Chapter the Second;;

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"Ellanora Critchlow," Minerva McGonagall called out the next first year on the list. As much as Haru wanted to pay attention and care about what house this girl got sorted into, she couldn't find it in her. All she really wanted to do was go to her usual spot in the library and read.

"That girl's really got an unfortunate name," Jungkook leaned close to Haru with his voice low. She bit her top lip to keep from snickering.

She scratched her nose to cover up her whispering, "Her first name's pretty. But Critchlow? What kind of name is that?"

"Sound like it belongs to an old lady in a lost village," Jungkook whisper-giggled back and Haru had to physically put her hand over her mouth. 

When she looked up at the front of the great hall, she made eye contact with Professor Dumbledore. Instead of giving her a scolding look like most anyone else would have given her, he just gave her a warm smile.

'Sorry', she mouthed to him, but he waved her off with a shrug.

'Bad last name,' he mouthed in return.

Before Haru could think any more about how cool their headmaster was, she felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of her head, coming from the direction of the Slytherin table. She looked over, and her eyes immediately found Yoongi; his chin rested on his palm, his eyes not even subtly closed. She snickered into her palm as his head fell out of his hand and he looked around to see if anyone saw him. When he made eye contact with Haru, he made a neck slice motion.

As the girl scanned the rest of the Slytherin table, trying to find a pair of wandering eyes, she felt eyes burning into the back of her head. She whipped her head around, trying to figure out of it was someone from the Gryffindor table or Hufflepuff table. All she could see was the first years staring at Jin and Hoseok radiating sunshine from behind him.

"What's up with you?" Namjoon asked.

Haru opened her mouth to speak, but the sorting hat yelled out, "Ravenclaw!" 

The whole table stood up and cheered, most of them pretending to be happy to have a new house member. Sure, there were some genuinely thrilled people, but Jungkook, Namjoon, and Haru weren't them. 

"I feel like someone's watching me," Haru mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck in an attempt to put the hairs down. It didn't work.

"It's probably some fourth years that have just discovered that girls are actually awesome," Namjoon said simply as Jungkook made an offended noise from next to Haru.

Out of desperation, Haru looked behind her one last time to see a group of three girls from Gryffindor staring at Jungkook and talking. Haru smirked before turning back to the boys.

"False alarm," she said, "It looks like Jin has some competition when it comes to fan clubs."

Jungkook turned around with an eyebrow raised, but he turned back around with fear in his eyes and a pale face. Haru laughed out loud at his expression, but thankfully it was covered up by Hufflepuff cheers as another first year was sorted.

"Girls wouldn't give me a second glance last year. What changed? Why are they staring? They're scary," Jungkook mumbled the last part but Haru managed to barely hear it.

"It must be your new hairstyle," Haru inquired. "You look sexy with your hair pushed back."

Jungkook smacked Haru's hand away as it made its way to his parted hair. "Stop bullshitting."

"I'm being completely serious here," Haru defended herself. "You honestly turn into a different person when your forehead and eyebrows are exposed."

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