The one i want to spend every lifetime with.Part 22

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"Tina i really like N'Arthit,do you see how attached they already are?"

"i see it am just glad our Kong found his other half,if i didn't know better i would think they have been together for years,you know i was worried for nothing,i thought they would have been awkward with each other but they have proved every one wrong."

"I know when mom was telling us that the engagement was so soon i felt bad for Kong,i thought he was not getting enough time"

"I thought so too,i mean it took me more than three month to even agree to date my husband,i don't know how i would have felt if i was in Kong's place."

"Your right but i think,our parents were also right,Kong has never even given anyone a glance or had interest in them but the moment the two met i swear you could feel the electricity in the room,the sparks were flying all over,and N'Arthit is just us in love with Kong you can see it,i mean other than being completely attached to his side,the way they look at each other says a lot."

"i think our meddling helped push things along,them sharing the room has also given them more time and helped bring them closer,i mean they sleep on the same bed,that breaks the ice faster than anything else i bet."

the two looked around purchasing random things then decided to go find the was not hard they knew of their brothers obsession with robots,it had made for some interesting birthday presents,Kong loved them and anytime they wondered what to get him,Robots had been the answer.

Kong and Arthit were so engrossed in the robot models they were looking at, they did even hear his sisters coming up to them until they were right next to them.

"Have you boy's had enough yet?" Tina asked

"we can never have enough ,but we can leave we got what we wanted,so where to next"

"lets go have something to drink fast and decided where we want to go for dinner" Tina suggested,they all agreed and left.

they found a cafe,Kong said he would go get the drinks while the rest have a seat but Anne said she would go with him to help carry them.

Tina who was wondering how to start a conversation was saved when Arthit decided to speak up

"P'Tina i know you have some questions ask me anything you like"

"Actually N'Arthit i don't need to ask you i have seen you with Kong and i see how happy you both are that's enough for me,i just want you to know both Anne and i are very happy and we are glad you make our brother happy,we want you to know that we are your sisters too now,Kong is our baby brother and we want nothing but the best for him,you have put a smile and a spark in his eyes,we could never ask for a better husband for our brother."

"Thank you P'Tina,i will try to always keep that smile on his face i am also getting attached to it, and Kong is becoming a big part of my life,please be assured i will take care of him."

"take care of each other,i know we tease kong a lot,but its out of love and i also wanted to apologize for our meddling in your affairs we just wanted to give you both a chance to be close."

"P'tina don't apologize,i am actually grateful you did that because it made me open up to Kong faster that i would have otherwise,it gave both of us a chance to really talk to each other,we should thank you both for doing it,"

"i think you both would have found your ways to each other regardless,but am glad we helped along."

Kong and Anne come back with drinks,Tina and Anne had a caramel and coffee frape's while Kong brought Arthit pink milk and he got an ice coffee,he had learned from Arthit that was his favorite drink.the sisters didn't comment even though they were dying to,but no one wanted to face Kongs wrath,he was very overprotective of his P'.

"Kong i was talking to N'Arthit and i want to apologize to you too for what we did"

"No need to Tina,i know why you did it, and looking back am happy you two meddled because it gave me the courage to open up and really get to know P'Arthit,maybe if you two did not put us together we would still be trying to figure each other out."

"Tha'ts exactly what N'Arthit said,so how are you two really doing, i know our parents kinda just expected this to work but how do you two honestly feel?"

"Thank you both for worrying for us,but i can honestly tell you,i want to be married to p'Arthit,i do want to build a future with him,yes our parents did not give us a choice,but they could have never picked any one better and i don't think i could have every met anyone who would make me feel the way P"Arthit does."

hearing this Arthit squeezed Kongs hand that he was holding he felt so overwhelmed with feeling he turned to face kong and kissed him on the cheek.he just wanted the other to know he felt the same.

"P's i agree with Kong, i could never meet anyone better than him either,and i want to marry him because he is the one i want to spend every lifetime with."

Anne said"am grateful you two feel that way,it would have been really painful if you did not like each other and had to still get married,aren't you happy you have sisters who helped out."

"Anne we are but initially that was not your intention,i know you "

"you wound me baby brother,okay your right,oh and i needed to tell you two .if anyone tries to interfere with your relationship just call us and we will set them straight okay,Kong your too nice and oblivious to others,and they misunderstand your intentions."Anne told them

"N'Arthit,you have to keep an eye out for him,he is too nice and will be taken advantage of,also people tend to try and push themselves on him,so you have to make sure they don't cross the line when we are not there to set them straight okay." Tina told him

"Don't worry ,i will make sure nobody takes advantage of him,and P'Tina kong will be my husband,i will not let anyone try to take him he will always be mine,"

"Wow Baby brother you found yourself a possessive husband,i like you N'Arthit" Anne had do add inn

"Anne i am possessive too, i might have not know it because i never had anyone to be possessive of but now i do"

"Am jealous my husband doesn't even do all this romantic stuff with me,Tina does your husband feed you,or hold your hand in front of our parents?"

"Are you crazy he would never do that."

"Exactly this two have been lovey dovey from the moment they met.Kong your so luck your husband is not only beautiful but very romantic,why do you always get the best,if your not my baby brother i would have been jealous" Anna complained

"But Anne i thought you were going to help me refuse the marriage remember,you were so against the whole thing,you nearly made mom have an aneurysm from all the complaining you did."

"i changed my mind N'Arthit has my support,i just did not want you to agree to everything mom and dad planned for you, we wanted you to be free to chose your spouse like we did,but of course the gods always smile at you and gave you your soulmate."

his sister;s were very happy for him,even when they complained it was with good intentions, no one spoiled their brother like they did,they were exhilarated to see he found his soul mate in a situation that was set in motion long before he was one was happier for Kong than his sisters.

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