Chapter the Thirty-seventh;;

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Adelaide awkwardly smiled at the two Ravenclaws and gave a small wave.

"Get the fuck out," Namjoon snarled, and Adelaide physically flinched and took a step back behind Snape. However, Snape stepped aside and left Adelaide standing in the doorway while Namjoon stood protectively in front of Haru. "Give me one good reason why you shouldn't be banned from school grounds."

"Namjoon, please just hear me out," Adelaide pleaded in a small voice.

Namjoon bitterly laughed, "Hear you out? Why? Do you want to take a stab at Haru now that your sister is locked away?"

"Locked away?" Haru croaked. She looked into Adelaide's eyes and maintained eye contact. She seemed to genuinely just want to talk to Haru, as the Ravenclaw saw only sincerity in her eyes. "Namjoon, just let her talk."

"Everything okay in here?" Taehyung asked, popping his head in another door from across the room. The rest of the guys popped their heads out from behind Taehyung and saw the situation.

"Yes," Haru glared at the back of Namjoon's head. "Adelaide just wants to talk to me and Namjoon is making a scene. You guys should probably leave--"

"Actually," Adelaide interrupted, "they can stay. You probably want people here with you after everything you went through, and you can't possibly trust me. Besides, I want them to hear what I have to say from the source. Rumors are gonna be spread sooner or later."

Haru gave her a nod, and the seven boys pulled up chairs or sat in vacant hospital beds. Adelaide wrung her hands together nervously, and if Haru looked close enough, she could see that the girl's hands were shaking. Whatever she was about to say was really eating away at her. Haru felt proud of her for having the guts to come forward for Merlin-knows-what.

"I don't even know where to start," Adelaide sighed, running her hand through her messy hair.

"Maybe start with why your sister is a fucking psychotic bitch? Did she fall off her broomstick when she was a toddler or something?" Yoongi offered, earning a glare from Haru.

Adelaide took a deep breath, "Okay. I guess I should just flat out say that Marvella and I know a lot more about you, Haru, than we let on."

"Did you stalk me or something?" Haru asked, taken aback by that statement.

Adelaide shook her head, starting to pace back and forth at the foot of Haru's bed. Namjoon and Taehyung were on either side of Haru, occupying her hands. While Adelaide's confession was giving her anxiety, she had her two biggest sources of comfort right beside her, making her feel better.

"You could say that interest in your family, runs in our family," Adelaide said. "You've already met my father, Haru, and you didn't even know."

"Y-your father? I don't understand," Haru said. "You're the first Delacroix that I've ever met."

"That's because Marvella and I took our mother's last name. Our father's last name was too dangerous. That's why Marvella had to go to Beauxbaton Acadamy and lived with my mother while I lived with my grandparents here in England," Adelaide explained, her voice going quiet and she started to look more nervous.

"What was your father's name?" Haru asked, but with her tone, it sounded closer to a command more than anything.

Adelaide took a deep breath. "Rainer Vexx."

Namjoon and Taehyung's breath hitched as their grips on Haru's hands tightened.

"Holy fuck," Haru breathed before bursting into tears. The guys except for Namjoon and Taehyung were confused as to why that name had such a huge impact on Haru. When the girl looked into Adelaide's eyes, it all made sense. She saw Rainer in Adelaide's eyes. She could only see the man that killed her best friend instead of a girl crying and apologizing in front of her.

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