Chapter the Nineteenth;;

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Haru felt a warm presence behind her as the morning sunlight landed on her face. She stretched her limbs, and as she opened her eyes, she realized her limbs were furry. She also realized that there was a hand petting her down her spine that made her want to fall back asleep.

She turned her head to see Taehyung. He moved his hand from her body to her little face, rubbing her chin which Haru couldn't help but keen into. She started purring, and she didn't even know how to purr, but here she was. Taehyung smiled warmly at her reaction.

"As cute as you in animal form, I'd like to see you in human form," he said with a smile. In front of his eyes, Haru shifted into her regular form. He saw blatant similarities between her animal form and her human from now. 

Haru looked around the room and saw that it was empty except for the two of them, "Where did everyone go?"

"They went to class already," Taehyung explained. "Cats really can sleep through anything, huh?"

Haru hit him playfully on the shoulder as she stood up and stretched her limbs. "Whatever," she smiled at him.

Taehyung took a hold of her hand and instead of standing up with her, he tugged her back down on the ground. He had a sudden serious aura about him, so Haru reflected what he was feeling. "We should talk now," he said.

Haru gave a nod, "What do you want to know?"

Taehyung sat there in silence for a little bit, fiddling with her fingers before he spoke again, "How'd you find out?"

"I asked Jimin why you were suddenly ignoring me, and he told me about the unbreakable oath. He dropped hints and I figured it out from there," Haru said. "I was scared as shit. I had no clue why you suddenly started ignoring me. I thought I was being too forward, or you suddenly had second thoughts, or you met another girl in Romania."

Taehyung let out a groaning sigh, "I know, I'm sorry. I just... know how you are and I figured if I told you, you'd want to be with me, or you'd sneak out to be with me during my transformations, and I'd hurt you without realizing it."

"You really shouldn't assume things like that, Tae," Haru said, squeezing his hand to let him know that she wasn't mad, and not even disappointed. She was just hurt.

"I know. You're the smartest person I know. I should have figured that you'd find out a way to help me," Taehyung kissed her knuckles. "How did you come up with the whole animagi thing?"

Haru hummed with a smirk, "Actually, it was Dumbledore. He also let slip where you hide out for your transformations. He had a huge part in all of this actually."

"I'll have to thank him," Taehyung said to himself. "And I'm sure it's obvious by now, but I'm so incredibly thankful for this. You couldn't believe how lonely it is out there. You'd think running through the forest would be freeing and exhilarating, but in reality, it's lonely when you can't share it with someone."

"I figured it was lonely," Haru said, curling up into Taehyung's side and resting her temple on his shoulder. "You're not the introverted type. You love people and animals, so I knew this hurt you."

Taehyung squeezed Haru's hand particularly hard and it was a couple of beats before he spoke again. This time his voice was soft and quiet, "You guys were the first animals that didn't run away from me."

When Taehyung sniffled, Haru pulled him into her. He wrapped his arms around her neck as she rocked him from side to side. She couldn't imagine what he had to go through. Running through the woods and seeing the furry critters you love scatter like you're a monster. Taehyung was a people pleaser, even more so when it came to creatures.

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