Chapter the Eleventh;;

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"Who is he? I've never seen him in here before. He's hot."

"Jackson, please. You think everyone who isn't a regular is hot."

"But look at him, Mark. I've never seen a face like his before."

Haru was at work. Muggle work. She was a waitress at a popular little cafe in downtown London and her two coworkers, Jackson and Mark, never stopped chatting. Sometimes they were good company, but other times they were a handful. Like today.

"Haru, come look at him!" Jackson said, urging the girl over to the window. Jackson was a cook so he was only able to see out of the small window. Mark was a dishwasher. It was one of the seldom times that neither of them had anything to do, so they just watched the people eat.

Haru, who was hanging up her smock and clocking out, simply looked at him. "Jackson, I've been here for six hours. I just want to go home, I'm tired."

"One look at him and you'll get energized," Jackson insisted, wiggling his eyebrows.

Knowing her coworker of many years, Haru knew that Jackson wouldn't stop unless she went and looked at the handsome customer. With a huff, Haru set her stuff down and looked out of the window. There, at the other end of Jackson's pointing hand, was Taehyung.

Haru whispered a 'What is he doing here?' before she left the kitchen to sit across from him.

Taehyung first looked surprised, then understanding, then happy, "Haru, hey! I thought I might find you here!"

"How did you find me here, Taehyung?" Haru asked. There was no way this was a coincidence.

Taehyung scratched the back of his neck, looking down at his coffee, "I um, might have complained to Namjoon about missing you? And I guess I annoyed him to the point of telling me where you worked? I could have owled you, but I didn't want to seem desperate, but I guess all my efforts were in vain because I sound pretty desperate now."

Haru softly smiled at Taehyung's rambling, "You're adorable."

"Out of all things I thought you would say, that was not one of them," Taehyung laughed.

"What would you like to eat-- Oh hey Haru," Olivia, one of Haru's waitresses, said as she walked up to the two. "You two want to eat something or is a coffee good?"

When Haru looked back to Taehyung, he was already smiling and looking at her.

"Just a coffee, thanks."


The cold winter air nipped at every exposed piece of skin. The tips of Haru's ears felt like they were going to fall off, her nose was running, and her lips were numb. It was all worth it though, with a human furnace named Taehyung next to her.

"Where are you taking me?" Haru asked.

Taehyung shrugged, "Wherever you want to go."

"Not Diagon Alley. It's nearing Christmas, so it'll be stupidly busy," Haru said. "Hogsmeade?"

Taehyung agreed that Hogsmeade sounded like a good choice. However, Haru was incredibly confused when Taehyung forced her into a telephone box with him. It all started to make sense as the floor of the booth started to move, and before she knew it, she was in the heart of the Floo Network of London.

"I've never used Floo powder before," Haru admitted sheepishly. In fact, outside of Hogwarts, she didn't do much with magic. His father may be a wizard, but her mother is still a muggle. A muggle who wasn't comfortable with the wizarding world. Her father understood and, for Haru's mother's sake, chose to live in the muggle world with little to no magic in their daily life.

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