Chapter the Fifteenth;;

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"Animagi?" Hoseok asked. "What's that?"

"A wizard that elects to turn into an animal," Namjoon said, running a hand through his hair. "You can turn yourself into an animal, basically."

"And you just knew that off the top of your head?" Jungkook asked, turning toward the oldest Ravenclaw. Namjoon nodded, lost in thought while Jungkook shook his head, mumbling about someone as dumb as himself got into Ravenclaw.

"What do we have to do?" Yoongi asked, standing up.

"We need a mandrake leaf," Haru said.

Hoseok also stood up, "Professor Sprout has some adult mandrakes. I can snag seven."

Haru nodded, "We keep that leaf in our mouth for a month. We make the animagus potion, and drink it during a lightning storm. Easy peasy."

"Not easy peasy," Namjoon interjected. "It's dangerous. If we mess up any part of this process in any way, it may result in one of us being stuck in a half-animal half-human form for the rest of our lives. Plus, this is a long, drawn-out process. Taehyung would have to go through at least two transformations before any of us turn into animagi."

"It's worth the risk," Haru stood her ground despite Seokjin shuttering at the thought of being half-animal for the rest of his life. "Transformations have to be lonely for Taehyung. I don't want him to go through them alone."

"Haru," Namjoon said firmly. "If we do this, we can't register as animagi, because who would let teenagers transform into animals. Meaning, if we get caught, we'll get sent to Azkaban."

"Again," Haru reiterated, stare hardening at Namjoon, "it's worth the risk for Taehyung.

"I just don't think that this is a good idea," Namjoon shook his head.

"Namjoon, quite frankly, I don't give a damn what you think. If you don't want to be an animagus, so be it. If any of you don't want to, you don't have to. I, for one, am. It doesn't make a difference to me."

"I'm with you," Jimin spoke up. It was the first time he had spoken since Haru laid out her plan He had been deep in thought, but he had always known that he would do anything for his best friend. "Besides, you'll need someone to make that animagus potion. Who else better than me?" He stood by Haru's side.

"I'm in too!" Jungkook cheered, scrambling to his feet and standing next to Haru. "I hope I get something badass like a jaguar!"

"Jungkook," Haru said calmly, "your Patronus is a bunny rabbit. Don't get your hopes up."

"What the hell, I'm in too," Yoongi stood up to stand next to the four. "I could use some excitement in my life anyway."

"I'm in if Yoongi is in," Hoseok scampered up.

That left Seokjin and Namjoon. Seokjin stood up and looked at the group who were standing together and then back to Namjoon. Haru watched as Seokjin debated on what he wanted to do. "Joon. You know the right thing to do."

Namjoon's eyes told every one of his panic as Seokjin also joined the group. On one hand, this was a blatantly stupid thing to do, and incredibly dangerous. No one in their right mind would go through with something like this. 

Then Namjoon realized that none of his friends were ever in their right minds. They were all people who went on their own paths, not caring about what looks they got along the way. Yoongi had half-blood and muggleborn friends despite being a pureblood Slytherin, Seokjin got into Gryffindor despite his parents being Slytherin, Jimin was a muggleborn Slytherin, Hoseok's family were all Aurors but he loved plants. Jungkook was a quidditch junkie who seems more Gryffindor-like than Ravenclaw, and he only thinks he got sorted into the house because his family are all Ravenclaws. Then there was Haru, whose family had been pureblood Gryffindors. Then her dad married a muggle and then she was sorted into Ravenclaw. They were all a bunch of misfits, really.

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