Chapter the Twenty-Third;;

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If the halls of Hogwarts were considered crowded in previous years, this year was indescribable. The two schools added an unwanted cluster in the corridors that Haru didn't much appreciate. She was shoulder to shoulder with her peers, trying her hardest to peer over their heads. Her height disadvantage didn't much help, either.

She was in search of a younger, ebony haired man. The blue robes that she was looking for blended in with the Beauxbaton's blue uniforms and Jungkook's hair color didn't make him stand out. She supposed that that was the point of his normal hair color, but it made it hard to pick him out in a crowd.

Haru stepped out into the courtyard to get some breathing room. She squinted up at the sun, admiring what a pretty day it was. Luckily, she had a free day, and if she remembered correctly, Jungkook had a free period. She just had to find him.

She heard feminine giggles coming from behind her, causing her to spin around. There was a crowd of five Beauxbaton girls squeezing their way through the crowded halls, seemingly chasing something. It really wasn't much of a chase at all, though; it was at a very low speed with a lot of unhappy students that kept getting shoved around.

Curiously, Haru stepped forward to investigate who they were chasing. She assumed that it was a boy, and her money was honestly on Seokjin, but she was surprised when she found out who it was.

He had his head turned completely to the ground, his black hair covering his face, but Haru could still see his scared emotions. Jungkook never knew how to handle girls, let alone getting chased by them. Haru dashed back into the hall, cutting off Jungkook's path.

The boy stopped abruptly, looking up at Haru with wide eyes. He seemed to relax a little bit in her presence, but it was a cry for help.

"Hey, you doing anything?" Haru asked, only giving him time to open his mouth. "Great, come with me."

Haru gripped Jungkook's wrist as she guided him through the castle. She suddenly didn't care about who she pushed out of her way, or who she pissed off. She was concerned about losing the Jungkook's new fangirls.

Haru took the long way out of the castle, hoping the added twists and turns would confuse the girls who would, hopefully, give up and maybe do something normal, like study. Jungkook didn't say anything until they were walking down the hill outside of the castle.

"Merlin's beard," Jungkook sighed out, slowing down to a sluggish walk. Haru didn't know how long Jungkook had been running away from the girls, but it appeared to be a lot. "Thanks for saving me."

"Anytime, buddy," Haru smiled. "This also gives us a great opportunity to talk."

Jungkook scrunched up his face and pouted like a child. He was about to fight it, but without even looking at Haru's intimidating look, he gave in. With his head turned up to the sky, he held his arm out for Haru to grab and drag him to wherever she wanted.

With a light grip on Jungkook's wrist, Haru skipped down the hill, swinging their arms. Jungkook wasn't as thrilled, walking briskly to keep up with the girl. Haru led Jungkook toward the dock on the Black Lake.

Once they reached the wooden dock, Haru dropped Jungkook's arm and sprinted to the edge of it. She sat down, letting her feet dangle close to the water. After a beat, she turned around the see Jungkook looking at her curiously. She patted the spot next to her enthusiastically, which made Jungkook come and sit next to her.

With a grunt, Jungkook flopped on the wooden dock. The scenery was peaceful and still. The lake was silent, apart from the occasional ripple in the water from a fish or bug. It smelled like outside, and kind of like fish, but mostly nature and fresh water. Both of the Ravenclaws welcomed the silence, basking in it for a little bit, neither of them wanting to awkwardly initiate the impending conversation.

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