Chapter the Thirty-third;;

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Dear Dad,

The second task went swimmingly. That was a pun that you won't get until I explain it to you, so hang on.

The merpeople in the Black Lake took something that all of the champions valued, and they took ACTUAL PEOPLE. THEY TOOK TAEHYUNG AND HID HIM IN THE LAKE AND I HAD TO FIND HIM. I used the bubblehead charm, and then there was a malfunction and I almost drowned, but luckily I found some gillyweed among the algae.

Taehyung is fine, Namjoon also was taken but he's fine as well. Joon is still ignoring me for his girlfriend, but I think it's just because they're in their honeymoon stage still. I have faith that he'll come around and stop being lovestruck.

I'll let you know if you can watch the third task.

Love, Haru

Dear Daughter,

I was tempted to send you a howler so you could hear me cry tears of joy, but your mother convinced me not to. Then I realized I was turning into my own mother, so I'm just writing to you normally.

You have Namjoon have known each other for more than half of your life. Maybe it's because it's the first serious relationship he's had, but he'll come around. Trust me when I say that boys are stupid because I am, also, a stupid boy.

Also, if it will convince Dumbledore to let me come to watch the final task, tell him that Kang Yongjin says 'pretty please'. He'll understand the significance of it.

Love, Father

Dear Dumb Dad,

You can take the guy out of Gryffindor, but you can't take the Gryffindor out of the guy.

Dumbledore is a pretty chill guy, but I don't know if a simple 'pretty please' will allow a parent and a muggle to come watch the Triwizard tournament, but it wouldn't hurt I suppose.

The whole Namjoon thing really bothers me, Dad. I knew that he would get a girlfriend eventually, but I never thought that he'd choose her over me. He's barely been talking to me or anyone in the group in general.

I guess now is a good of a time as any to tell you that I haven't been completely honest about the whole Namjoon situation. He's dating the Beauxbaton champion, Marvella Delacroix. I have a hunch about what's actually happening, and it's not a simple honeymoon phase. I don't think it would be good to tell you over a letter. If you're allowed to come to watch the final task, I'll tell you everything.

Love, Haru

Dear Hunch-Having Haru,

I knew you always had good instincts. Hold onto that hunch and listen to your gut. It never steers you wrong.

It'll all make sense eventually.

Love, Dad

Haru reread the letter from her father over and over again, trying to decipher his cryptic wording. It didn't make any damn sense to her. She was concentrating so hard that she almost ran into the wall as she rounded the corner to the staircase up to the owlry.

She walked up the spiral staircase and almost bumped into the figure that was standing still on one step. Haru recognized him immediately.

"Jungwoo! I didn't expect to see you here--"

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