Chapter the Twenty-Second;;

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"Why are we always running late?" Haru's mom huffed, lagging behind her daughter, husband, and Taehyung. They were sprinting across King's Cross Station, trying to catch Hogwarts Express for another year. Taehyung being with them was a nice, fresh change, though.

Haru swiveled her head around, "Because you won't go above sixty on the freeway!"

"The speed limit is sixty!" She yelled out in anguish, tired of everyone giving her a hard time for her slow driving.

"That means you go seventy," Haru's dad told his wife, to which her mom just groaned at.

They made it to the entryway to the platform, which let Haru and Taehyung catch their breath. Haru turned around and gave her parents a hug and kiss on the cheek, saying, "Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad."

Taehyung followed, hugging Haru's mom and saying, "Bye, Mom!" Before hugging Haru's dad and saying, "Bye, Dad!"

The parents laughed at the boy before he gathered his stuff in his trolley. Haru had a huge smile on her face as she watched Taehyung, and her mood made her parents happy, knowing she'll be left in good hands during the school year.

"Bye, you guys! Be safe and be smart!" Haru's mom yelled at the two disappeared into the cobbled wall.

"I like that boy," Yongjin mumbled throwing an arm over Grace's shoulder as they walked out of the train station.

Grace smiled up at her husband, "He reminds me of you, you know."

"Which is exactly why I like him."

Meanwhile, at Platform 9 3/4, it was a mess. Hogwarts Express was leaving in a little over five minutes, and there were a bunch of kids that were running around and panicking. Taehyung trailed behind Haru, keeping a finger in the loop of her pants so that they wouldn't get separated. He didn't care if he looked whipped for her because, to be honest, he kind of was, and plus he didn't want to get lost.

The two weaseled their way to the front of the line, dropped off their luggage, and boarded the train. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief once they were on the train. The environment was a lot calmer on the train, with no parents yelling to their kids, no crying younger siblings. It was just a lot of kids relieved to be on their way back to Hogwarts.

Haru and Taehyung walked through the train, peeking into cabs to try and find their friends. With their luck, they'd get the very last cab on the train.

"Who did you sit with last year?" Haru asked, not knowing much about who Taehyung was friends with before her.

"Jimin and two other Hufflepuffs that just read the whole time," Taehyung said, his chest almost flush against her back. "Jungkook was there at first, but he left halfway there, I think to sit with you guys."

"Sounds about right," Haru said, referring to Jungkook. "We're going to have a crowded compartment this year."

Just after Haru said that they found the compartment where their friends were. Eight people in one compartment didn't sound that appealing, but when Haru considered who she was going to be with, it made it all better. Before Haru could open the door, Jungkook opened it and headed further down the train. Haru told Taehyung to go into the cab so she could follow Jungkook.

She caught up with him and tugged on his cloak. Jungkook spun around and looked relieved to see Haru.

"Hey," he smiled at her.

"Hi," she said. "We've gotta talk when we get to Hogwarts. One-on-one."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "What for?"

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