Chapter the Sixth;;

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The day Haru had been waiting for was finally here. The first quidditch game of the season. Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff, or more specifically, Jungkook and Haru versus Hoseok. Haru the quaffle vacuum, Jungkook the best chaser in modern years, and Hoseok the beater that could take of anybody's head.

As Haru sat on her broom, high above the ground with wind blowing through her ponytail, she felt content. Madame Hooch stepped onto the pitch, quaffle in hand and Haru closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wanting to stay in this moment.

It was the calm before the storm. Before Madame Hooch began her spiel on wanting a 'nice clean game' that no one ever really listened to. Her fingers twitched on her broom, wanting to get started, even if she knew that this would be the last moment of peace for who knows how long. She was suspended in time as she watched Hooch toss up the quaffle.

Unsurprisingly, Jungkook swooped in and caught the quaffle, dodging everyone's attempts at knocking the object out of his arms. He made it to the goals, throwing it and scoring.

"Jeon Jungkook has beaten his personal record and has scored within the first ten seconds of the game!" The announcer said. The Ravenclaw area when crazy, while the other houses just shook their heads in disbelief. Jeon Jungkook wasn't human.

The game had been going on for an hour. Hoseok had tried to beam a bludger at both Haru and Jungkook several times, but he always hits it soft enough to give them enough time to get out of the way. He wasn't so nice to the rest of the Ravenclaw team, however. Circe Warbeck's broom broke in half when she got hit by a Hoseok-batted bludger. 

"Emmeline Barns!" Haru yelled to the seeker. "You better find that damn snitch soon! Hoseok's going to put our whole team in the infirmary!"

"Yes ma'am!" The third year shouted back, hurrying off to try and find that little golden sucker.

Meanwhile, in the stands, Namjoon felt alone in the crowd of fanatic Ravenclaws. He was about sick of hearing the girls swoon every time Jungkook even sort of looked in their direction. The guy behind him kept bumping into him and the girl to his left smelled like she had been sleeping with Hagrid's dog. He would have left a long time ago if he didn't have to support his friends.

As if they sensed his anguish from across the pitch, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung appeared next to him. He gave them a relieved smile. Namjoon's housemates parted the way for his friends to stand next to him; some moved only to get a better view of Seokjin, others moved far away to get away from Yoongi's intimidating, cold stare.

What surprised Namjoon the most was that Taehyung was with them. Obviously, they were all friends, but he figured he would be in the Hufflepuff section with the rest of his housemates. It was extremely taboo for someone to sit with a different house while their house was playing; house treason, if you will.

"Why aren't you sitting with the Hufflepuffs?" Namjoon asked curiously.

Taehyung shrugged, "The only person from Hufflepuff that I'm good friends with is Hobi, and he's out on the field playing. The rest of you guys are over here, so yeah."

"Tae, people are going to kick you off of the grandstands when you start cheering for Hufflepuff," Yoongi warned him, but the message obviously didn't get through as he blocked everyone out, engrossed in the game.

"He won't be cheering for Hufflepuff," Jimin piped up. Namjoon and Yoongi turned to look at him. "Hufflepuff may be his house, but he always cheers for the team that deserves to win. And this game, that team is Ravenclaw."

Namjoon observed Taehyung, watching as he silently fist pumped when Jungkook intercepted a pass or when Haru prevented Hufflepuff from scoring. He smiled.

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