Chapter the Fourteenth;;

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In retrospect, Haru should have seen this coming. Romania was known for their dragon sanctuary, but also known for their werewolf problem. Taehyung told her he would be staying in a cottage in the woods; woods that would no doubt be infested with werewolves. For the first time in her life, she felt dumb.

Not only did she feel dumb, but she felt helpless. And hurt. She wanted to take away all of the pain that Taehyung is surely suffering, but she can't turn back time and prevent the werewolf from attacking. She felt hurt by the fact that Taehyung didn't want her to know. She wasn't prejudiced toward werewolves because she had probably sat by one before without her knowledge and she's still alive. Maybe she couldn't take his lycanthropy away, but she could ease some of the pain.

"Does he not trust me with this secret?" Haru asked Jimin after she made the connection.

Jimin's face dropped, "No. He trusts you more than anyone, excluding me. He just... doesn't want to hurt you. Or be scared of him. Really, he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize your guys' relationship."

"So avoiding me is the next best thing?" Haru helplessly asked, her eyes misting over. 

"It's better than you being around during his transformation, getting hurt, and also turning into a werewolf," Jimin explained, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulders as she wetted the shoulder of his robes.

"I'd rather turn into a werewolf and be thrown into Azkaban than be ignored by Taehyung," she choked out around some sobs. 

Jimin rubbed her back, "Just know that he's not suffering, alright? Or at least he won't be anymore. Snape and I have been working on perfecting the wolfsbane potion so that he'll at least keep his mind. That's also why I haven't been able to talk to you."

"If he hasn't been suffering then why is he in the infirmary?" Haru asked, pulling back. Jimin's heart hurt at the sight of Haru. She was always so calm and collected. It was rare to see her fretting about anything, let alone breaking down to the point of tears. Her mascara had smeared and her eyelashes were now clumped together.

Jimin gave her a small, soft, painful smile, "The first night of transformations is the worst. Snape and I also didn't have this month's potion supply ready in time. Hagrid found him passed out in the middle of the Forbidden Forrest at sunrise."

Haru suddenly stood up. "I have to see him. I don't care if he wants to put a wedge between us. I have to see him and let him know that I still care for him."

"Just don't tell him I helped you find out. If the unbreakable vow doesn't kill me, he will," Jimin pleaded and Haru gave him a nod. 

She stopped in front of a mirror before she left the room. With a wave of her wand, her appearance was back to normal except for her swollen eyes, but she could blame that on sleep deprivation.

"Get the rest of the guys here. When I come back, I'll tell you all my plan," Haru said over her shoulder.

"You have a plan?" Jimin asked quizzically.

"By the time I come back, I hope I will," she mumbled to herself but Jimin still heard her. With that, she left the room and headed for the infirmary.

She felt shaky the whole way there. She didn't know what she was going to say to Taehyung. "Hey I found out that you're a werewolf. Don't worry, Jimin didn't tell me, but I still like you a lot." No.

Fate made it so that Haru didn't have to talk to Taehyung. As she walked into the infirmary, she immediately spotted Taehyung who was still fast asleep. His shirt was off while the blanket was pooled around his waist. In any other situation, Haru would have taken this opportunity to admire the expanse of his torso, but she was distracted by how scratched up he was.

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