Character Asks :)

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Hey all! These are the long-awaited (not really lol) character asks! If at any point during this, you have any questions, I will respond to your comments as the character you're asking! Thank you all for your submissions, I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to send any in lol. So, here we go!

First one isn't really a question, but a supportive comment from @LLtheTwoSidedGirl to Taehyung. She says, "Such a sweet boyfriend to Haru." Any comments Taehyung?

Taehyung: I mean, I feel like it's my duty to be sweet to her, especially during this messed up time. She's got a lot going on and she deserves the world and nothing but the best, so I try and help in any way I can.


Ah, young love. Anywho, moving on. The next question is from @rosikyo for Jungkook. They ask, "How's your boyfriend?"

Jungkook: Oh, um, he's good. 

That's..... that's it? Nothing else?

Jungkook: Yeah

Seokjin: Taehyung basically redeclared his love for Haru, and the only thing you have to say about your boyfriend is that he's 'good'?

Jungkook: Yeah

I'm going to get the details out of you, you little shit.

Jungkook: You can't make me do anything!


Okay, moving on. Next is a cute little question from @bibibimbap for Yoongi. They ask, "Marry me?"

Yoongi: *sigh* I would love to, but it's not you, it's me. There's... there's someone else in my life. Someone that I love dearly and follow to the ends of the world. I would give my life up for them. Our relationship has been private this whole time, but it's time I let the world know.

Hoseok: Whomst--

Yoongi: Min Holly.

Jimin: Hyung... what about us? What about that love potion you accidentally drank? What about everything we've been through?


Yoongi: Jimin, you know I never wanted to hurt you

I... okay we are moving on again I swear this is why we can't have nice things. And um, well this next question is a nice segway.... from @bangtanbomb_95 . The question is for Jimin. "Have you ever thought about dating Yoongi?

Jimin: He's too emotionally invested in Min Holly to even spare a glance at me :(

Yoongi: I like Jimin but I think Jimin hates me


There's another marriage proposal here,,,, this time for Hoseok. @bangtanbomb_95 would like your hand in marriage. 

Hoseok: I thought you'd never ask :'). Yes, a million times yes

Seokjin: You don't even know the person

Hoseok: Listen, I'm usually the token straight friend in all other fanfictions, I'm desperate for a significant other over here

I'm so sorry Hobi.

@bangtanbomb_95 has another question. This one is for Yoongi. "Do you have feelings for Jimin and can you please date him??"

Yoongi: I think the people want us to date, Jimin

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