Chapter the First;;

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Haru pushed her cart through King's Cross station, her horned owl Min making unhappy noises at her bumpy ride. She tried to hurry so she could save a compartment for all of her friends. Her parents were struggling to keep up.

"Honey! Slow down, the train doesn't leave for forty-five minutes, you won't miss it!" Her father hollered behind her. "And if you do miss it, I know a guy that can get you on it."

"That's not what I'm worried about, dad!" She shouted. "Apparently, the incoming class is going to be big. And I want a compartment for me and my friends."

"How do you know the class is going to be big?" Her mother asked as she caught up with her.

"Namjoon and I looked at the census, and there were a lot of kids born eleven years ago. Also, the largest graduating class at Hogwarts have kids that are eleven, so that means-" 

"We get it, you nerd. A lot of first years," her dad teased, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"I get it from you, you know," Haru jabbed her finger into her dad's pec.

He rubbed the spot, "I was bright, yeah. But I focused my attention on other things, like Quidditch and girls. That's why I was sorted into Gryffindor."

"You chased all of those witches and you ended up with a muggle kindergarten teacher," Haru laughed when her mom scrunched her face up at the word muggle. She always hated the word, but what else was Haru and her dad supposed to call her?

Her dad turned toward his wife and put his hand in hers, "Best decision of my life."

"Gross," Haru scoffed as they arrived at Platform 9 3/4. 

The girl stood standing there, looking at the hidden entrance to the Hogwarts Express. Beyond that brick wall were all of her friends and the wizarding world. The butterflies in her stomach started going wild.

"Hey, kid," her dad said, bringing her back to reality. "You know fifth year is really important and hard, right? You've got O.W.L's, and a lot of homework. I know you're excited to see your friends, but I nearly lost my mind, and I didn't care nearly enough about school work as you do. This year determines what you're going to do for the rest of your life."

"Dad," Haru said, wrapping her arms around him, "I always take my studies seriously. All I did the past four years was study extra material and work on quidditch plays since I had so much spare time, so I'm sure I'll be just fine."

"I know, just don't get surprised if you find yourself struggling or getting stressed, okay?" Haru nodded as her dad leaned in close, "There's this place in the Forbidden Forest that's really peaceful-"

"Yongjin! Don't encourage her to sneak into a place called the Forbidden Forest! Forbidden is in the name, so I don't think it's such a good idea to go sneaking into it," Haru's mom scolded her father.

"Don't worry mom, I won't. And don't forget to write to me, and be nice to Min when she comes," she directed the second part toward her mother, who tends to be not so pleasant with the owl.

"I'm just scared she's going to bite me," her mom pouted.

Haru rolled her eyes, "It means she wants a treat. Dad, train her."

"How is he going to train Min when she's with you?"

"I meant that he needs to train you, mom."

Haru's mother put her hand on her heart, making a hurt expression. "I'm totally not going to miss you this year." She wrapped her daughter in a tight hug, "Not going to miss you at all," she choked out.

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