Meddling sisters. Part 4

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the table had been set, and it looked like quite a feast, there was all kind of delicacies, Kongpob's family seemed to have not spared any expense, which Arthit wonder how the rest of the meals will be for the time he stayed there, he actually started worrying that he was going to gain weight. this made him laugh internally, Kong did not miss the smile playing on his lips.

while everyone was picking different dishes, Kong made sure to add some to Arthits plate, he did not want him to not eat since he could see how shy he was.

"ee...huh, our brother is a gentle man, making sure to feed your spouse," his older sister commented

"So Arthit, how do you like our brother? " the younger sister asked, Arthit just blushed and hid his face.Kongpob glared at her,

"stop picking on him, your making him shy"

"oh defending him already, mom i think our baby brother has been hit by cupids arrow"

there mom just laughed and told them to quit it, and eat there food, but she had also been looking at her son closely, regardless of what her husband and her told him, she knew all she wanted to see was her baby happy, and promise or not if he was not going to be happy with this arrangement, she was willing to risk it and call it off.but from how things seem it looked to her like the two,had something, at the moment she couldn't put a name to it but, they were definitely attracted to each other, she watched how her son made sure Arthit was eating, how he added different stuff to his plate,and how Arthit would smile up at him every time.

Arthit mother was also watching her son, she knew he was very shy, he did not open up to people easily if at all,but it looked like Kong had his attention, she saw the smiles and the stolen glaces between them, in that moment she prayed for their happiness, they might have not picked each other, but it seemed like they were destined.she saw how her son seemed comfortable with Kong in such a short amount of time,she had expected arguments fights and tears, that's why the engagement was set for the weekend and they had arrived a week early. the parents had decided to give the two at least a week to get to know each other.

lunch continued with the siblings bickering, and making Arthit laugh at some of their antics,he noticed how close they were and regardless of the jokes the love was very clear, it seemed like they had decided to tease their brother relentlessly.

"Arthit, do you know Kong never talked to any of the girls who have been chasing him and swooning over him, he always waited for you"Kong older sister said

(side note, i was not going to name the sisters but i think now i need to, so Kong's older sister will be Tina and his younger sister will be Anne)

"P'Tina, stop it how could i? i didn't know P'Arthit until today."

"that's not what you said before, ha-ha Anne remember when we tried to help him he said, he already has a spouse?"

"yes P'Tina he did, Kong you always said that, when you rejected all those girls"

"Arthit, me and Anne will tell you all about Kong when he is not here, otherwise he will strangle us hah-aha"

the table was cleared, and the parents went to have coffee outside in the balcony,Tina and Anne said they were heading to the mall for a bit.Kongpob was left with Arthit , he looked at him and realized he looked tired, well he was yawning which did not help his case.

"P do you want to go up to the room to freshen up?"

"yes , i would like that".

Kong led him upstairs but realized he forgot to ask what guest room Arthit's stuff were.

"P i forgot to ask my sisters what room they put your stuff, you can come to my room if its okay with you,it has a private bath."

Arthit scratched his heard and was a bit nervous, but he also wanted to see Kong's room, he remembers his friends said someones room can tell you a lot about the person.and he wanted to know what Kong liked, how his room was decorated and if he had any thing he collected.

"Okay i don't mind"

"this way then P' my room is the one at the top floor"

Kongpob opened the door and let Arthit walk in first, he stood behind him while Arthit eyes were looking at everything.

"Kong why does this look like a sitting room, no bed i thought this is your room."

kong chuckled. "P' you already want to go to my bed?" he laughed when Arthit glayered at him and punched his arm.

"i was just asking don't be a perv"

"oh and P' am joking, my parents gave me this side of the house because its like its own apartment, let me give you a tour"

Arthit followed him from the living room, the next room was set up like a library, kong told him that was his study area, the the walked to the bedroom, which was big, on one side it connected to the bathroom, but what Arthit was staring at were the french doors which opened up to a balcony with any amazing view.

"wow, Kong this view is breath taking i bet the sun rise and sun set are very beautiful from this point."

"yes P' that is another reason i liked this part of the house, i like sitting out here even at night its very calming."

they come back in to the bedroom so Arhtit could go take a shower, but Kong realized he looked sleepy.

"P' why don't you take a nap and shower after, my bed is big i don't mind"

"now that you mentioned it, i didn't sleep much last night, if its okay then I'll take a nap"

Arthit went to the bed and sat on one side when Kongpob called to him,

"P' i can lend you some lighter clothes so you don't sleep in jeans" he didn't wait for a reply and went to his closet but when he opened it he gasped,

"whats wrong?"

"well it looks like my meddling sisters decided you would be staying with me in my room, all you language is here and they unpacked for you."

"what do you mean,my clothes are in your closet?"

"yes P' sorry, i will get you a guest room if you want, my sisters are busy bodies"

Arthit thought about this for a moment, he realized he wanted to be with kongpob too, and wanted to spend as much time together for this too weeks, because once school starts they wont have as much free time.

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