opening the past Part 16

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For lunch Kong chose one of the small restaurants around the area,if you did not know it was there you would miss it,the ambience was nice,the seating were set in a way that it created privacy for the dinners,the two found a seat and ordered their lunch.

"Kong how did you find this place? am honestly enjoying the places you take me,i expected just a regular restaurant like all the places i have seen,but you surprise me every time."

"P' it's because i like to explore,and growing up here,there was not much i did,my sisters like high end places,where i prefer little undiscovered treasure,this place might not look like much but the food is amazing."

"talking about your sisters, i wonder when they will corner me for answer's.i bet they are dying to grill me."

"ha ha you right,i am pretty sure they are plotting on both of us,don't be surprised if they already have a plan,but i do understand them,i did the same to Anne when she first introduced her boyfriend to the family,poor thing thought he was on some trial,but he pulled through and now they are married,trust me P' for some reason you are an exception,you come in with our parents approval,and swept me off my feet immediately somehow.i think you won us all aver without even trying."

"Am glad because i was honestly terrified before i met your family, the whole time i kept wondering how it would turn out,but now i honestly feel like i knew you a long time and your sisters and parents are lovely,i learned a bit from your dad today,am sure we will have to talk to our mothers too.i would like to talk to your mom and a sure her she has nothing to worry about,i can see how much she loves you."

"P' my mom loves you too or she would have said something,she is very vocal about her feelings,don't worry. also i know how close you are to your mom and i would love to talk to her,what about we take them out tomorrow,i know they are dying to drag us shopping with them and we can talk then."

"Sound like a plan, i know they will both love that."

"P' tell me about your friends you mentioned them a while back i want to know more if you don't mind."

"they are a crazy group.i have four close friends,Knot is the one am closest to,he treats me like a brother more than a friend,and then their is bright, he is very loud and always gets us in trouble,he is very close with Toota who is our other friend he is a romantic,then their is prem at first glance he seems cold but he has a warm heart and is very insightful,since we met we have all been very close i can honestly say i see them as my brothers and none of them would hesitate to help the other out no matter the cost."

"P' are you sure you want to keep this from them,from what you said i guarantee they will be hurt that you kept them in the dark."

"I have been thinking about it and i understand,but at the same time i am not ready to share you yet,and knowing them they will be pissed but also they will understand where am coming from or i hope they will. what about you any of your close friends?"

"Only my best friend Aim,luckily he is not in town,so for now its okay,when he gets back we will be starting school,i also want to wait before i tell him,he is very understanding too,and maybe when we are both ready i will tell him."

they finished their meal, not even realizing they had been chatting away for a while.

"P' do you want to go explore the street markets while we walk off the food?"

"yes please, i did not even realize how much i ate, it was so delicious."

they paid and left,driving to the open street market they found a place to park and left hand in hand,the feeling of a new relationship was exhilarating, for them both.they both felt like they were walking on clouds,Arthit wondered if his heart would bust out of his chest because of how fast it beat.not realizing that Kong was on the same boat,walking around every thing felt just that much more beautiful.they stopped at one stand that sold figurines,the old man selling them was sitting and seemed to be carving another.

"P' this look so intricate and beautiful lets check them out."

"Do you like figurines"

"not really but this ones seem to be made with a lot of love,see the old man is curving them am pretty sure they mean something to him."

they approached the old man

"Good afternoon uncle" they both greeted him with respect

"good afternoon, have you boys found something you like..."he stopped mid sentence he could not believe his eyes,but true as day he was seeing a miracle,it felt like time traveled back,he was old and his eyes might be playing tricks on him,so he looked again,yeap still the same.he shook his head.

"Not yet uncle,we were wondering did you make all of them?" Kong asked him,but he noticed the old man was starring at him.

"Are you okay,you look a bit pale uncle."

"Oh i just thought i saw something,you know old eyes, and no my wife rest her soul made some too, she always loved them and i learned how to make them for her,but now that she is gone i love sharing them with others,just like she did, i hope it will bring them the joy it brought her whenever i made her a new one,but you need to look for the one that speaks to you feel the love and joy it brings you,that's how you know which one to get.go ahead look around i am sure something will catch your eyes."

the old man was still in a daze,he couldn't believe this,he wondered if they will find what he hoped,if they did he would believe in miracles,he kept an eye on them.

the two walked around just looking and enjoying the figurines making moments about how unique each one was.the old man was watching them,he was drawn to the two he saw their love for each other,for someone of his experience he could see beyond the outer layer of people,he could see the two had a unique bond,their completed each other even though maybe they did not even realize it,he had seen the younger generation, who did not treasure love,who thought real love was made of a full pocket and material things,but in this two he felt a deeper connection,like their journey had started long ago,he hoped they would treasure and kindle the bond they had.

Kong saw something that looked like a jewelry box,when he picked it up he knew right away he wanted Arthit to have it,even before he opened it, it had very delicate designs all over,it was a work of Art.the minute he touched it,he felt this overwhelming feeling,he couldn't describe it,he just knew he had to give his P' this box.

"P' please come over here,look at this."

the moment Arthit saw it he knew that was his,picking it up he traced his figures on the design.he felt this warm and love like the box had some kind of magic.

"Kong this is special,i have never seen anything like it."

"I know what you mean,let me get it for you."

"No its okay i will buy it"

"P' part of being your boyfriend and soon to be husband is i get to spoil you,don't denie me that okay."


"no but, lets keep looking then,i will hand this to the uncle."

Kong took the box to the old man who seemed to be deep in though.

"Uncle can you hold this for me, i would like to get it for my fiance.when i saw it i felt connected to it,it's not only very beautiful but i feel like i am meant to have it."

when the old man saw the box he was holding,he looked up at the young man like he was seeing him for the first time.well miracles do happen,the young man found what he hoed he would.

"young man are you sure you want that particular box?"

"yes uncle,P'Arthit loves it too,so i would like to get it for him,when i touched it i knew it belongs to him,i cant explain it,but i felt it. why is there a problem?"

"No young man,if you are sure you want this particular box then its your but,not yet,let your partner find something then you both come up to me."

"okay uncle thank you." Kong thought this was a bit weird but he did not question it he went back into the shelves to search while Arthit was doing the same.

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