Chapter the Ninth;;

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Haru was an incredible Quidditch player, that was for sure. She was able to play for hours on end with unfaltering concentration. She could analyze every detail of the game and break it down to the basics. Her mind was her strength.

Physical endurance, however, was not her forte.

Hagrid handed her last progress report before Christmas break. Her previous A mark in Magical Creatures was raised to an E. By the end of the year, she would be able to raise it all the way up to an O, which was the highest mark. After she saw the grade, she dashed back to the castle to tell Taehyung.

Less than halfway there, she was huffing and puffing and ready to lay down and take a nap. She didn't, though. She was determined to show off her grade to Taehyung, who was the only reason why her grade raised.

The further she got to the center of the school, the more congested the hallways got. She tried to squeeze through people, and she even threw some elbows at the younger kids. It was times like this when Haru wished there were different ways around the school.

By the time she got to the Great Hall, she only saw four of her friends: Hoseok, Seokjin, Yoongi, and Namjoon. She let out a groan, bending over and placing her hands on her thighs as she tried to catch her breath. Yoongi so kindly told her to stand up straight and put her hands over her head or else she could pass out.

"Did you sprint here or something?" Seokjin jokingly asked, but his laughter subsided when Haru nodded her head. "Why?"

Haru silently lifted up her report and Namjoon gasped like a proud father. He admired the big fat E on the paper.

"Did you really raise your grade a whole letter in that short period of time?" He asked with an impressed tone. Haru nodded her head. "I'm assuming you didn't dash here to just show us, though."

Haru shook her head, "Taehyung. Need to show him."

Hoseok and Seokjin gave each other a look. "He just left for Hagrid's hut."

"What? How did I miss him?" Haru huffed, waving her arms frantically. Namjoon ducked out of the way to avoid her arms. "I'll head back there, then. I'm not running this time, though, I have learned my lesson."

"Before you go," Yoongi interjected, latching onto Haru's wrist. He lifted up a teacup, "Can you drink this so I can read your tea leaves?"

When Yoongi first started at Hogwarts, everyone thought he would excel in potions or Defense Against the Dark Arts. He seemed like the cold, stony type that would love those subjects. However, when he reached third year, no one expected him to take such a strong liking to Divination. Most people thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo about foreseeing the future, but Yoongi took it seriously. In fact, Haru had heard Trelawney say that Yoongi, a Non-Seer, was more accurate in his predictions that a lot of Seers were.

Haru drank the tea, grimacing at the bitter taste. Yoongi quickly took the cup back and inspected the tea leaves that were stuck at the bottom of the cup. To Haru, and Namjoon who looked over Yoongi's shoulder, it looked like black goop.

"Interesting," Yoongi mumbled. "You've got an acorn, a cross, and a sun. Those things don't usually go together."

"Well what do they mean?" Haru asked. She was really curious after seeing his confused face.

"First, the acorn usually means windfall, success, unexpected gold. You'll surprisingly succeed at something in the future. But then the cross means trials and suffering in the near future. One can assume that the unexpected windfall will only be achieved through tough times, but then there's the sun. The sun means happiness. So you'll struggle and suffer, come out on top, and be happy the whole time."

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