My fiances father Part 14

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Kong walked Arthit's dad out of his dad's office,he knew that he wanted to talk to him so he asked,

"Uncle let me show you my favorite place of this building,"

"okay son, i would like that."

Kong took him to the top deck where their was chairs set up,when they sat down,one of the cafeteria workers come up and asked if they would like a drink,Arthit's dad ordered lemon tea and kong ordered an iced coffee,the server left to bring it for them.

"Son i know you are wondering why i wanted to talk to you,i don't have much actually , but i must ask, how do you feel about marrying my son?"

"Uncle initially i was skeptical yes, i had not met him, but once i met P'Arthit and talked to him, i am glad for the arrangement,he is someone i want to spend the rest of my life with,i need to learn more about him, but that's something we will do together,we will learn together."

"Son first call me dad, from now on i am your father, i see you as my second son more than a son in-law because the bond i share with your parents is stronger than friendship, i see them us kin even before all this,am also pleased to know you and Arthit are working on your relationship, it will be a blessed union, you both have not only your parents but grandparents blessing. in life your parents blessing is very important,every obstacle that you both might face in the future will be made easier by this blessing.i am sorry for us and your parents for not telling the both of you this earlier."

"Dad their is no need to say sorry,i knew about the arrangement,and P'Arthit is okay with it,the past we can not change but our future is something we can, we are both gratefully for having our parents blessing in our union,because this is what will make our bond stronger."

"you are a very intelligent young man,the other thing i wanted to say is, i know my son he is very shy, he might not express himself openly, i ask that you be patient with him,he expresses himself through his actions, when you have doubts of his feelings pay attention to his actions,that will show you more than he says,take care of each other, and don't let others affect your relationship,don't let what others feel or think have any influence on your decisions."

"Dad, i know P'Arthit and i have a long way to go, but i pray that we both have a strong unity just like our parents,i will always take care of him with all i have, you do not have to worry about him anymore, i will make sure to always put his happiness fast,no matter what,please have peace of mind that P'Arthit will never lack in anything,emotional or otherwise.even though i am younger than him i will treasure him."

"Son that is all i want for the both of you, i want to see the two of you smiling and sharing every joy in life whether big or small,share the hardships that is what will make your bond stronger,the next few years you will still both be in school,i ask that you both enjoy that experience don't worry about the rest, me and your father are still strong and will handle the business, have the best college life you both can have, so when you take over our business you will be see your parents and us had the same experiences, we enjoyed our college life to the max, one of this days i will tell the two of you about the mischievous we got into,trust me we were a riot."

"we would like to hear that,i cant imagine my parents getting into mischief"

"Trust me your mother was our ring leader,and trouble followed us every where, i am pretty sure we were responsible for a lot of the gray hairs on our parents heads, i am surprised God gave us sons who are very calm, i expected the two of you would be the punishment for the headache we caused our parent, but i am so glad it wasn't so,i don't even want to think about what we put our parents not much of a talker, and Arthit seems to have inherited that from me, but i learned from his mother and yours that having an open communication can solve a lot of was not an easy thing but you learn to trust your partner,even when you feel uncomfortable about something,make sure to have trust in them,Arthit might not tell you directly what is bothering him, but you have to have the insight to see it in his actions, if you ever have any doubts call me anytime,i will help you in anyway i can."

"Thank you dad, i know we will have a lot to learn and i appreciate your help,i will always keep it in mind.and i can honestly say Arthit has already found his place in my heart,his happiness and joy will be the most important thing in my life,i will do my best by him,i will treasure him as best as i can."

"Son you both will treasure each other, and his mother and i will rest peacefully knowing he has the best partner we would wish for about that tour of the factory now?"

"right come on dad let me show you around"

they both got up,and Kong started showing him the place,Arthit's dad could see the pride he took in his parents work,instead of resenting the responsibilities on his young shoulder's,he seemed to love it,Arthit's Dad saw the pride in his eyes,he had to tell his friend about this, Kong's dad had shared his worries about having to put all this on his son, even though Kong never said anything he still worried about it.

some of the factory employees who saw them were whispering about them, they were all wondering who they were and why their boss and his son were showing them around,some even started speculation if the factory was being sold.

when the four met up,Arthit could not wait to run to Kongs side and leave

"Son's you both are free to go do us you please,we appreciate the both of you coming this morning and give us the chance to speak to you,but i would ask that the four of us have a drink before the ceremony."

"Okay dad let us know when,Thank you dad i will take P'Arthit's sightseeing."

"you both have fun."

there fathers watched them leaving how Kong immediately took Arthits hand,while Arthit molded on his side immediately.

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