Chapter the Seventh;;

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Haru walked down to the lake with Jungkook by her side. All of her other friends had already made their way to the party, but Haru wanted to freshen up and she forced Jungkook to do the same. He wouldn't have if she didn't force him.

Before the lake was actually in sight, there were two Hufflepuff seventh years standing by the path to the body of water. They were there to make sure first, second, and third years weren't trying to come to the party. The professors were really slack on the party, but they would draw the line at people so young drinking butterbeer.

The two looked at Haru and Jungkook, giving them a nod and letting them through. 

"Good game today, Haru," one of them said. Haru didn't even recognize the guy, but she said a thank you.

"You too, Jungkook," the other Hufflepuff, a girl, said in a flirty tone. He mumbled a less-than-clear thank you back to her.

"You're so bashful," Haru teased Jungkook, nudging his shoulder. "With your face, you could get anyone in this school, but you can't talk to people. That's a shame."

"I can talk to you and the rest of the guys," Jungkook replied, trying to make himself feel better.

"Only because we force you to."

Before Jungkook could say anything back, a loud voice called out Haru's name.

"Kang Haru!" The girl snapped her head in the direction of the voice only to see an extremely guilty looking Hufflepuff fifth year. "I'm so sorry I hit you with a bludger. I wasn't aiming for you, I swear, and if I was, I wouldn't have hit it that hard. I just hit it out of self defense and--"

"Hoseok, it's fine," Haru laughed at him, clasping his hands in her small ones and forcing them back to his sides.

Haru say his eyes gloss over in the moonlight before he smothered her in a hug. She could smell fain firewhiskey on him. When he started to cry into her shoulder, she hugged him back tightly. She looked up and saw Taehyung and Yoongi standing by each other, both equally taken aback by Hoseok's mood.

"How many shots has he had?" She asked both of them. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, so she looked at Taehyung for an answer.

"I think four?" He replied, scratching the back of his head. "I didn't expect him to act like this. Doesn't firewhiskey make you courageous?"

Haru patted the back of Hoseok's head with a sigh, "For most people, yes. For Hoseok, no. It just makes him a mushy, emotional mess. Don't know why, though."

"I'm such a handful, I'm so sorry," he started to cry harder.

As much as Haru loved Hoseok, she really didn't want to look after him all night. She desperately looked around the party until she spotted a head of dirty blonde hair.

"Namjoon!" She called. "Can you please take care of Hoseok?"

Namjoon, for some reason, had a knack of taking care of emotional drunks. Either he was really good at talking them through their issues, or he knew some spell to make them calm down. Both options were a possibility.

Once Namjoon had peeled a messy Hoseok off of Haru, the girl walked to a table where an abundance of alcohol bottles sat. Rich purebloods always knew how to weasel their parents into getting the drinks for these things. She didn't want something as strong as firewhiskey, but she also didn't want something as soft as butterbeer. She opted for some wine.

As she poured herself a glass that would last her all night, her eyes traveled to dock that extended some length into the lake. The moonlight reflected off a head of silver hair, and she decided to go talk to the boy.

"Enjoy your alone time, I see," she said, dangling her feet off of the wooden dock just as Jimin was.

He gave her a soft smile, "Yeah. As much as an extrovert as I am, I love my alone time probably more than the next guy."

"When you're alone, your mind tends to wander. Anything particular on your mind?" Haru asked.

"Just... my house. And the stigma that it holds. Apparently I'm supposed to be evil because I'm Slytherin just because of You-know-who," he gushed, taking a big gulp of rum. So that's why it didn't take much to convince him.

"You can say his name, Jimin. Being scared of saying his name just adds more fear to the person himself. Just say it," Haru nudged him, taking a long drink of her wine.

"Voldemort," he whispered before he spat into the lake.

"Baby steps," Haru nodded. "Just so you know, being Slytherin doesn't make you evil, whether it be now or in the future. It just means you're ambitious and there's nothing wrong with that. It's because of Voldemort and his followers that Slytherins get a bad name. You have to work twice as hard to get people to like you."

"I just don't understand why I was put into Slytherin. I'm not sure if you remember, but I vividly remember the silence that fell on the Great Hall when the sorting hat put me in Slytherin. All the friends I had made on the Hogwarts Express immediately hated me for no reason. I'm also muggleborn, which made my own house hate me, too. God, I just wish I was Hufflepuff. Most of my friends are in there anyway. Jongin, Taemin, Hoseok, Taehyung. It's just not fair," he huffed, finishing his drink off in one big gulp as he visibly shivered.

"Here's how I see it," Haru said after a drink. "Everyone has a little bit of each house in them, right? Everyone's ambitious, everyone has wit, everyone can be courageous, and everyone has loyalties. You're just more ambitious than the other three, thus placing you in Slytherin.  And I do remember you getting sorted into Slytherin, and it took the sorting had a long time to figure out where to put you, which meant you were probably a hat stall. It just went on a whim and placed you in Slytherin," Haru explained.

Jimin smiled big enough for it to reach his eyes before he turned to face Haru, "Now I see why Taehyung likes you so much."

Both of their eyes widened at his statement.

"He what?"

"I didn't say that. I did not just say that. You didn't hear me. I didn't say anything. Oh god, if he finds out that I confessed for him he'll hate me for the rest of eternity," Jimin rambled.

For some reason, Haru felt nervous about the prospect of Taehyung liking her. There was just something about him that was incredibly intriguing to her. The first time they met he opened up and told her about his grandma and how much she meant to him. Haru didn't think there could ever be a person that was so genuine and pure.

Perhaps the one feature of Taehyung that was so attractive was his knowledge magical creatures. Magical creatures wasn't a subject that many people excelled in. The course picked you, not the other way around. Taehyung was one of the chosen.

Instead of making fun of Haru for not being good in a subject, he helped her. Instead of making a big deal out of a Ravenclaw struggling in a class, he's doing everything in his power to make sure she succeeds. Haru had never felt this way about a boy, and she had a lot of boys around her on a daily basis.

"Well, you can drop hints to Taehyung that I like him too."

Jimin's face washed over with signs of relief. He slumped back and laid on the deck, covering his face with his hands, "Thank god. I thought I was about to ruin your relationship with him."

"Haru!" Seokjin's voice called. "Come over here! We're about to do shots in honor of you and you better not miss it!"

Haru looked at Jimin and he nodded, telling her that it's alright for her to leave him. She stood up, picking up her half empty giant glass of wine that definitely wasn't going to last her all night, and dusting off her butt. Before she walked away, she said one last thing to the Slytherin.

"You should probably also tell Taehyung that this conversation was completely platonic. And also, I'm friends with a Hufflepuff girl. Her name's Franny. I think you'd get along."


hi i'm not dead i just had writer's block and also the future has me stressed tf out so pls forgive me <3

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