Chapter the Thirty-fourth;;

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The bleacher stands were filled. Students were sitting shoulder to shoulder in order to have even a little bit of space to sit. Hogwarts students took up a majority of the space, considering the plain fact that there were more of them, but the bulky, broad, Drumstrang boys took up a good amount of space despite their small numbers. 

Somehow, Yoongi managed to pull Namjoon away before the rest of the group was able to. Since he wasn't allowed to be at Marvella's side before the final task, he was left alone. Yoongi knew that if Jimin or Seokjin got to him, he'd be eaten alive. If Jungkook or Hoseok got to him, he'd be stuck with the silent treatment for the majority of the task. So, Yoongi was the only practical option as a companion.

Yoongi talked to Namjoon as if nothing had changed. As if Namjoon hadn't abandoned his best friend for a girl he met at the beginning of the year. As if Namjoon didn't visit Haru's family at Christmas this year because he was forced to visit Marvella's. As if Namjoon wasn't breaking Haru's heart in the worst possible way. Namjoon seemed grateful for Yoongi's attitude.

However, Yoongi wasn't above making petty remarks anytime he got the chance. Every time Namjoon would make a comment about how proud he was of Haru, Yoongi would say something along the lines of, "But you're more proud of Marvella, right? She is your girlfriend." It was a stab to Namjoons heart every single time.

Namjoon and Yoongi were able to find two spots that were in a good spot. It wasn't easy to spot, so the rest of the group wasn't tempted to walk up to them and bully Namjoon, and it had a good view. They weren't exactly sure what they wanted a good view for, but they had it.

The Hogwarts student section was merely a sea of royal blue, the whole school wearing the Ravenclaw colors in solidarity and support of Haru. Yoongi and Namjoon were no exception. They were casual fans, with blue shirts, Yoongi had on a blue beanie, and Namjoon had a sticker on his face. 

On the other hand, as Jimin, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jungkook entered the area, Yoongi could spot them from across the field. Jimin and Hoseok had blue warrior stripes across their faces. Seokjin and Jungkook both had half of their faces painted blue. They had blue scarves, huge blue hats, and blue flags to support Ravenclaw. The weather was starting to warm up, so there was a chance the boys would regret their choice of winter scarves, but you wouldn't catch them complaining.

"Well don't they look enthusiastic," Yoongi said, nodding his head in the direction of the Beauxbaton's section.  The Hogwarts section was loud and rambunctious, the Drumtrang boys were buzzing with excitement, but the Beauxbaton girls sat looking bored out of their minds. Adelaide was the only one standing up, looking over everyone's head in search of her sister, more than likely. 

"Yeah, sure," Namjoon said, more than distracted by what he was seeing.

At first, he just saw Taehyung. His face was painted white, his hair semi-permanently dyed a royal blue. On his cheeks, 'Kang Haru' was written in English lettering, while right below it was the hangul spelling of her name. He might as well have been wearing a t-shirt that said 'I'm Haru's boyfriend!', and it would have been less obvious. However, Taehyung never shied away from the fact that he was head-over-heels in love with Haru.

Part of Namjoon's brain thought that maybe he should be rooting for Marvella as hard as Taehyung's rooting for Haru. Namjoon wasn't wearing anything that supported the Beauxbaton Acadamy unless you counted the blue he was wearing, but that was quite clearly a Ravenclaw blue. Part of him also didn't care that he wasn't showing over-the-top support for his girlfriend's school.

Namjoon didn't understand what was going on with himself recently. He felt himself falling out of love with Marvella, losing attraction for her, and instead, he was longing to be close with Haru again. He wasn't trying to steal Taehyung's spot, because sure he loved Haru but not like that. And watching how whipped Taehyung was for Haru and visa versa, Namjoon was understanding more and more that he didn't love Marvella like Taehyung loved Haru. And if he wasn't going to love Marvella that intensely, then what was the point?

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