Chapter the Twenty-First;;

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An unhappy Min squeaked in her cage, fluttering her wings around. Haru pressed a hand against her ear to try and block out the noise, but to no avail. Her owl wanted out, and she wanted out now. 

"Let her out," Taehyung mumbled from beside her, making Haru jump. To be honest, Haru forgot that she had fallen asleep with Taehyung in bed with her. She had a bed made out on the ground for him and everything, but they both knew that Taehyung wasn't going to be forced to use it.

"No, you," Haru mumbled back.

"She's your owl."

"You're closer."

"I'm the guest."

"You're the animal whisperer."

Taehyung dramatically flung the bed sheets off of his body, grumbling something about Haru being mean, and he made his way to Min. He opened the window before opening her cage and letting her fly freely.

"You're the best," Haru smiled, stretching out in her bed, leaving no room for Taehyung.

The boy stuck his tongue out at her before reaching for his jacket, "I should probably head home. Mom probably wants to see me as much as possible before we leave for school again."

Haru agreed before she got out of bed and started hunting through her closet. Taehyung watched with curiosity as she tediously picked out articles of clothing. 

"What are you doing?" He asked her finally.

Haru turned around with shorts and a blouse in hand, "Getting ready."


"Because I'm coming with you?"

Taehyung opened his mouth to speak, but the words weren't coming. Instead, he just looked like a gaping fish. "I-- you. I mean, okay. But... you're what now?"

Haru snorted, "I'm. Coming. With. You." She spoke each word slowly, taking steps toward Taehyung until she was right under his nose. She reached up and smoothed out the lines on his forehead. "C'mon, Tae. It's hardly fair that you've met my parents twice and I've never even seen you outside of school or other places that I frequent."

He still didn't look convinced.

"It's just... My house is weird. It's not like your place at all. Your house is so normal and welcoming and mine... Well, mine's about as opposite as you can get," Taehyung tried. 

"I don't care," Haru said, wrapping her arms around his middle and brushing her lips across the tip of his nose. "It's your house, with your family. It's a part of you, and I want to experience it."

Taehyung tilted his head bad and groaned, "Why do you have to be so convincing?"

Haru just giggled and stepped into her bathroom to change. "It's a blessing and a curse."

"While you're in there," Taehyung called, "brush your teeth. You have the worst morning breath I've ever experienced."

Haru's reply was a shampoo bottle being hurled through the door.


"My house is a mess. My mom always says it's a mess, but before I left it really was a mess. Oh, they're going to hate the fact that I'm bringing you. You're going to hate it," Taehyung rambled through the Ministry of Magic. They were headed toward the underground Floo Network. 

"For the last time, I really don't care! I don't trust houses that don't look like they're lived in, anyway," Haru insisted. She grabbed Taehyung's hand and tugged on it a couple of times in hopes to get an emotion out of him that wasn't uneasiness. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at the cute faces she was making.

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