Their idea of small Part 27

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(First of all i want to say thank you for 13.5k reads, i did not expect it, so thank you all.sorry i took a little break from this story but i am back now and i will try to update regularly.Enjoy the rest. And a Big thank you to you my readers.)

the two arrived at the temple,going in they made their offering and prayed together.once that was done they left to head back to the villa.both of them felt peacefully and calm.

"P' before we head home would you mind if we stop"

"No i would not,where do you want to go?"

"Actually it is just this field a little bit from here,whenever i came to the temple i enjoyed going their,i would like to take you to see it"

"I would love to see it,do you go there often?"

"As much as i would like to, i don't,its usually when i come to this temple since there are others i go to too."

"i wish we had more time, i would like to see more of your home town."

Kong who was driving,grabbed Arthit's hand and held it in his lap.

"P' this time we did not have a lot of time,but since it's all working out,i am sure we will be spending a lot of time here,i mean now that we are together i guess we will have to split our holidays between both our parents,since i am also looking forward to visit your home town."

"your right, we will have to split our school holidays between our families but i have one request,"

"Anything you want P', you don't even have to ask i will always fulfill all your wishes"

they had arrived at the field Kong wanted them to visit,it was a magnificent sight,they walked to sit on one of the benches,they were a few people around mostly either walking or doing mild excises,since the sun had just rises most people were out getting some fresh air before starting their day it seemed.

"Kong this is really nice,i know i am not a morning person and so i miss out on doing things like this,i don't even remember the last time i watched a sunrise."

"Am glad you like it,sometimes i like coming here early in the morning to just relax,and i will have to rectify you not seeing a sunrise in a while."

"Kong don't you dare wake me up at the crack of dawn."

he threatened him while pouting at him which made it hard for Kong to take him seriously,since all he wanted to do was kiss the pout off those lips.he swooped down and kissed him.

"i promise to make it up to you,for waking you up,i will make it worth your while."

Arthit was still not convinced,but he knew he had lost that one.

"P' what was it you wanted you know i will give in to whatever you want."

"Quit being cheesy, i am serious."

"Okay p' what is your request?"

"i know we have to spend time with both our families during school holidays, and let me tell you school will keep us very busy so we might not have a lot of time together,what i would like is if we both save a week either in the beginning or end of the holidays and spend it alone."

"P' i would love that,and for the time being lets see how we feel when the holidays come,and if we decide to come home first then we can take our week before we go back to school"

"that sounds perfect,depending on how the semester goes,then we can have our week vacation,i know between school and our families we will need a vacation from it all,and at the same time it will give us time to touch base and just spend a little more time just for us."

"P' if it was up to me we would spend all our time together."

"there you go again being cheesy."

but he was loving it,judging from how he moved to snuggle on Kong's side.while the two were sharing a quite moment,back at the villa relatives had started arriving and things were getting busy.Both their mothers were busy welcoming them in and making sure every one was comfortable, introducing Arthit's side of the family to Kong's side,their was a lot of chatter and laughter everyone seemed to be in high spirits.Kong's sisters who were helping their mothers and taking it all inn were talking to each other.

"Tina is it just me or our brother is getting a bigger wedding than we did?"

Anne are you jealous? of course he is getting a bigger wedding and remember this is only the first one,plus most of our relatives are coming over for the first time since they had to travel and it seems to be a big deal to see Arthit and Kong tie the knot,from what i hear both families are very excited and none of them wanted to miss this."

"I dint mean it that way, i am not jealous i am over joyed for those two,after seeing them together they both deserve this more than any one,and i know Kong is our baby so we all have always spoiled him, i want him to have the biggest wedding ever,this time and on their official wedding day too."

"Your right ,Arthit's parents and mom and dad have spared no expense.its funny though the two wanted something small,they forgot our parents idea of small ,i can't wait to see the look on their faces tomorrow when they realize exactly how many people will be here,just between the two families i don't think any relative has been left behind."

"Right i can see it, and so far every one just wants to meet the two,all our cousins have been asking me how Kong's spouse looks i cant wait to see the look on their faces when they see how cute our Arthit is."

"ha ha me too,our cousin Julie was asking if the spouse is prettier than her? seriously she doesn't hold a candle to our Arthit,i am so looking forward to the entertainment."

"your evil big sister, but am with you, what about Aunt Jane, even though she is not our aunt remember how she is always telling mom and dad how her daughter would make a great daughter in law?"

"Anne that is going to be hilarious, i saw her earlier and she brought her daughter poor thing gets dragged into her mothers drama,you know i think all she cared about is Kong being dad's heir but what she doesn't realize is both dad and mom never cared for her."

they kept talking and going around to also chat with their other relatives.but it was clear everyone was waiting for Arthit and Kong to appear.

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