Honesty is the best policy Part 3

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Kongpob thought about this for a moment, he remembered he had promised himself to be open and honest with his spouse, and this was a good a time to start as any.

"P, when my parents told me about this, i was shocked, i thought this would have not been something i would have to go through till at least after university.but at the same time i have always know that i would have an arranged marriage since i was young,my mom always told me this, on that part i was i guess as prepared as one can be.but beyond that i am not sure."

"Kongpob, i understand, and i also feel the same, i thought i would at least be working before the marriage, also my parents had never told me i had been promised to someone, and even when they told me, they seemed to have omitted the part that you were a guy."

"P does that bother you?"

"to be honest , no it doesn't,even though i have never dated anyone male or female, i don't have any issues with it. i think if two people love each other, that should be enough.what about you, how do you feel? and i want you to be honest with me, not what you think i want to hear, or what your parents want from you."

"P i have though about this a lot and ,regardless of what we want at the moment we will get engaged,so i propose that we start by being friends and getting to know each other, we can take this relationship at our own pace, we can not do much about the engagement but we can decided how our relationship, progresses from here on,"

the truth is after Kongpob met Arthit he felt a spark for him right away, and he thanked his grandparents for at least picking someone he saw himself developing feelings for.it was not a lie that he wanted to build a foundation with Arthit,being friends was the beginning, from that first step they could move on.

"kong, i like that, yes lets be friends,like you said our parents can not decided how our relationship will work, that is up to us, i would like to know you and being friends will help us, i do not want you to feel like you can't be yourself with me,lets build a foundation on openness and trust,whatever it is lets talk about it and decide together."

what Arthit had not said was, he was instantly attracted to Kongpob, and that's his main reason, he wanted him to open up to him, even though he never had a relationship before, from what his friends always talked about , it made him realize, that communicating your wants with the other whether it was bad or good was the only way.

"P initially i was skeptical of how you felt about the whole thing, but i think we both want to give this a try, i want us to work, and i will be honest i had thought you would be against this, so i was also prepared for that."

"Kong, i was also wondering how you felt, granted i did not even know your gender, and i was also willing to talk my parent out of it , if that was what you would have wanted, or even get married because i can never disappoint my parents, even though it would have been just a charm marriage, but am glad that we both seem to want this to work for us."

"P am glad, and since we will be attending the same school, how do you feel about that."

"kong, i honestly have not thought of it, i just found out all this last night,since we have two weeks here lets just see how it goes and we can talk about it before we go back to school."

back in the house, Kongpob sister who had been spying on the two were giggling to themselves,though even they were initially worried for their baby brother, they knew how he was, how he could never say no to his parents, and were ready to fight on his behalf, if he showed any discomfort, but it seems they were wrong since, the two seemed like they could not take their eyes off each other, they saw how while talking they sat so close and would sneak glaces at each other.that made them happy, even though it was a short amount of time the spark was their, it was so obvious. the sisters finish setting the table for lunch with the kitchen help. they called the parents in while one of the help went to get the boys.

"young master, lunch is served"

"thank you we will be right in"

"P, lets go have lunch, you must be hungry by now."

Arthit chuckled, and Kongpob stood up, he held his hand out for Arthit to stand, but when they started walking Kongpob did not let his hand go.they walked to the house and when they come in Arthit tried to pull his hand away, Kongpob did not let him.he just looked at Arthit and smiled at him. their parents who had also just walked in to the dinning room saw them, Kongpob mother was the first one to react.

"oh how cute , you two already holding hands,my baby work fast huh?"

Arthit mother not wanting to be left out interjected,

"what do you mean , it's because my baby is very beautiful, who could resist him."

the two in question just blushed and Kongpob let Athit's hand go, he walked him to a chair and pulled it out for him, this of course made the mothers giggle again.once everyone was seated and the food was served the questions started.

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