Chapter the Fourth;;

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"Hoseok," Haru spoke up, "Taehyung is in your house, right? What can you tell me about him?"

Hoseok looked at the girl over the Transfiguration textbook that he was nose deep in, "Why? Don't you have some charms that you need to invent?"

"Are you still really that pressed over the bat bogey hex I tried on you in third year?" Haru asked with a giggle.

"Yes!" Hoseok scoffed. "My boogers turned into bats and literally flew out of my nose.  I will always hold it over you when I need to be petty."

"I only want to know who he is," Haru mumbled. "I've never heard much about him, really."

"Wow, you really must always have your nose stuffed in a book, then. He's one of the biggest pranksters in the school. He and Jimin are always running around past curfew, making Peeves wish he wasn't stuck as a ghost," Hoseok said as he checked the notes that his charmed quill was writing.

"That explains a lot," Haru said to herself as she reread minute details about the Giant Wars that she'd probably never get tested on, but it was safe to read it anyway.

"What was that you said?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Well, there's one important thing that you need to know about Taehyung," Hoseok said. "He's an animal magnet. Seriously, animals flock to him. He's such a natural with training them, too. It's really frustrating to be in the same Care of Magical Creatures class with him."

The more Haru thought about it, the more it suited him that he would be good with animals. She barely knew the guy, but if she were a Kneazle, she'd definitely snuggle up to Taehyung too.

"Interesting," Haru nodded. "What about Jimin?" She turned to Yoongi who was immersed in his potions textbook.

Yoongi had thought that since he was done with O.W.L.'s, he'd have a more enjoyable Hogwarts academic experience. He had a rude awakening when he had nearly triple the homework, plus his favorite subject, Divination, didn't have an N.E.W.T. class.

"He's really good at potions," Yoongi said without looking up from his book. "I once accidentally drank a love potion he was experimenting with because it smelled like coffee. I didn't know why I was so infatuated with him until he told me. The effects lasted twice as long as it should have."

"Are you sure its effects have worn off?" Haru asked with a stifled snicker. Hoseok was biting his knuckle to keep from laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nothing. It's just," Haru took a loud breath. "You go this look in your eye when you talked about him."

Yoongi just shrugged. "Oh."

"The rest of the guys are supposed to come and study with us," Hoseok piped up before he got shushed by the other library patrons.

Haru started gathering her stuff up as Hoseok and Yoongi eyes her curiously. "Where are you going?"

"Away from all of you," Haru said. "The five of you get too rowdy, make everybody here hate you, and therefore make them hate me. I also get evil looks from girls because I'm with both Jungkook and Jin. I'd prefer to avoid all of that this year."

"Fair enough," Yoongi nodded, and Haru took that as a good enough dismissal and she left.

Haru wasn't planning on going back to the Ravenclaw common room; she couldn't think about solving a riddle when she was trying to memorize people that offered major contributions to the Giant Wars.

No, she had a better place in mind. She continued to read her textbook as she walked through the crowded halls of Hogwarts, accidentally bumping into people and offering a brief apology without looking up.

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