The center of my world Part 36

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Arthit and Kong were still in their waiting room,just relaxing they knew they had a lot to talk about and the day had revealed so much to them, but at the moment they were just content lying on the sofa.their clothes were hanging on a small closet in the room, both were happy to get out of their wedding attire, their outfits were comfortable for the reception.

in the reception hall every one was busy talking and being amazed by the selection of food available, it was no joke both families had spared no expense, most people who attended a wedding knew that everyone talked about what food was served, but at this wedding it was a question of what food had not been served, anything one asked for was there.

most everyone was in high spirits but a few, Kong's cousin Julie had been sulking most of the day,she was jealous and envious of Arthit in every way, not that she actually cared about Kong much, it was all materialistic for her, she had deluded herself that she deserved all the attention,she wanted to be the center of attention, and she felt like Arthit was taking Kong's wealth,and did not realize Arthit was as wealthy in his own right.she had tried bad mouthing him to some of the other cousins but unfortunately none paid her any attention. they knew how she was and it was best to ignore her.but at the rate she was going once she started sneaking drinks, someone was bound to put her in her place soon.

The parents were bustling around making sure everyone was happy and enjoying the food, their sons had specifically requested that the food be served before they come in, they wanted the guest to enjoy themselves because they knew once they came in the guest would be coming up to talk them and not eat much.

The dads looked around at their extended family there hearts were filled with pride, their sons had no idea what an amazing feeling this was, they could barely comprehend how proud they had made their families today, the mere act of the two agreeing to this marriage based on the trust they had on their parents was commendable.

kong's dad turned to Arthit's dad and told him,

"i feel like today i have accomplished my duty as a father, our sons could not have made us any more proud than they did today, and for this i will always make sure for us long us i live they will lack for nothing,i think we both agree to let them have all the freedom they want until they are ready to take over the family businesses, and if they choose not to, i will be happy with that too."

"i don't think we have anything to worry about on that front i can tell you, Kong is very proud of what you have done, and maybe he hasn't said it in so many words but he loves the factory just us much us you do, i know they will take the business world by storm, when its their time, i can gloat and say we have raised two brilliant young men."

"looking around and seeing our families celebrating together is the most amazing thing.i am glad we kept in touch through the years, i think that is what made all this more easy for all of us,i could not imagine the out come if we did not become friends regardless of the animosity between our families."

"i agree, but if you really think about it, i think our fathers had a lot to do with it,they both knew this day would come and they would be reunited, that is what started our journey,their believe in destiny, and the unbreakable love they had not only for each other but the loyalty towards their families, was so strong they denied there happiness to stop any more bloodshed,believing in their true love brought us here today."

"Well destiny has been fulfilled,there hearts have been rejoined, our sons have all the blessing they could ask for,so lets raise our cup for a long and loving relationship."

they both toasted to that,on the other hand the mothers were fluttering around the room it was about time the grooms joined their guest, so the moms were making sure the caterers were ready to serve them once they sat down, even though they both knew the chances of the two eating much would be very little.

Kong and Arthit had finally moved and straightened up, getting dressed and freshening up,P'leo and P'mark had come back to help them, and kong's sisters also come to join them so they could walk them back to the reception hall.

"Kong how does it feel to be a married man?" asked Tina

"It actually feels amazing,not that i did not feel P'Arthits love before, but now he actually said it,it makes it more real."

Arthit pushed him playfully,and added

"Well you also had not admitted to your feelings verbally,but i saw it and felt it in everything you did,and P'Tina we just got married a few hours ago so really it does not feel any different, the only thing is now i have someone who i will always have at my side."

Anne had to chip in too, she said

"I mean does it not feel weird for both of you, Kong your barely started your university, and will not have the chance to court and chase other people? wont both of you regret that?"

"No i don't think i will be missing anything, i have the most amazing person as my husband, he is everything i would ever dream of why would i want anyone else when i have the best?"

kong said. That touched something in Arthit all this time he wondered if he will ever find someone who would love him unconditionally, when all his friends were starting to date he felt a bit left behind, but here he was now with someone who looked at him like he was his world and he did not doubt for a minute that he was Kong's world now and Kong would be the center of his universe. he remembers his mother once telling him, that when you think you mean nothing or little to this big world, remember there is someone who you mean the world to, and today he married that person, he couldn't be more happier if he tried.

"P'Tina, P'Anne i know for a fact that i will not be missing any of that, granted i have two years already ahead of Kong, and in all that time i never even found someone i wanted to even try having a relationship with,but the moment i met Kong i knew he was the one for me,Kong i know i don't say much but i know we have somethings we need to work out, just always remember you will always be the center of my universe and nothing or no one can take that place."

Kong could help it, he pulled Arthit down for a kiss hugging him tight, he couldn't express how he felt at that moment but he knew his P' completely understood from the kiss.

"wow well said N'Arthit, i guess now we have to get used to seeing you two being lovey dovey, Tina can you believe this two did not even know each other a couple of weeks ago? it feels like they knew each other forever."

"technically after everything we heard today i believe their hearts and souls already knew. i think its time, lets go join your guests am pretty sure everyone is waiting for you two."

P'Leo and P'mark who had been quitely just observing the exchange smiled, they completely understood how the two grooms felt,they had not said anything because they had planned to have there own time with the grooms, knowing today would be busy for the two, they were just content helping them around and making sure they were taken care of.

they all got up and started heading out but Arthit pulled on Kongs hand, and when he looked at him all he saw was love reflected back at him, Arthit cradled his face and kissed him before he pulled back and interlocked there hands following the rest out.

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