My Blushing fiance Part 5

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"kong, no need for that, like you said your bed is big enough for us, and maybe this will give me a chance to see if you snore ha.ha"

"P' that is so not funny, and for your information i do not snore, hmm.. maybe you snore huh!, or you sleep walk it's better to find out now, while i can still run away from you"

kongpob was laughing so hard seeing how Arthit's face expression kept changing, he realized he was going to have a lot of fun teasing the older guy,just so he would be able to see that face, and how it turned red.

"hey stop with that, i do not do any of that, for your information i sleep very peacefully, and who says i wont be the one running away from you."

Arthit come to stand by him and grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, he walked into the bathroom to change, he could hear the younger one chuckle which in-turn made him blush, come to think of it he was scared his face will permanently turn red, with how much he kept blushing,he just hoped Kong wont keep it up for the rest of his stay,surely that would not be health if his blood kept rushing to his face.he walked out of the bathroom after making sure he looked okay,then he smacked himself wondering why the hell did he care that much.

"P' wow, you look cute even in sleep wear"Kong realized he blurted his thoughts out loud.

"hey am not cute am handsome, and manly, just so you know."

"yes your cute, and manly... hmm we will have to see about that.'

"what do you mean, i am very manly, and nothing about me is cute."

"P' okay i give, keep telling yourself that,who are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

Arthit who was sitting on the bed grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at Kong,he just caught it and kept laughing.

"P' okay ill stop teasing you, go ahead take a nap and I'll be in the living room,we can go out later when you wake up,i will show yo around town."

"okay, but don't you want to take a nap too?"

"is that an invitation?" Kong said while wiggling his eyes, Arthit huffed at him but also blushed crimson.

"Oh God, you are unbelievable, go away so i can sleep."

he turned around and buried his face on the pillow, he could hear Kongpob laughing while closing the door behind. he took a deep breath just to be consumed, by Kong's scent,to his astonishment it was pleasant, he never thought he would be the kind to care about such things, he thought that was something that happened in all the crazy dramas and chick flicks his mom made him watch with her.

Arthit started thinking about how this day had gone by so far,he realized though he was doubtful about the whole thing,he was starting to like Kongpob, he seemed like a gentle person, one could see how caring and considerate he was, he also saw how loyal he was towards his parents. he realize that even though they were not given the choice to find their love,fate smiled upon them, at the moment it was not love but clearly if he was to be forced into a marriage, he sure was glad it was Kongpob.Kongpob was not only handsome but that would have been mute if he had a horrible personality, it might be premature to think so, but at this very moment Arthit realized, he liked Kong's character and personality.the next few days were sure to be entertaining for both.he looked forward to the rest of his stay,where else on his way there this morning he was clearly a bit scared, now he had hope.he drifted off to sleep with a smile.

Kongpob, was sitting in his living room with a book, but had not read a word yet, his mind was replaying the days him the moment he laid eyes on Arthit his whole world shifted, he was attracted to him,and as the day progressed, through their talk, and interaction with his family, he could not seem to take his eyes away from Arthit.he knew that The older one was shocked about the arrangement, but he also could see, Arthit opening up to him.when he had suggested they be friends, its because he wanted Arthit to be comfortable with him,but if he was being honest his heart had already chosen its other half.he was looking forward to the time they had together, and decided not to dwell too much on it, since he tended to overthink,why not let nature take its course, and instead of using his brain, this time he was going to let his heart lead, he would follow his hearts desire.Truth be told he had no idea what love was supposed to feel like, but Arthit had somehow manged to get his attention. he enjoyed how easy their banter was.also the fact that he did not have to pretend to impress the other was a Plus,their chemistry was clear for all to see, he felt it.he had seen his mother watching them during lunch, and so the emotions playing on her face, he never wanted to disappoint her, and he was glad he won't have to.he also saw how Arthit's mother was looking at them, he hoped he would be able to reassure her , he promised himself to have a chat with her sometime soon.he understood Arthit was her only child and she wanted the best for him. at the moment he did not know if that was him but,he would give his all to make her son happy. he closed his eyes and drifted off to images of Arthit's smile.

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