that's where i finally admitted my love for you.that day when you asked me to promise you to live and go on even without you, it tore my heart apart,but i could not ever refuse you anything, i asked why god was punishing us? and i told you i doubt he even existed, but you told me he did. and if you say it,then it is the truth to me.

when i could not understand why my own parents were doing this to us you told me to never question them because, we see God everyday in our fathers faces and heaven was at our mothers feet,parents are the roots of the tree of life.they were the roots that held us up and fed us making us strong,so we had to bear fruits for them,you told me ,so i agreed with a heavy heart,because my love if you said it, i always believe in you,i might not have agreed with you but i always believe in you, and if separating us would bring happiness to them, then we should obey them. for you my heart i did it. and i am making another promise to you, i will live and i will do us my parents ask, i will have children and raise them with nothing but love, i will make sure they never have to deny their hearts,and when the time comes i will find you my love, it might not be in this life time, but you promised me forever, which means every lifetime after this you will be mine, and my heart will always be yours.

My love i am writing this letter and i know i will not be giving it to you, but i promise in the time my heart finds yours again, then and only then will you be reading this, you taught me to believe in our fate and you my love will always be my until the time we meet again, smile and laugh, live for me the best you can,and i will do the same.always remember my heart will always beat only for you.i can say i love you but it does not feel adequate, what i feel for you is wholesome you my love are my other half,i love you today ,tomorrow until the end of time.

your soul

Arthit R.

Arthit took the letter and closed it putting it back in Kong's parcel, he wiped Kong's tears he kissed each of Kong's eyes forgetting everyone around them.

"Kong how about we read the rest in private later ,what do you say, i don't want to see you cry anymore today,i love seeing your cocky smile instead." he kissed Kong on the lips and the two were getting into it until they heard the room erupt in cheers. Arthit blushed remembering where he was, Kong just laughed at him and wiped his tears for him.

Kongs mother come up after that,

"well i can honestly say that was unexpected,but then again i think their is no doubt in anyone's mind that this wedding has had a lot of surprises,my sons if you are up for more then i think its time"

she looked at her husband and nodded, he walked out of the room and come back followed but someone Kong recognized as one of the lawyers for their family.Kong's dad brought him to the front and waited for his wife to continue.

"This here is Mr.Henry one of our family lawyers, recently when we had to make some financial changes and informed him of our sons upcoming wedding,he asked to come because he needed to pass something to the grooms. we were never aware of this and we still do not know what he has for our boys, so Mr.Henry can tell you himself."

she let him take over, he opened his brief case and pulled out an envelope,

"Hello everyone and thank you for having me, Mr.Kongpob my father was your grandfathers lawyer, and as i took over he passed something on that i was to deliver to the grandchild that would marry into the Rojnapat family,i will leave this with both of you and as soon as you get a chance i would like a meeting with both of you, i have some documents that needs both your signatures,but us today is your wedding day i was instructed to only give you both your wedding gift."

he handed them the envelop which they opened and pulled out some papers but also a golden key with a red string,they looked at the lawyer clearly confused.he decided to tell them what it was

"That would be your wedding gift from your grandfather,the key is for a house in a private island,that belongs to both of you.over the years my family has taken care of the upkeep and took care of one other that my father and i knew this,because that's is what was requested.i will be happy to give you all the details once you both have time and are ready to see it.congratulations on your nuptials and thank you again"

he steeped down and went to the grooms fathers who were still stunned,he asked to walk out with him so he could have a word with them.

Kong and Arthit were still staring in chock until the rest of the room erupted in claps and whistles.

"Kong, wow i am so shocked i have no words,what does all this mean? did your grandfather seriously buy us a private island?"

"P' it definitely looks like it,hey what is this?"

he pulled out a small envelope, opening it a small card fell out it had something written on it

"to my grandchild,

Today must be your wedding day,and you will be married to my loves grandchild, i hope you both will love like we did, and congratulations to you both,i bless you both,please my child Love and treasure each other,love for both me and my Arthit.we want nothing but the best for you both.this is something my love always desired an island of our own,it wasn't to be for us but i promised he would have it,and through you two my love has received his wish.cherish that place,bring love laughter and joy to that small house, it will be your safe haven,when you both need to escape reality, head there but always together.

with my heart and love,

your grandfather."

"wow P' now am really feeling the magnitude of our marriage,we have very big feet to fill,and i hope we will be able to at least be even half what our grandfathers were"

"Kong,i completely agree with you, but we also have so much more, we have been blessed by so many,and together we will make sure to fulfill all our grandfather had set out for us, we will love and live not just for us but for them too."

the room was already loud and after they read the card out loud, everyone was dabbing tears off their eyes.Kong's sister were feeling for their brothers,the two had no idea the other existed just a couple of weeks ago and here they find out they have a history from a lifetime before.they always said Kong was special but today proved he really was special,to them it was so obvious from the moment the two met, that they were soulmates, but for it to be confirmed over and over was other worldly.

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