You're the one i want to come home to Part 21

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when the four met up,Arthit immediately went to Kong looping his hand and snuggling into his side which was becoming one of his favorite things.their mothers seeing this just smiled it had been happening practically since the first day,it was like Arthit was hiding behind Kong,it was funny since he was the older one.Arthit whispered to Kong,

"Are we having lunch with mom's or we are leaving?"

"Do you want to have lunch with them?"

"I don't mind,lets ask them."

Kong asked his mom."Ma, do you have plans or you want to have lunch with us?"

"we were going to shop some more,but it would be nice to have lunch with our son's,lets go to that sushi place you took me last time it was great am sure we all will like it."

since every one seemed to like the idea they went off to the sushi place,lunch consisted of small talk,enjoying the food and the mothers laughing at their son's antics.they kept feeding each other,they were so in sync you would think they had been doing it for years instead of merely a few days.

After they were done they left their mothers going to shop and the Boys headed home to meet up with Kong's sisters.

when they got home the girls were not there yet so the two went to hang out in Kong room while they wait.Kong sat down on the sofa pulling Arthit with him who did not resist he just snuggled into him.

"P' how was the talk with Ma?"

"it was amazing,you take after her a lot,but i also see parts of your dad too,she just wanted to see how i felt and make sure her baby boy will be sure it was the same with my mom."

"your right P' that is exactly what i talked to your mom about,but i also wanted to reassure her that i will take care of you always and she has nothing to worry about,so i want to tell you what i told her because i need you to know this P',from the moment we met,i realize how important you are and will always be to me,i will always take care of you and put you first before anyone or anything else."

"Kong,we will take care of each other, i want you to know that no matter what you can always come to me,and nothing will ever take priority over you,talking to your parents i have learned a few things and i know so have you,we will not always have it easy whether it will be people or other things coming between us,but i want you to always remember that at the end of the day your the one i want to come home to,the one i want to share everything with,and if at anytime i say or do something to make you unhappy,please let me know and i will remedy it,our parents have all emphasized the importance of open communication in a marriage,i may not be good at it but i promise to get better."

"P' i understand and you have been nothing but open and honest with me,i do not see that being a problem for us,am glad we had the chance to talk to our parents it gave me an insight into a lot of thing that i would not have known otherwise.i promised our parents to do my best by you,P' i want you to know i am not doing this just because our parents want us to,but because i want you P'. I want to be married to you and have a life with you and through thick and thin at the end of it i want to be snuggling with you just like this at the end of everyday and sharing my all with you."

"Kong it might not always be this great but even when life gets hard,i also want to always be able to just sit back and reflect with you next to me."

Kong who was holding him turned him Around and proceeded to render him speechless.their kiss was not hurried, it was slow full of promises.they just held each other and savored the gift that was given to them.

Kong's sister's Arrived home and one of the house helps told them the boys were home,Anne decided to text them to let them know when they were ready to leave,she had wanted to go upstairs to get them but Tina stopped her.

"But it would be fun,catching them,Tina do you think they have even kissed,i bet you they have not."

"Anne,your too much,why do you care what they do in their private time,and give them a break they just met a few days ago and have a lot thrown at them,even though i think they are getting very close to each other,didn't you see how lovey dovey they are?"

"actually your right,i think i hear them lets talk later."

Arthit and Kong come to meet the two and the girls just giggled when they saw Arthit glued to Kong's side,holding his hand.

"Don't worry N'Arthit we wont bite." Anna laughed

"So where are we going?" Kong asked his sisters,since all they had said was they wanted to spend time with them.

"Let's go to that big shopping center at the outskirts of town we haven't been there for a while and N'Arthit can get to sight see too." Tina told them, they all agreed,she decided to drive claiming that she was the oldest.the rest just agreed even though Kong had wanted to drive him and Arthit,Anne told them they had to go together since this was for all of them to spend time with each other.

the drive was fun for them,they teased and laughed at each other the sister was so happy spilling Kong's embarrassing moments and things he had done.but through all the jokes the sisters were observing the two,it warmed their hearts to see how happy their brother was.

When they got to the shopping center,it was funny to see how excited his sisters were looking at the stuff,they dragged the two boys around for a while.

"N'Arthit how do you like our town so far?" Anne asked him

"It's nice from what i have seen i really like it."

"That's good because who knows may be when you two finish school,and take over the factory you will be living here" said Tina

"Kong what about you,do you want to still live here,i know dad said you don't have to and its up to you both."

"I think i will wait until the time comes and by then P'Arthit and i will decide where to go from there."

"N'Arthit what about your parents business,i know your parents and our's sometimes work together,what will you do?"

"P'Tina i agree with Kong,we still have a long way before that happens,when the time comes we will figure something out,but don't you two also work with your parents?"

Anne answered him,"Yes we do and so do both our husbands,we were lucky because our husbands wanted to join the factory,it makes it easier,because i honestly would not have wanted to live far from home."

they continued shopping and talking for a while longer,then Arthit saw a store he wanted to go into,he tugged at Kong's had that he was holding to get his attention

"Can we please go to that store?"

"sure P' you like robots?"

"yes and i know you do too i have seen your collection." they told the girls they were going in there and left.

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