Chapter the Seventeenth;;

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Haru took a look at herself standing in the mirror; if she was being honest with herself, she looked deranged. Her hair was wild, she had bags under her eyes, and her eyes themselves were blown wide. She hadn't slept well.

Last night had been rough for her. It was a full moon. On the bright side, it meant that she only had to wait for a lightning storm in order to turn in to an animagus, but the reality was that Taehyung had to spend another transformation alone. Jimin had reassured her that he wouldn't end up in the infirmary this time since he had taken a Wolfsbane potion, but that didn't make Haru feel any better.

From her vantage point in Ravenclaw tower, she watched the woods with sad eyes. Many of her roommates looked at her like she was a crazy, lovestruck idiot, staring out of the window like that. The lovestruck part wasn't that far of a stretch, and maybe crazy wasn't either, but if they only knew, they would change their judgmental gazes.

Haru had watched trees rustle before a flock of birds took flight, flying away from harm. She had a feeling that the "harm" was Taehyung. She imagined him loving the transformation at first since he still had his human mind, but slowly coming to hate it. All of the animals that he loved so much were afraid of him. In his werewolf form, no one, not even the brightest animals, could recognize him. Whether her visions were true or not, she was positive that Taehyung hated being a werewolf.

All of this led her to a restless night with little to no sleep, thus her unruly appearance. She waved her wand and her hair fell into place, she tried to put some concealer on her under eyes but it didn't help as much as it needed to, and she tried to calm down. She took a deep breath, placing her wand over her heard, and she closed her eyes.

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus."

That was the last time she would ever have to recite that incantation, apart from the moment she would actually turn into an animagus, and the thought prompted a surge of happiness to flow through her. The end was in sight. She could help Taehyung, and plus, who knows what kind of bonuses becoming an animagus would come with.

After she got dressed, she hurried to the great hall where she picked up some toast and a bagel before hurrying again to the Room of Requirement. As she turned the corner out of the great hall, she had to stutter step in order to avoid running someone over.

"Sorry-- oh hey," she smiled up at the man. Literally running into Taehyung was starting to become a habit of hers. She didn't mind it exactly, but when he looked like that, she really hated it.

If Haru had looked deranged when she first woke up, there weren't words to describe how Taehyung looked. His hair was visibly dirty, matted down to his head. He had scrapes all over his face, his eyes were sunken in, and he had ten times the bags that Haru did. His clothes were in disarray when they were usually impeccable, and it looked like it was too much effort to even stand up straight. Haru's heart clenched.

"Hi," he said gruffly, avoiding eye contact with Haru. As much as it broke her heart, she knew why. He had spent a whole night terrorizing creatures that he loved, and he was scared he would do the same thing to Haru now, even though he was back in his human form. As much as Haru wanted to scream I'm not scared of you! into his face, she knew it wouldn't go over well. She wanted to break the news that she's known all along when there was nothing Taehyung could do to fix what she had done.

Haru reached for Taehyung's hand, but he instinctively flinched away from her. Hiding her hurt expression, Haru brought her hands behind her back. "You look rough. Just... take it easy today, okay? I'll help you catch up on whatever you don't pay attention to in class today. Deal?"

Taehyung avoided her eyes, "I guess so, yeah."

She nodded, taking a side step to get around the man. As they were walking off in different directions, Haru called to him. "You know, if there's ever something that's troubling you, you can talk to me. I'm quite an understanding person, and I like you a lot. You don't have to hide things from me."

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