Chapter the Twenty-eighth;;

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Haru wasn't used to this kind of treatment from her peers.

She was used to being ignored, walking by her classmates and them not giving her a second glance. She was used to blending in. She was used to being unrecognizable, people only knowing her name and her reputation, but not her face. She was used to being just another face in the crowd.

When her name got chosen, she was used to the glares she got as she walked to the bathroom. She was used to getting up-downed by advocated of Yixing and Seokjin. She was used to her small support team, the ones that would follow her to the ends of the earth.

Now that she was in first place after the first task, everything changed.

Haru just wanted to eat her breakfast. The plate of french toast and strawberries in front of her looked incredibly enticing, and her stomach voiced its agreement. She brought her fork to her face, the bite having a perfect bread-to-berry ration. Just as she was about to shove the food in her mouth, her shoulders got shaken.

"Congrats, Haru!" A somewhat familiar boy said, Haru watching sadly as her food fell of her fork and plopped onto her plate.

"Thanks," she said with no emotion in her voice.

She gathered the food back up on the utensil, quickly putting it in her mouth before anyone else could ruin the bite.

"You looked great out there, Haru!" A girl said, walking by her and offering her hand out for a high-five, making Haru put her fork down as she mumbled a thank you around her food.

Throughout her breakfast, her classmates kept coming up to her and congratulating her. The same people that all but spat at her were the same people kissing her ass now. Some even went as far as giving her gives like sweets and scarves. 

She had only eaten half of her food when breakfast was almost done. Taehyung walked into the Great Hall, whistling and being as happy as can be. When he saw all the gift boxes around Haru, his whistling stopped.

"Woah, what happened here?" he asked.

Haru slowly turned her head toward her boyfriend, "Help me. Please."

Taehyung laughed lightly, moving all of her gifts away from her and making room for himself to sit down. He slung his arm over her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her temple. "After classes, I'll help you sort through all of them."

"They just kept coming," Haru said around a mouthful of food, "and all I wanted to do was eat."

"Poor baby," Taehyung cooed, wrapping both arms around her shoulders this time. Haru swatted his arms away when they covered her mouth to make way for another bite. Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriend, giving her a peck on the cheek just out of overwhelming love. "Have you thought any more about that damn egg?"

The look Haru gave him told him that yes she had, but she was still stuck.

"Between trying to decipher that egg, all the homework, and making time for you, I've barely had time to breath," Haru confessed.

Haru normally wasn't one to get stressed about a lot of things. She either got everything done ASAP, or she could procrastinate, bullshit an assignment, and still get a high mark. However, she never had to keep a relationship spark lit, and the Triwizard Tournament was new for everyone.

"We don't have to hang out every day, you know," Taehyung consoled the girl who vehemently shook her head.

"No, I want to. You're the only thing that keeps me sane and happy," she confessed and Taehyung felt his heart soar. He wasn't happy that she wasn't happy, but he was elated that he was the source of her happiness.

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