Epilogue - Yoongi;;

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Yoongi wrung his hands together as he stood at the front door. The rain was coming down in sheets, but he was thankful for it as his tears felt a little less lonely on his face. He didn't know why he came here, but here he was.

Yoongi had been in a strangely good mood lately, at least before tonight. He was still living with his parents until he saved up enough money to move out on his out. He decided to take his love of Divination and make a career out of it, much to the chagrin of his parents. They didn't think it was a practical job for him.

And they weren't entirely wrong, either. Yoongi had his own little shop in a corner of Diagon Alley, a corner people rarely visited. He got some business, but not a lot. He wasn't a Seer, so customers tended to think his business was a scam, but with a little bit of convincing, Yoongi had them. Still, he was immensely happy to be doing work that he enjoyed and would rather live with his parents than get a job he hated.

Instead of giving Yoongi an earful as to why he was a disappointment when he came home, his parents had been silent on the matter. Yoongi was thankful because he was going through a little bit of an identity crisis. 

He wasn't straight, that was for sure. He didn't really know where he fell on the spectrum, whether he preferred boys over girls or girls over boys, but he knew feminine and masculine characteristics were very very attractive. Haru kept telling him that he didn't have to put a label on what he was, but he knew he had to.

If he was going to come out to his parents, he knew they would want a definite answer. There would be no "I don't really know what my sexuality is right now" answer. He wasn't going to rush to find the answer, it just had to come to him naturally.

It was his father's birthday party where everything went wrong. His entire extended family was over at their mansion, and Yoongi couldn't remember the last time his house was so full. It was weird, and if he actually liked his family, he would have been a little happier to see the house so lively.

All of his family were prestigious witches and wizards. They either had their own practices, were scholars, or delt in sketchier businesses, but they all looked down on the fact that Yoongi was so hooked on Divination. 

"It's just a lot of guesswork, innit?" His uncle Conrad asked when Yoongi started talking about his work. Conrad was an Arithmancy scholar, he worked with facts. "I mean, you don't actually have the ability to see into the future. Seems very woolly to me."

Yoongi composed himself in half a second, "That's the beauty of it, though. It's imprecise, obviously, but the future is such a fragile thing. The future can change in half a second, in a matter of picking left over right. It's not easy to get it right, but when I do, it's astonishingly satisfying."

"How do your customers know that you're not feeding them a bunch of horseshit?" His distant cousin Nannie asked, an empty bottle of brandy in her hand. Nannie was a broom maker, as passionate in her craft as she was in wine and mead. 

Yoongi gave her a pitiful smile, "Usually when my customers come to me, they come with an open mind. Some come regularly, some come because their life is becoming stressful."

"So you take advantage of their weak state?" Sable, Yoongi's... cousin maybe?... asked. Yoongi took a deep breath.

"I'd like to think that you all think a little higher of me than that. You don't actually think I cheat people out of their hard earned money, do you?" Yoongi lightly laughed, looking around the room to see his family looking at him doubtfully.

"You're leeching off of your parents' money right now. Stealing people's money isn't that far of a reach," Yoongi's aunt Ginger spat, glaring at him from the corner of the room.

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